
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The one dude that posts and I have never seen a positive said about the Lakers is doobedoo or whatever? He's the Spurs fan. All his posts are just blind hate for our team :lol:

I respect his fan hood to his team though.
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I don't even get why people still hate on the Lakers so much. Most of your guys' cocky douchebag bandwagon fans (why many people disliked the Lakers) switched over to the Clippers a long time ago :x :lol:
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[quote name="CP"]
Naw man. Shoes, Shuges, Franchise, Onetrust, those names mentioned KNOW the game of basketball.

They can have discussions about ball and contribute to NBA threads. Anti Laker is fine, everyone hates the Lakers, but they can still talk the sport.[/quote]So what do you suggest? Oh, that's right, as usual: nothing.

"Oh, I don't have a suggestion on how to make it right; I'm just positive the way you guys are doing it is wrong."

Make it a rule that you have to know basketball to be able to discuss basketball, or baseball to discuss baseball, etc.? Shhhiiiii... do you know how quiet this board would be? :lol:

I have a suggestion: [quote name="Th3RealF0lkBlu3s"]You guys are taking it too seriously :lol:

Just deal, really. Take a step back from your egos and laugh along with everyone. It's not as terrible as it seems.[/quote]
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It actually is as terrible as it seems.
It's fine when it's the regulars, but you can def see the different in the quality of the thread once certain people appear.

But I'm trying to stay away from the thread so I don't let it get to me anymorez

It's a shame that I have to stay away as much as I can for it not to be a big deal...but it's come down to that.

*kanye shrug*

Not mad at you Ska. You're doing your job, and you're doing it well (srs). I just personally feel lile if it was one of us doing the exact same thing in there, constantly taunting other fans for no reason... Bringing them up even when no one was talking about them,
constantly ragging on people...We'd be called out on it by one mod or another...IMO.

But again,
I'm not *****ing at u. Ur cool with me.
Just expressing my thoughts on the topic. :smile:
I don't know what has to be done, I "think" I know how or why it's happened tho.

Notice we have ZERO gameday threads anymore? If I remember right (I do) all the bickering back and forth used to take place in the gameday threads, but the NBA thread would be clean and clear (usually) and stuff would get discussed quite well. Then 2 days later, a new game is played, the crappy messy gameday thread from before falls off, new one begins, whole new set of stupidity takes over.

Why gameday threads dropped off, I don't know. If I had to guess, YUKU killed the flow and people bailed out of it. For some reason, they thought the NBA thread would be the place to go and waste everyone's time.

How do we fix that, I don't know. Define troll I guess. But i would think if a member draws so much negative attention that multiple people have to put him on ignore, I'd say that's a fairly good start. And if it's multiple people from all different fanbases, that have been on the site for years and years all put someone on ignore, I mean, damn. :lol:

It ain't about offering solutions, you know I have worked behind the scenes and asked questions, given examples, etc. The word I keep getting thrown at me is use ignore. So I did. Then I watch while people quote and fuss post after post. Do I then have to ignore each and every one of those users? Cuz regardless, the things that get said will still find my eyes. And the spinoff 2-3-4 pages of mindless bickering still goes on. But hey, I did what I was told, I hit ignore. *shrugs*

Got nothin to do with ego. I'm as big a clown as anybody you'll find, I make fun of my own damn self more than anybody else could make fun of me. So the ego line don't make any sense at all. Having every single thread that pops up NBA related get infected by the SAME FACES over and over and over thread after thread is pretty damn counter productive. If they actually had knowledge and shed light on topics, or contributed in ways that furthered discussions, great, anyone ever see that happen? :nerd:

Like P mentioned, Fr3sh rollin over in his grave.

shoes rollin over in his grave.

Coach Hubie rollin over in his grave.

it's not worse now than it was then. We're doing worse as a team now then we were back then, so everyone is coming out the woodworks.

Hit the nail on the head with that one.....I never really posted much, But I've always enjoy a good sports debate and I've always been a Laker fan so I lurk NT pretty much every day speaking my mind from time to time. A lot of knowledgeable sports fans here which is what makes the S&T forum great. But People ALWAYS talked about the Lakers and RARELY gave them credit when we won. Hell, I remember the 2006 1st round series with the Lakers going up 3-1 on the was mayhem in here. SO MUCH crap was talked and when they ended up losing Zodogg(i think his name was Nbadotcom or something) went at Laker fans relentlessly

Point is, in time the Lakers will be back on top. Whether it be this season or in a few years we have the luxury of having one of the greatest organizations and the history to back it. So not saying brush it off...but keep a record of it lol. Remember, and let them have it when we are on top. Just had to put that out there, carry on lol

Sidenote: Truly looking forward to CP's post to Doo when the Spurs fail to win a Chip again this year...I'm sure it will be epic.
Enough of this, we need to get this tonight.

I mildly suggested to Pau via twitter that he should be a team player and keep Rubio at the bar til 8 AM this morning. Let's see how good Pau is at his job.

Sidenote: Truly looking forward to CP's post to Doo when the Spurs fail to win a Chip again this year...I'm sure it will be epic.

