
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Yeah, I'm not real thrilled with D'Antoni's patterns either, but in fairness, he's been here 2 months and not a single day had the entire roster at his disposal.

Boy, I heard this before :smh:

I know. I'm tryin to be fair. I was fair with Brown for a bit while I studied. Once I figured out he was a loser and had no damn clue, I was done, flipped the switch and went into attack mode.

I'm still studying MD. If I find I don't like him, and he sucks, then I will flip the switch again, and Laker fans will hate me again. Or more. Or as usual. Pick one of these. :lol:
Dwight in the 4th at the line was like LeBron in the 4th last year. 
:rofl: @ gasol

he does not deserve to start

I can not believe the front office is okay with back up PGs that regularly score 0 points. Did they forget that blake is one of those types of PGs as well? :smh:
I cant say i KNEW we were gonna lose, but i kinda expected it.....even playin on all cylinders its tuff to beat the Heat so i was surprised we hung with them.

Moral victories are worthless to me but i wasnt mad after after the game, only because i factored in the state of the team....we're in a freefall and had a shot to beat he champs..period.

A loss is a loss obviously but i saw some fight and effort in this team last night and if that continues they can sneak into the playoffs.
:rofl: @ gasol

he does not deserve to start

I can not believe the front office is okay with back up PGs that regularly score 0 points. Did they forget that blake is one of those types of PGs as well? :smh:

Well Blake's not coming back. He got over his surgery on his abdomen and now it looks like he needs to have hernia surgery. |I

With Blake out other people have to step up in the back court. Maybe Deltone is the answer...
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I cant say i KNEW we were gonna lose, but i kinda expected it.....even playin on all cylinders its tuff to beat the Heat so i was surprised we hung with them.

Moral victories are worthless to me but i wasnt mad after after the game, only because i factored in the state of the team....we're in a freefall and had a shot to beat he champs..period.

A loss is a loss obviously but i saw some fight and effort in this team last night and if that continues they can sneak into the playoffs.
We could have won, had that LeBron rollover travel, Ray Allen's 3 step travel, and Dwight Howard's free throws all happened.
I forgot about that Lebron karate roll, I was literally in shock, he made like he was jumping out of a burning building and they didn't call it
Of COURSE Kobe has had people that make the defense pay for focusing on JUST him. No, those players weren't named Ray Allen or Reggie Miller, but damn, they weren't exactly scrubs. They produced when they needed to, just like Paxson and Kerr did for MJ & Pip.

Hell yeah he has had people take the pressure off him while Shaq and Pau were locked up with the other bigs.

But you're neglecting what I also neglected to mention initially: Phil.

It's not just that he has only had to play like 2 or 3 seasons without Shaq/Pau; it's that he has only had to play 2 or 3 seasons without Shaq/Pau and Phil.

You give any hardworking top talent a guarantee that they will play with a top tier contrasting position player (a top guard will play w/ a big, a top big will play w/ a guard) AND the greatest coach ever for all but 2 of years of their career, they will be successful. Period.

If Anthony Davis were guaranteed to have a 17 year career where he were to play w/ Chris Paul and Phil Jackson, then have a couple years of neither, then have Phil come back and another top guard in the league joins the team... Unibrow retires w/ multiple championships. No way that doesn't happen.

But yes, he has absolutely had people take the pressure off him and make the defense pay for having guys like Bowen and Artest 'shadow' his every move. That's what role players do, and we've had a number of them do that for a few years then bail, just as Phil wanted them to do.

On the point of him doing what he's doing now at his age with his mileage and comparing that to Pierce (or any of his counterparts at this age, Jordan included), I already gave Kobe credit for this when I said his work ethic and conditioning and sacrifice of his own body is nothing less than admirable. THIS... he deserves all the credit in the world for. This has nothing to do with coaches or teammates or the Lakers; this is his personality, and it was not Iverson's. It was not TMac's (in his defense, though, his injuries were just nonstop for a few years, and back injuries are noooo joke :\ ). He has outworked his peers, and he's still doing so.\

I don't have the time to go through and find whoever else asked me something, but someone mentioned something about how ridiculous it is for me to 'fault' Kobe for having talented teammates when Magic had great teammates and MJ had great teammates.

