
Combine the Twins and the Giants and the Twiants will go places.

By the way. Big up's on those Danica Patrick pictures, Paul. Nice work.

Originally Posted by Dr 715

By the way. Big up's on those Danica Patrick pictures, Paul. Nice work.
Yeah, it's what I do.
There is more than enough room on the wagon right now after that one dude contemplated turning into a Faker fan

Anthony Randolph is Ridiculous
Summer League play always warrants a disclaimer, because the level of competition falls way short of what guys will confront in an NBA game, butthe Warriors' 20-year-old forward seemed almost too advanced for Summer League play. Normally jaded execs and crusty sportswriters alike had their jawsagape watching Randolph command the game when he was out on the floor. Randolph came into the league as a candy dish of disparate talents, but he'sgraduated from curiosity to crackerjack. He has a band of admirers who gush over his range of talents is familiar, and that group got a lot bigger in LasVegas, as his skill set was on full display. Randolph saw the court, ran the floor, passed the ball, blocked shots, got to the line, and drained mid-rangejumpers as well as anyone in Summer League. In his four games, he averaged a Summer League-high 26.8 points per game on 60.9 percent shooting from the floor.He also got to the line 39 times and blocked 12 shots. But it was about more than the stats for Randolph. There's a moment when a player's talentsunify into a single, coherent package. Judging from Randolph's performance, that moment has arrived.

Originally Posted by dont be a menace

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by dont be a menace

btw any BB employees wanna hook me up? been looking at desktops and may have found the one i want.
i always suggest that you build one up yourself.
i would if i knew how. i'm completely clueless about building but i have an idea of what i want.
but this is what i was looking at anyways.
we don't get discounts on desktops...cables and accessories on the other hand
anyone else having popups when they load some pages of NT? everytime i open a page in this thread there's a popup showing up in my blocker.

and i don't really need accessories if i get that. already got a 22" monitor and some cheap speakers.
yo Paul used ur avy tutorial thread to finally waste time and make one (thx btw).. but how come when its like 140k on my comp it turns out to be 250+ when Iupload? +!%%% annoying as hell
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