Death Vol. unavoidable, lets discuss Jump to page 4 to join Class

but where will these souls want to go once will kill off earth and make it inhabitable? There has to be better places and life in the universe than to be trying to experience this shythole :lol:

I’ve wondered that myself :lol:.

I just have a feeling that a higher power (if it truly exist) will intervene and not allow for that to happen. I’d like to think our souls could exist somewhere else and not let petty things get in the way of peaceful coexisting. People here are still stuck skin color :smh:
Like karma, death in the abrahamic world is a lesser understood concept. Outside of those religions, every other spiritual belief has an understanding of what many call reincarnation. Once you delve into faiths outside of those of abrahamic origin, you gain a different understanding of what is actually going on here, and then over there. However, those abrahamic faiths have done a very good job at keeping the world dumb, deaf and blind, to that higher sense of self. They keep you a slave spiritually, in fear of what they in those religions call death.

Christianity and their beliefs center around monotheism. Hinduism centers around polytheism, multiple Gods, Goddesses that are specific, including the God of death, and it offers more insight imo. Dont want to knock Christianity, but its simple to think we are just resurrected after judgment. Whereas hindu philosophy (not totally sure) believes you are reincarnated and live and die in multiple cycles, which means you are born multiple times, different races, genders, poor to rich, etc., until your soul reaches nirvana, that you have cleared or handled all your past lives karma and deeds. Really profound.
I really hope reincarnation happens. If it does does happen then we've all probably already died, maybe many times before. I also don't think it would have any connection to time. We can die in this century but then our next life could be in a time period 500 years ago or 500 years in the future. It's not time travel but more like a separate universe/timeline...word to Endgame :lol:

If you want to get religious and incorporate a heaven/hell, maybe a heaven would be getting reborn into a good situation and hell would be the opposite. But it's all a cycle so even if you have a good life, you could still end up doing something bad and securing your place in hell in your next life. And if you're born into a bad life, you still technically have the chance to overcome it and secure your spot in heaven next. But we know there are people who just get the short end of the stick and have zero chance from when they're born into horrible situations. Maybe those are the people who really screwed up in previous lives and are gonna be forced to live like that for every life.
I really hope reincarnation happens. If it does does happen then we've all probably already died, maybe many times before. I also don't think it would have any connection to time. We can die in this century but then our next life could be in a time period 500 years ago or 500 years in the future. It's not time travel but more like a separate universe/timeline...word to Endgame :lol:

If you want to get religious and incorporate a heaven/hell, maybe a heaven would be getting reborn into a good situation and hell would be the opposite. But it's all a cycle so even if you have a good life, you could still end up doing something bad and securing your place in hell in your next life. And if you're born into a bad life, you still technically have the chance to overcome it and secure your spot in heaven next. But we know there are people who just get the short end of the stick and have zero chance from when they're born into horrible situations. Maybe those are the people who really screwed up in previous lives and are gonna be forced to live like that for every life.

I see what you are saying but all that would be scrapped if humans practiced HUMANISM. Sometimes i think that all the energy people put into thoughts and prayers and religion if they actually focused all that energy into HUMANISM maybe those people wouldnt be born in HELL as you call it and we can thrive as a species

I’ve wondered that myself :lol:.

I just have a feeling that a higher power (if it truly exist) will intervene and not allow for that to happen. I’d like to think our souls could exist somewhere else and not let petty things get in the way of peaceful coexisting. People here are still stuck skin color :smh:

Right people think earth going to be here forever and dont even have a back up plan when this **** goes kaput :lol:
Who knows if our souls end up with new bodies on other planets? Mars, Jupiter, Venus :lol: etc.
Who knows if our souls end up with new bodies on other planets? Mars, Jupiter, Venus :lol: etc.

but as far as we can see those planets are inhabitable and we as humans have not found another planet like earth. Maybe when we eventually do the souls would rather go there :lol:

you know how funny or weird it would be to find another planet with humans :rofl:
When my sister passed away from Cancer in June, according to my ma, she said "put me down, I wanna go for a walk".

Kept repeating to put her down, as her right hand extended in the air. A second after my ma said no, sis was gone. Alert, semi conscious, deep breathing but God or time or what it is was coming and took her soul. I wish I was there.

Pouring rain like a monsoon outside. 2019 was the wettest year I've seen. The rain gave me clues, sadness and loss of my fam.

These are typical eol, end of life signs, as the nurses told us. Nurses were crying, mom was denying. Its typical.

As for life's journey, it may depend on your faith. Some Indians believe we become reincarnated, born again. My belief is our soul is saved in a place, heaven, purgatory or somewhere and when judgment day arrives our souls are put back into our old bodies, and then we resurrect into new bodies. Its like our soul are kept in a hdd.

Theres so many interpretations.