I'm pretty sure no one is going to feel my first response (on Magic), and positive NO ONE is going to like my second response (on MJ).

Yes, Magic had teammates; he didn't even win Finals MVP every time we won a chip in the 80s. BUT HIS INFECTIOUS, OPEN PERSONALITY is what set him apart from other basketball players... IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. Sure, he was talented, but he was FRIENDLY. I don't need to go further w/ this, do I? I can just leave it asking the question "Is Kobe friendly and congenial?", right? Hope so. :lol: (what I expect: "Oh, so you want Kobe to be all friendly in order to like him?")

On MJ, sure, he had teammates, but he was the Finals MVP every single time, and there was NEVER a question who the baddest dude out there was. Is that true for Kobe? And in 2010, yeah, Kobe got his 2nd FMVP, but it ain't like he straight up CARRIED our sorry selves. Pau... did WORK that series. I honestly thought that maybe there was a slight possibility Pau would get FMVP. Of course you guys are going to drudge up numbers now that are going to make it seem ridiculous to even fathom such a thing, but I remember sitting there right after the series was over thinking "Maybe." (what I expect: "Oh, so you'll never like him because he didn't win those first 3 FMVPs?")

My responses to both of what I expect: he doesn't have to do a DAMN thing for me to like him, because I don't care whether I'm a huge fan of his or not, and he don't care, either. Magic don't care that I've got him as my GLOAT and Kobe's somewhere in my top 5. I'm not saying I need certain things to happen that haven't happened in order for me to like the dude the way y'all dude. I'm just answering y'all's questions of "What's the deal, ska?!"

Some of you regulars know I do this 2-3 times a year. :lol:

If we were to win another championship, obviously, that would sure help things. And if he were to stop shooting so g.d. much and stop gambling on defense all the time, that would help... but it's whatever. If we win another championship w/ him shooting 92 shots a game and gambling left and right, I'll take it. :smokin

Lakers above all :smokin

I'm speaking about creating offense. Not knocking down shots. Creating a good shot for themselves, or another. What Lakers have we had that could do that? Nash is the first guard/perimeter player I can think of. LO would be a big that could. Butler, for a year.

As for the coaching thing, Phil is great. My thoughts on him are well established in here, you know this.

Now help me. When did Doc Rivers, and coach Spo become great coaches? Because as I spoke on, Bron and Wade and Ray and Shane and Chalmers all have the perimter luxury that Kobe has never had. Coach Spo.
Rondo, Pierce, Ray Allen, with Posey and Tony Allen as the defenders, again, Kobe never had a perimter group like that. Coach Doc.

So Phil makes up for all that, and makes Kobe's job, on the court, easier?

As for Pau in 2010, I'm sorry, that's flat out delusional. That is plain ridiculous. Not because I care who won what, long as the team got the title, but look at the start of game 7. The media was talking BEFORE the game, win or lose, if Kobe could win Finals MVP, even in defeat. IE, he was the best player the first 6 games of the series, so much so, that he could have won the honor even losing the title. They wasn't sayin that about Pau man. What game were you watching that made you say Pau carried the series, the team, anything? What game IN BOSTON did he show up and do work in? I won't give you the stats because you know they won't be close, but I remember game 5 Kobe scoring like 20 straight points, ON THE ROAD, against the Boston freaking Celtics defense, without a miss mind you, not just chucking, he was in a zone's zone hitting every single shot for that X minute stretch, and being so worn down from keeping them in the game, he flat gave the ball to Pau and said please, do something. Pau didn't carry that series in the least. He was good, no question. We don't win the title without him, no question. But the Celtics gear up :wink:tha:wink:t series to stop him, or someone else?

What happened was Pau got that last key rebound, and the one putback and people remember that finish, and thought he was the best Laker in the series. I'm sorry, he wasn't. But no big deal, they won the title, all that matters. :smokin
:rofl: @ gasol

he does not deserve to start

I can not believe the front office is okay with back up PGs that regularly score 0 points. Did they forget that blake is one of those types of PGs as well? :smh:

I honestly believe you tell yourself what you want to hear, and then say it as if it is the truth.

