Death Vol. unavoidable, lets discuss Jump to page 4 to join Class

Yep, its all the signs. Hospice care.
My sister would ask like every 5 to 6 hours what the time was, and most of the time her eyes closed. You dont ever wanna see a living person actually die slowly. You can see the pain on their face, eyes are wide, wide open and closing. Body shutting down. I dont know how doctors and nurses able to handle that.

My grandmother passed away like this at 88 years old. She was super frail and passed away in her sleep, said she was very tired but holding on so that my mother could see her one last time. My mother missed her passing by a few hours as her plane was delayed.

Hours before her passing, my grandmother said she was tired of seeing a man looking at her through the window. She would ask my aunt to tell him to leave because she didn’t recognize him and didn’t like his smile. Said she also saw a huge sink hole in the living room you didn’t want to fall in. My grandmother was easily the toughest and kindest woman I have ever had the pleasure and of knowing.
how i see it is death cant be that bad since we dont even know why we are living and we also dont even know where we was at before we was born and we dont know what death is, we are already living something that could possibly be just like death.. Theres no explanations for both but yet both are possible. So why even worry about something that has to happen like life. Just live it and enjoy it

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When you die, you just die. Like a computer being shut off, accept there's no powering back on in this instance.

As for death itself, I came to grips with it a long time ago. The only death that is truly going to crush me is my mother's.
Just today, I heard a story about a kid suffering from full blown AIDS. His mom passed from it, father has, and his sister is 19 and living with it. My mans won’t and has never taken his meds, every hospice he goes into he fights his way out of, every hospital he’s admitted to he fights his way out of. Literally the worst way to go, IMO. And to be so young, and dying from something preventable that wasn’t your fault to begin with.
Just today, I heard a story about a kid suffering from full blown AIDS. His mom passed from it, father has, and his sister is 19 and living with it. My mans won’t and has never taken his meds, every hospice he goes into he fights his way out of, every hospital he’s admitted to he fights his way out of. Literally the worst way to go, IMO. And to be so young, and dying from something preventable that wasn’t your fault to begin with.

thats ****** up man, hate it when you cant control the cards.

Genetic lottery is real.



Maybe a coincidence but my mom has had a few of these.

I was in a coma for 3 days when I was 12 and she had something happen.

And when my great grandma died.

Also had a coworker who died and was revived fro. A heart attack who did not like to talk about his experience.

He said all he can was he gas never felt at more peace and comfort.

I don't know what happens when you die. I just hope it's not nothing lol.


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They need to release them nanobots that stitch everything up inside of us like them worms in futurama. Make it so we don’t need food for survival and the planet will be thriving again. Let us live for 100 years then ship us off to a different planet. **** just turn our lives into a futurama episode and we good.
I don’t really care about death except for when I might or actually do lose someone. For myself it is what it is. I just don’t wanna get murdered because I would be pissed they got the drop.:angry:

Like a first person shooter game. Like f****, a mfer slick got me up outta here! :lol:
You will come back but not before you go through the process of looking back and accepting all the things you did or didn’t get to do. They say time in the spirit world is different, a few minutes over there is like decades over here.

Sounds like it’s the quantum realm. Hmm...
The moment you stop fearing death is the instant that you will really start to live your life.

Because of my own personal religious beliefs I do believe in life after death. What it looks like and how it works is beyond me and not something that I stress or worry about.
I think about death often. More so the losing of loved ones aspect of it all. I have a really tight-knit family, so the reality often sets in that I’m going to lose them someday. Brings tears to my eyes every time.

I don’t know what happens when we go, but I do find comfort (sick, I know) in the fact that death is something no one can escape. Kind of makes me feel connected to mankind while we’re alive; makes me want to be a better person and contribute to other’s lives while I’m around.

I hope there’s more after this life. Through the highs and lows, life is pretty amazing. The thought that everything comes to a final, screeching halt in the end... it sucks.

You’ll never know what happens when you die until you die. Might as well make your time count.
not trying to turn this into a religion debate at all..going from your theory who created the souls and will we be judged for our actions on earth? Are the souls masculine/feminine or is gender strictly a thing on earth
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I'd rather die young than old. People thing dying of old age is just falling asleep and not waking up. That **** is a slow, painful deterioration.
The wall that separates human life to spirit life starts to breakdown once a human is in the beginning stages of passing away, in between as they call it. They can actually see little bits and pieces of the other world and those who inhabit it. They’ll see spirit guides who we’ve had beside us all along and mixed in with souls who have passed away but haven’t processed the fact that they have died already. Some are good people who are still in shock from passing and some are bad people who would like to continue doing bad things on earth and not face judgment. These are the spirits who like to cling to you when you do bad things on earth. They live vicariously through you when you do or even think terrible things.

Definitely interesting trains of thought. Mind you ask where did these thoughts stem from?
Is it from a book or??

Yep, its all the signs. Hospice care.
My sister would ask like every 5 to 6 hours what the time was, and most of the time her eyes closed. You dont ever wanna see a living person actually die slowly. You can see the pain on their face, eyes are wide, wide open and closing. Body shutting down. I dont know how doctors and nurses able to handle that.

Bruh this is so true.
I think about not having my loved ones someday more than me dying and that's probably the only dead feeling I will ever feel.

When it happens to you is when I feel like you start to understand the pain a death causes to those around you.
Don't think about death cuz I'm too busy living! Enjoying life until my numbers called.

U can still enjoy life and wonder about death
The moment you stop fearing death is the instant that you will really start to live your life.

Because of my own personal religious beliefs I do believe in life after death. What it looks like and how it works is beyond me and not something that I stress or worry about.

Like I said you should not fear death, but u can still question it and enjoy life

not trying to turn this into a religion debate at all..going from your theory who created the souls and will we be judged for our actions on earth? Are the souls masculine/feminine or is gender strictly a thing on earth

That's a good question I wish I knew the answer hopefully someone else can shed some light on this.
But I feel like it's something we truly won't ever know
Sounds like it’s the quantum realm. Hmm...
I had to google what that is :lol:

not trying to turn this into a religion debate at all..going from your theory who created the souls and will we be judged for our actions on earth? Are the souls masculine/feminine or is gender strictly a thing on earth
The souls are neither. Gender is an earth thing. You might be a male in this life but you may have been a female in the last 3 you’ve been here.

Definitely interesting trains of thought. Mind you ask where did these thoughts stem from?
Is it from a book or??
This is just what I’ve gathered from years of watching YouTube vids on the subject from many many different people.
I’m 27 and for whatever reason I’ve never been close to anyone that’s passed. I don’t know how I’m gonna take it when my parents go :frown:

My mom dad and brother are the only family that live in this country, never met any other family members. No friends or anyone close enough to effect me have passed. Never been to a funeral or anything

Never had any pets either, although I was there when my friends dog died, that was rough
alright so assuming ive been here are there a limited number of souls? and we just repeat life until what? and what was before life on earth

There’s millions of souls trying to live life here and they’re eager to experience this place. This earth provides all sorts of lessons and experiences that don’t exist on higher dimensions.

Your soul wants to do everything and learn everything there is because the goal is perfection, it’s needed in order to exist in that place people call “heaven”. The soul will choose to come back many times but will take a break to process between each lifetime.

I haven’t heard anything on that subject. I’d like to know how all this started myself.
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