Death Vol. unavoidable, lets discuss Jump to page 4 to join Class


Aug 5, 2017
Lets have a conversation about death as it is guaranteed for everyone.

I guess we can start the discussion stating the definition of death

Definition of death
1a : a permanent cessation of all vital (see vital sense 2a) functions : the end of life

Im not doctor but to me Seems to me when the brain ceases to communicate with the rest of your body and heart stops pumping.

When my aunt passed away my uncle was in the room and said he saw some movement which he believed to be the angel of death and so when he sensed/saw the movement/ghost he turned his head, when he looked back at my aunt she had passed.
I have seen alot of people close to me pass away this year and it makes me wonder what happens when that inevitable moment comes to one?

Do you think thats it this whole journey is done?

or do you think our soul continues to live in a different place?
Nah they got something to reverse the aging process
Just keeping it on the low
They also have time machines
That’s what deja vu is
When they gone back to change something
And u experienced it already
Also the Mandela effect
is a result of the time machine
Not posting anymore
Cause I’ve already said too much
When my sister passed away from Cancer in June, according to my ma, she said "put me down, I wanna go for a walk".

Kept repeating to put her down, as her right hand extended in the air. A second after my ma said no, sis was gone. Alert, semi conscious, deep breathing but God or time or what it is was coming and took her soul. I wish I was there.

Pouring rain like a monsoon outside. 2019 was the wettest year I've seen. The rain gave me clues, sadness and loss of my fam.

These are typical eol, end of life signs, as the nurses told us. Nurses were crying, mom was denying. Its typical.

As for life's journey, it may depend on your faith. Some Indians believe we become reincarnated, born again. My belief is our soul is saved in a place, heaven, purgatory or somewhere and when judgment day arrives our souls are put back into our old bodies, and then we resurrect into new bodies. Its like our soul are kept in a hdd.

Theres so many interpretations.
Been watching YouTube vids on the subject over the years. Apparently we agree to come to this world and agree to experience all the good and bad things. We pick the souls who will be our family members and it’s usually the same ones we trust and are comfortable with. We’re all given certain tasks to accomplish/experience and once that has happened we’ll be ready to be taken. Some don’t and will opt to come back to do it all over again. We’re pretty much actors playing our roles wether good or bad. Human souls are made of energy that never cease or die. There’s more but I can’t remember, YouTube can be fun sometimes.

Edit: Also, there is a “hell” but the soul willfully goes there when they haven’t forgiven themselves for things they did on earth. Souls aren’t allowed to cross 100 percent until all guilt, remorse or shame is removed. Those on the other side don’t judge us as they know it tough to live a life here on earth, they see us as brave for even attempting it. They only ask to see if we learned our lessons needed to advance to the next world, a world much easier yet strict to not allow bad feelings to even cross your mind.
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Nah they got something to reverse the aging process
Just keeping it on the low
They also have time machines
That’s what deja vu is
When they gone back to change something
And u experienced it already

Also the Mandela effect
is a result of the time machine
Not posting anymore
Cause I’ve already said too much

If that were the case, wouldn’t everyone experience Deja Vu simultaneously? Otherwise doesn’t that mean each human being exists in a unique universe which experienced a change? Similarly, in your scenario that means I could be in 2019 while someone else is in 2015 and you’re in 2023, etc., etc.

Just trying to wrap my head around this.
Been watching YouTube vids on the subject over the years. Apparently we agree to come to this world and agree to experience all the good and bad things. We pick the souls who will be our family members and it’s usually the same ones we trust and are comfortable with. We’re all given certain tasks to accomplish/experience and once that has happened we’ll be ready to be taken. Some don’t and will opt to come back to do it all over again. We’re pretty much actors playing our roles wether good or bad. Human souls are made of energy that never cease or die. There’s more but I can’t remember, YouTube can be fun sometimes.
link me the vid

imma blaze one to it
It’s just an overview of some of these videos I’ve watched. I’m trying to remember where I saw this stuff but there were so many different vids on the subject. Deep rabbit hole.
so we "wake up" when we die?

then we get to choose if we wanna do it again from scratch... trippy ****
If that were the case, wouldn’t everyone experience Deja Vu simultaneously? Otherwise doesn’t that mean each human being exists in a unique universe which experienced a change? Similarly, in your scenario that means I could be in 2019 while someone else is in 2015 and you’re in 2023, etc., etc.