Man so sorry to hear about that brother. I lost my older sister 12 years ago due to a stroke. I never seen anyone in my life pass before my eyes until her. She was brain dead and in a vegetative state for a few months so in a way we were prepared that she would be leaving soon.

A long time ago I had a theory in my head that ours souls were meant to be on Earth in some way, due to God's choosing. Like all of these souls how did we just happen to be living on this Earth during this time period. Boggles my mind that we aren't experiencing life back in the 1000s, and that everything we have and technology just seems so ordinary and familiar to us. We must have experienced some kind of past life.

My grandmother passed away like this at 88 years old. She was super frail and passed away in her sleep, said she was very tired but holding on so that my mother could see her one last time. My mother missed her passing by a few hours as her plane was delayed.

A similar story happened with my own mom, she was flying back to visit my grandma who was in her last days. She didn't make it on time. Rest in peace to our grandmothers.

The last time I saw my grandma, she visited America back when I was in like high school. I remember the day she left, I was in that phase where I'd just go get high with my boy every weekend, I didn't get to say bye to her. I kept telling myself that I would visit VN but never gave myself the opportunity to. So I'll make it a point to go back this year.

There’s millions of souls trying to live life here and they’re eager to experience this place. This earth provides all sorts of lessons and experiences that don’t exist on higher dimensions.

Your soul wants to do everything and learn everything there is because the goal is perfection, it’s needed in order to exist in that place people call “heaven”. The soul will choose to come back many times but will take a break to process between each lifetime.

I haven’t heard anything on that subject. I’d like to know how all this started myself.

One thing I always think about is that I don't want to die before I achieve my dreams. My ultimate goal is to do things that seem impossible but know deep down I can reach for it someday.
Man so sorry to hear about that brother. I lost my older sister 12 years ago due to a stroke. I never seen anyone in my life pass before my eyes until her. She was brain dead and in a vegetative state for a few months so in a way we were prepared that she would be leaving soon.

A long time ago I had a theory in my head that ours souls were meant to be on Earth in some way, due to God's choosing. Like all of these souls how did we just happen to be living on this Earth during this time period. Boggles my mind that we aren't experiencing life back in the 1000s, and that everything we have and technology just seems so ordinary and familiar to us. We must have experienced some kind of past life.

A similar story happened with my own mom, she was flying back to visit my grandma who was in her last days. She didn't make it on time. Rest in peace to our grandmothers.

The last time I saw my grandma, she visited America back when I was in like high school. I remember the day she left, I was in that phase where I'd just go get high with my boy every weekend, I didn't get to say bye to her. I kept telling myself that I would visit VN but never gave myself the opportunity to. So I'll make it a point to go back this year.

One thing I always think about is that I don't want to die before I achieve my dreams. My ultimate goal is to do things that seem impossible but know deep down I can reach for it someday.
thanks man, my condolences to your sis and grandma.
All this talk about death got me thinking about Niketalk's own @Aquamanjay_ . R.i.p.

wonder how dude is. He passed away in March. We prolly might see him and our departed.
Yep, its all the signs. Hospice care.
My sister would ask like every 5 to 6 hours what the time was, and most of the time her eyes closed. You dont ever wanna see a living person actually die slowly. You can see the pain on their face, eyes are wide, wide open and closing. Body shutting down. I dont know how doctors and nurses able to handle that.

See this type of stuff way too often, I’ve grown numb to seeing people pass and I’m afraid to be asympathetic when a love one passes....I’m afraid to be that son that won’t cry for his mother or that husband that won’t cry for his wife...however at the same time, I’m atill fearful of the thought of my own passing, as strange as it is, the concept is hard to grasp still, at least my own.

About a year ago, this dominican blogger I used to follow, super pretty stylish girl at one point, was diagnosed with cancer, which thousands of followers saw her fight for over a year, eventually we all witnessed her to literally her last breath as she recorded a live hours before she passed, joint was painful to watch, she was at home, death was imminent and she got on live, said her goodbye, a couple of words of advice about living life to the fullest as she dozed in and out of consciousness probably because of the drugs, the very next morning the news broke she had passed shortly after that live...a wild thing to witness on social media, her name was Kryzada, shorty was FLY.
See this type of stuff way too often, I’ve grown numb to seeing people pass and I’m afraid to be asympathetic when a love one passes....I’m afraid to be that son that won’t cry for his mother or that husband that won’t cry for his wife...however at the same time, I’m atill fearful of the thought of my own passing, as strange as it is, the concept is hard to grasp still, at least my own.