Do you know what the Lakers have been doing since October? Shopping Blake & Duhon, and trying to figure out a way to get a backup PG.
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One exec privy to Atlanta's trade posture told me Ferry seems to be in "win now" mode, which suggests he'll try to add an All-Star-caliber talent alongside Smith rather than trade him.

The Hawks have been fielding calls, but have been reluctant to trade him because they believe Smith's presence in Atlanta could be a powerful lure for Dwight Howard this summer. But with Howard's situation up in the air, the time seems right for the Hawks and Smith to move on. Dallas, Houston, Boston, Milwaukee, Toronto and the Lakers are all potential suitors. The biggest question is: What is the price tag for a mercurial forward who is entering his prime and will be a free agent this summer?

If you have Dallas, Houston, Boston, Milwaukee, Toronto and The Lakers..

Only 1 team can provide something they need that is "win now"

Unless the Mavs get rid of Mayo
Lol at this guy pau gasoline man. "I've been a star starter m whole career, I want to continue on being a star starter"

Why does it even matter for him? He played all 12 minutes last night in the 4th quarter. That's all that should matter.

Makes me appreciate what odom was for the lakers. Never made a big deal about it.
Lol at this guy pau gasoline man. "I've been a star starter m whole career, I want to continue on being a star starter"

Why does it even matter for him? He played all 12 minutes last night in the 4th quarter. That's all that should matter.

Makes me appreciate what odom was for the lakers. Never made a big deal about it.

Pau can most def be a star starter... In another city. Lakers FO need to quit stalling and deal the guy. Get 2 or 3 pieces that fit and know there roles that's gonna help this team get some wins this yr
Pau can most def be a star starter... In another city. Lakers FO need to quit stalling and deal the guy. Get 2 or 3 pieces that fit and know there roles that's gonna help this team get some wins this yr

That deal doesn't exist..

If it did.. They would have done it..

Only way we get that deal is if a team panics.
Pau can most def be a star starter... In another city. Lakers FO need to quit stalling and deal the guy. Get 2 or 3 pieces that fit and know there roles that's gonna help this team get some wins this yr

That deal doesn't exist..

If it did.. They would have done it..

Only way we get that deal is if a team panics.
what makes me more sad is, it looks like Dallas has a better chance in the playoffs over lakers. watching today game against thunder. wow I dont think Lakers could have kept it that close. I havent been watching much of laker games lately but it seems like Westbrook and KD do 100X more P&R than Nash and kobe.
I honestly believe you tell yourself what you want to hear, and then say it as if it is the truth.

Do you know what the Lakers have been doing since October? Shopping Blake & Duhon, and trying to figure out a way to get a backup PG.

That is dumb. Shopping Blake and Duhon is futile. Why waste 4 months doing that? No other team is going to want those players. At best, they are fillers in a bigger trade.

Time and money would be better spent signing someone like Delonte or someone similar. A team and front office that took 4 months to figure out that Clark is a good player should not be given credit for shopping Duhon and Blake.
The Raptors game tomorrow is a toss up.
Regardless of record, everyone brings their best game against the purple and gold.

I really dont see us winning again till the 29th against the Hornets. And even that game will be close.
The Raptors game tomorrow is a toss up.
Regardless of record, everyone brings their best game against the purple and gold.

I really dont see us winning again till the 29th against the Hornets. And even that game will be close.
I agree, everyone wants to show up the Lakers as payback so they bring their best game against us.
Lakers are interested in Dante Cunningham

-Solid defender. Best defense is on P&R, and help defense.
-Offensively he's extremely limited. But can play in transition. And if he gets the ball close he almost always makes it, but can't shoot the 3. And is mediocre for midrange shots.
- Expends a lot of energy on the floor.
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Lakers are interested in Dante Cunningham

-Solid defender. Best defense is on P&R, and help defense.
-Offensively he's extremely limited. But can play in transition. And if he gets the ball close he almost always makes it, but can't shoot the 3. And is mediocre for midrange shots.
- Expends a lot of energy on the floor.

doubt they will take a PG but Duhon is a possibility cuz of his contract. I can see Ebanks getting traded for Cunningham
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