
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .

Too bad Lou Williams is done for the season. Otherwise...
Hate to say it. But this might be the downfall of our lakers.

I have no faith at all with Jim buss running the lakers.

I hate to this see this happen, but I wouldn't be surprised at all. It's kind of like the Yankee's when George Steinberner died. He was the central nervous system of winning and everything that happened around the franchise. Once the son came in, the "vibe" of winning left the room. I feel like the same thing will happen with the Lakers. We all know that greatest within organizations run through great ownership. With Dr. Buss passing, this seriously puts a lot of worry for Lakernation.

I wouldn't say the Lakers will be the new Clippers before 2012, but it wont be the same anymore. Anyone who follows sports knows I'm right.

man rip Dr Buss. Jim buss will destroy lakers franchise

Hard to say how he'll run this organization. He's already shown that he doesn't "pull the trigger" as quickly as his dad did. I think if he can surround himself with excellent basketball minds--the Lakers will be fine.

Maybe we turn it around and win it all??? Just a hope

This should definitely motivate a team. Art Model died earlier in the season and the Ravens ended up winning the SuperBowl.

Just giving you guys some hope :lol:
Have John and Jeanie take over with Phil Jackson running most of the stuff.

from this article it doesnt say anything but seems like Dwight aint staying....
I'm telling you, trade his *** for Lopez. Kobe thought Dwight was the future of our franchise during the pre-season, I remember it. He shouldn't be all wishy-washy now, Dwight either knows he's staying or leaving, and should stop wasting our time and make it easier for us.
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ESPN LA will have Kobe Bryant on in 7 minutes (1:30p PT).

Listening to ESPN LA now online and man I miss being in southern Cali, especially today :frown:
I'm telling you, trade his *** for Lopez. Kobe thought Dwight was the future of our franchise during the pre-season, I remember it. He shouldn't be all wishy-washy now, Dwight either knows he's staying or leaving, and should stop wasting our time and make it easier for us.
I don't know about trading for Lopez in particular but I completely agree he needs to go. Sucks that the deadline is a few days away and there arent any great trades available. I would stand pat and see what happens. Maybe sign and trade for better players?
If Stern doesn't try to make an example of us after the lockout, Jim Buss adds CP3 and Dwight to Kobe. Ya'll shut the hell up about what Jim can or won't do.
ESPN LA will have Kobe Bryant on in 7 minutes (1:30p PT).

Listening to ESPN LA now online and man I miss being in southern Cali, especially today :frown:
me too man 
 I still remember when I was in LA and ESPN LA was going HAM over the Chris Paul trade 
Shout outs to Bill Simmons for using Jerry Buss' passing as an outlet to bash Jim.

He pissed me off for sure, but LOVED the part where he spoke about revenue sharing and mentioned part time owners running multiple companies getting rich, then got their hands out for Laker money. :wow: ETHER in the purest form. :smokin
Lmao at Kobe. " I don't really like passing...but gotta pass in order for us to win"

About Dwight not wanting to play the pick n roll.
Kobe on him and LeBron compared to Jordan. "People sometimes forget how great players were before, the streak Jordan had. The astronomical things he did." 
How many wins do you think it will take to get into the playoffs? "I'm not sure, it's a game by game thing, continue to play the way we have been, we'll be okay." 

On one of his Twitter followers saying someone was gay, and Kobe said something about it on Twitter. "It's the right thing to do, I have no problem addressing the issue, and putting someone in their place when they're out of line."

What're you gonna remember about Dr. Buss? "Last conversation we had, encouraging him to come to the opening game, to the court, let people give him the love he deserves, get the standing ovation, everything he deserves."
Dam :frown: R.I.P. to the great DR. Buss

If this cant get these lazy &^%$# motivated then nothing will, if they dont at least make the playoffs they ALL deserve whatever criticism they get.
[quote name="badboyf0life420"]Lmao at Kobe. " I don't really like passing...but gotta pass in order for us to win"

About Dwight not wanting to play the pick n roll.[/quote]Called it! Exactly what I thought he was doing.

Don't know if I want to be glad about that and hope that Kobe continues to play like that, not just this season but on into the next... or be upset about the point he's proving to Dwight, meaning that he'll return in due time, whether D12 stays or not.

best case scenario: Kobe Johnson stays, Dwight stays

2nd best: Kobe Johnson stays, Dwight bails

3rd best: Kobe Johnson retires/Mamba returns, Dwight stays

4th best: Kobe Johnson & Dwight both bail

Part of me hopes that D12 will see all the history of LAL with this latest unfortunate Buss passing and realize where he is. And then another part of me realizes that his Twitter pic is him in the foreground of retired Mikan, KAJ, & Shaq jerseys... and he still don't get it. :\
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[quote name="badboyf0life420"]Lmao at Kobe. " I don't really like passing...but gotta pass in order for us to win"

About Dwight not wanting to play the pick n roll.
Called it! Exactly what I thought he was doing.

Don't know if I want to be glad about that and hope that Kobe continues to play like that, not just this season but on into the next... or be upset about the point he's proving to Dwight, meaning that he'll return in due time, whether D12 stays or not.

best case scenario: Kobe Johnson stays, Dwight stays

2nd best: Kobe Johnson stays, Dwight bails

3rd best: Kobe Johnson retires, Dwight stays

4th best: Kobe Johnson & Dwight both bail

Part of me hopes that D12 will see all the history of LAL with this latest unfortunate Buss passing and realize where he is. And then another part of me realizes that is Twitter pic is him in the foreground of retired Mikan, KAJ, & Shaq jerseys... and he still don't get it. :\[/quote]

I think he does get it..

What I think you're seeing is a guy who still doesn't know how to be hated.. He's spent almost 8 years of his career where not one person (other than Shaq) said 1 bad thing about him as a basketball player, and definitely not as a person...

Then last year happens.. A good amount of it is Dwight's fault... But let's not act like the media didn't run with everything true or not... Especially ESPN... You could see it wore on dude.

He gets traded here, and for three months you couldn't even slap that smile off his face. He was ecstatic to be here..

Then we stall. And back everyone is to hating him.. Dude looks mentally out of it... But what else would you expect.... All of us would be in that same spot. I don't think he hates LA, I don't think he hates the Lakers, I don't even think he hates Kobe... I think he just doesn't know how to react when he isn't the guy everyone loves. That's why you see him the way he is today... He's so afraid to say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, play the wrong way because he will almost undoubtedly get slaughtered for it..

He has to find a way to work around it...
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