About a year ago, this dominican blogger I used to follow, super pretty stylish girl at one point, was diagnosed with cancer, which thousands of followers saw her fight for over a year, eventually we all witnessed her to literally her last breath as she recorded a live hours before she passed, joint was painful to watch, she was at home, death was imminent and she got on live, said her goodbye, a couple of words of advice about living life to the fullest as she dozed in and out of consciousness probably because of the drugs, the very next morning the news broke she had passed shortly after that live...a wild thing to witness on social media, her name was Kryzada, shorty was FLY.

yea honey is fly, r.i.p to her. pretty young at 40.
they say in the medical field you gotta have strong nerves like you don't care, and don't show it.

Kyrzayda was looking too skinny, that's what final stage cancer does smh, I remember my sis looking like this it killed me. Yall remember when Steve Jobs came out looking so thin, that cancer really weakened him. You know its that time when you see em like that. Nothing you can do till time takes you.
right no one knows this whole thread is faith and speculation just like religion

i tell some folks until you die bury you for weeks and we bring you back to life than i will listen to what you have to say. Not none of that my heart stopped in the ER for 5 mins and i experienced a bright light

If i was a creator of humans/life i would wire us up to know everything and wouldnt leave any doubt or speculation left to be had the answers would be clear as day.
yeah I was listening to this podcast from yale about death
i encourage you all to listen
and he says if you had a near death experience thats what you had
you didnt experience death, you might have gotten close cuz if u had a death experience u aint coming back famb
I will always reference this.

Read when you are ready

Hidden Hand Interview
Interview With Hidden Hand, Alleged Ruling Bloodline Priest
Hidden Hand Interview.
The unusual interview below is with an individual claiming to be a member of one of the ruling bloodlines on Earth who goes by the name Hidden Hand. Though some pretty useless information is given, the interview also gives a powerful, transformative perpective of what is happening in the big picture on our planet.

You are encouraged to be skeptical, yet open to what is presented. Some of the information, particularly in the early part of the interview, is clearly just fear-mongering, yet other parts are quite powerful and thought-provoking. Key sections are highlighted in bold.

Note: A 16-page summary of the most important parts of this 60-page interivew is available here.
For an even more concise, four-page summary of the Hidden Hand interview, click here.

The Hidden Hand interview provides intriguing answers as to why there is so much war and violence in our world, and why some leaders are so corrupt and cruel. As you read this message, though you may find some inspiring truths, consider that significant parts may be more metaphor than reality. For instance, the "harvest" mentioned may be just a metaphor for what happens to each individual at death. The quote immediately below is a sample of the fascinating ideas raised.

"Remember, always, that this is a beautiful game that we are playing here and co-creating together with our Infinite Creator. And that off stage (between lives), we are the very best of friends, and that no one really dies and no one really suffers, except in the game. The game is not reality. Reality is reality. And you have the power to express your reality within the game, once you have learnt how to do so."

Hidden Hand Interview
yeah I was listening to this podcast from yale about death
i encourage you all to listen
and he says if you had a near death experience thats what you had
you didnt experience death, you might have gotten close cuz if u had a death experience u aint coming back famb
Can we get a link at least?
man i am so scared of death, since 2019 i have witnessed what was to me alarge amount of people around me pass away.

it really got me thinking and worried

when 2020 came around it hit even harder with kobe dying + covid getting to one of my buddies i used to hoop and work with

its really confusing, but i think we are not supposed to understand death, its something we experience once.

My biggest fear is not accomplishing what I want before I die and not giving all my love to the people I love and to the world.

I would also like to honor all of NT's fallen souls and keep a running record of users and create an obituary section.

is that something people would be interested? I could work with Methodical Management Methodical Management
Can we get a link at least?

its a whole course, if you are down we can modify this thread and have weekly listening sessions and discussions like when people watch the game and discuss it after?

It would be nice and I can coordinate a schedule to hit every lecture

Who ever is in reply to this post with which day you would like to have discussions- I was thinking we hit one lecture a week and then on a set day we convene in this thread for discussion on that lecture.
people say life is short, but living is the longest thing you'll do?
It is short in the big picture. If you live 70,80,90 even the big picture that is a short period of time.

I think time spent in this world is temporary anyways. How you are, how you treat others and the type of person you are determines where you go. Death is not the end of life, maybe in the physical, but it is a continuation of life in another world.
I listened to a few minutes of that DC I don’t know if you wanted one to reach the end of it.
I have gotten older and I suppose my views have changed over the years which goes along with maturing and age and I am turning away from the death-penalty. Hall describes “drifting pleasantly thru life....(Etc etc)..... then go on with no pain or suffering”. Since we don’t know the inherent consequence of death ie afterlife it might be in eyeball a copout for someone who is on death row because it’s just over for them and for us. Suffering or prison may help with the atonement in this realm before going to the next.

I know the thread has come from the grave and I don’t know if this was brought up but here is an article about the gorilla that learned sign language and once given the question about death the gorilla signed you go into “a comfortable hole“ once you pass.
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