Naw. I did it the last 5 years, it's probably my fault he is the way he is. I was the one years ago that pointed out in front of everybody that he doesn't know anything about the game itself, and ever since he's made it a point to try and prove he knows something. He fails everytime. :lol:

I don't need to post it this year. After they lose, he'll hibernate for a few months, and reappear just before the start of next season like nothing ever happened. He does it every single year.

All I'm doin this year is droppin a single post like this. (it'll be enough)*


* Now on twitter, where there are no mods, oh, I'll be talkin. Oh, I'll say some things on Twitter. Oh yes, I will type on that day. Yes, yes I shall. And nobody can say nothin to me when it happens. :lol:
Damn bruh, you got 44 posts in 6 years? You and I joined around the same time or so cuz you remember 06 the way I do. I was a lurker back then and didn't get signed on til Feb of 07. One of my very first posts was takin down Zo. :lol:

44 posts, man, you one patient dude. I get 44 posts in before breakfast. I didn't eeem own a computer til a few months ago. :rofl:
Just got back from court for a speeding ticket, then running errands.

so many annoying people in court, I tell you. From loud mouths, to impatient people, to dudes arguing with the judge for no damn reason, 2 dudes smelling like they haven't taken a shower this year yet. :lol:

then had to pick up a few things from the store, fighting through all kinds of people who didn't know what they wanted, and other people who knew exactly what they wanted and they were racing through the store 100 miles an hour. get up to the register, and of course, we have a price discrepancy with someone in front of me.

All KINDS of annoying people, and you know how many of them were breaking the law? None that I saw. I had no hope of any of these screwballs being asked to leave or sent off to jail. I could demand these dorks be removed from my presence, but we know that wouldn't happen. Nothing I could do but go about my day, relax, realize this planet wasn't customized for my preferences, and it's not as terrible as it seems.

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Lol nah I had an older SN back on the original Niketalk (bignic886) that had about 1000 post. I forgot the password and just created another SN. But yea, very few people seem to be able to engage in a mature debate about basketball so i choose not to jump into the madness. But believe me i check this thread daily and will probably be posting more. First Laker game ever attended was seeing Kobe at the Pyramid/Cal State Long Beach for Summer League 1996, so we go way back :pimp:
It actually is as terrible as it seems.
It's fine when it's the regulars, but you can def see the different in the quality of the thread once certain people appear.

But I'm trying to stay away from the thread so I don't let it get to me anymorez

It's a shame that I have to stay away as much as I can for it not to be a big deal...but it's come down to that.

*kanye shrug*

Not mad at you Ska. You're doing your job, and you're doing it well (srs). I just personally feel lile if it was one of us doing the exact same thing in there, constantly taunting other fans for no reason... Bringing them up even when no one was talking about them,
constantly ragging on people...We'd be called out on it by one mod or another...IMO.

But again,
I'm not *****ing at u. Ur cool with me.
Just expressing my thoughts on the topic. :smile:

You're making it sound like only certain people should be able to say certain things, given some sort of expectations that you have for users. That's not right. It's elitist and extremely annoying.

Of course, if that's not what you're saying then I'm happy to take it back.
It actually is as terrible as it seems.
It's fine when it's the regulars, but you can def see the different in the quality of the thread once certain people appear.

But I'm trying to stay away from the thread so I don't let it get to me anymorez

It's a shame that I have to stay away as much as I can for it not to be a big deal...but it's come down to that.

*kanye shrug*

Not mad at you Ska. You're doing your job, and you're doing it well (srs). I just personally feel lile if it was one of us doing the exact same thing in there, constantly taunting other fans for no reason... Bringing them up even when no one was talking about them,
constantly ragging on people...We'd be called out on it by one mod or another...IMO.

But again,
I'm not *****ing at u. Ur cool with me.
Just expressing my thoughts on the topic. :smile:

You're making it sound like only certain people should be able to say certain things, given some sort of expectations that you have for users. That's not right. It's elitist and extremely annoying.

Of course, if that's not what you're saying then I'm happy to take it back.

Bro that's not what I meant at all :rofl:

I just meant its fine when it's regular NBA discussion is being occurred by regular people (99% of the board), but when those who aren't there to discuss but rather annoy show up then everything changes.

No elitist type thoughts running through my head at all bro. I welcome everyone even Into our team thread if they wanna talk ball.
Just got back from court for a speeding ticket, then running errands.

so many annoying people in court, I tell you. From loud mouths, to impatient people, to dudes arguing with the judge for no damn reason, 2 dudes smelling like they haven't taken a shower this year yet. :lol:

then had to pick up a few things from the store, fighting through all kinds of people who didn't know what they wanted, and other people who knew exactly what they wanted and they were racing through the store 100 miles an hour. get up to the register, and of course, we have a price discrepancy with someone in front of me.

All KINDS of annoying people, and you know how many of them were breaking the law? None that I saw. I had no hope of any of these screwballs being asked to leave our sent off to jail. Nothing I could do but go about my day, relax, realize this planet wasn't customized for my preferences, and it's not as terrible as it seems.


And then you had to come back and return to the bickering in here :lol:

What a lovely day you must be having!
[quote name="HybridSoldier23"]And then you had to come back and return to the bickering in here :lol:

What a lovely day you must be having![/quote]You know? :lol:
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