Just trying to wrap my head around this.
who says we don't
i dont always say anything when i experience it
also deja vu is when u feel like you've "been here before"
if u dont experience it
that just means ur "timeline" changed and u did something else
the littlest thing can change a decision or action
Been watching YouTube vids on the subject over the years. Apparently we agree to come to this world and agree to experience all the good and bad things. We pick the souls who will be our family members and it’s usually the same ones we trust and are comfortable with. We’re all given certain tasks to accomplish/experience and once that has happened we’ll be ready to be taken. Some don’t and will opt to come back to do it all over again. We’re pretty much actors playing our roles wether good or bad. Human souls are made of energy that never cease or die. There’s more but I can’t remember, YouTube can be fun sometimes.

so we "wake up" when we die?

then we get to choose if we wanna do it again from scratch... trippy ****

So is there a waiting line and then every time a baby is conceived the next person who chose to do it again hops into that baby and assumes that life?
who says we don't
i dont always say anything when i experience it
also deja vu is when u feel like you've "been here before"
if u dont experience it
that just means ur "timeline" changed and u did something else
the littlest thing can change a decision or action

I see. Going along with that school of thought, how often would you surmise something like this would be used? Also, doesn’t the thought that this leads to Deja Vu only imply reverse time travel since you’re saying we’ve been there before? How would you be able to time travel forward without a missing chunk of time?
so we "wake up" when we die?

then we get to choose if we wanna do it again from scratch... trippy ****

Yes. We are slightly “awake” when we’re sleeping, our souls receive instructions and advice when we are asleep. We’re fully aware once we die and recall why we lived on earth to begin with. Our lessons and agreements and talents are hidden from us once we are born because we might “chicken out” from wanting to experiencing it.

So is there a waiting line and then every time a baby is conceived the next person who chose to do it again hops into that baby and assumes that life?

We aren’t here against our will. They claim souls are literally jumping at the chance to come here and experience a life on earth. Souls look to see which other souls to “team up with” to best accomplish certain needs/tasks/lessons. A baby born in your earth family is likely a relative/soul from the far past who you’ve never met but will remember once you’ve died, like a long lost friend. It’s rarely someone who recently passed while sharing earth life with you.
Yes. We are slightly “awake” when we’re sleeping, our souls receive instructions and advice when we are asleep. We’re fully aware once we die and recall why we lived on earth to begin with. Our lessons and agreements and talents are hidden from us once we are born because we might “chicken out” from wanting to experiencing it.

We aren’t here against our will. They claim souls are literally jumping at the chance to come here and experience a life on earth. Souls look to see which other souls to “team up with” to best accomplish certain needs/tasks/lessons. A baby born in your earth family is likely a relative/soul from the far past who you’ve never met but will remember once you’ve died, like a long lost friend. It’s rarely someone who recently passed while sharing earth life with you.

I got you. The only missing piece for me is that assume I die today and decide that I want to run it back. How long until I got next and what happens in that interim period when I am fully aware?
I see. Going along with that school of thought, how often would you surmise something like this would be used? Also, doesn’t the thought that this leads to Deja Vu only imply reverse time travel since you’re saying we’ve been there before? How would you be able to time travel forward without a missing chunk of time?
Idk all the intricacies
I forgot to add. In my aunts last days she was kind of in n out and knew she was dying and even said my trip on earth was so nice I can't wait to get back

The wall that separates human life to spirit life starts to breakdown once a human is in the beginning stages of passing away, in between as they call it. They can actually see little bits and pieces of the other world and those who inhabit it. They’ll see spirit guides who we’ve had beside us all along and mixed in with souls who have passed away but haven’t processed the fact that they have died already. Some are good people who are still in shock from passing and some are bad people who would like to continue doing bad things on earth and not face judgment. These are the spirits who like to cling to you when you do bad things on earth. They live vicariously through you when you do or even think terrible things.
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I got you. The only missing piece for me is that assume I die today and decide that I want to run it back. How long until I got next and what happens in that interim period when I am fully aware?

You will come back but not before you go through the process of looking back and accepting all the things you did or didn’t get to do. They say time in the spirit world is different, a few minutes over there is like decades over here.
Yep, its all the signs. Hospice care.
My sister would ask like every 5 to 6 hours what the time was, and most of the time her eyes closed. You dont ever wanna see a living person actually die slowly. You can see the pain on their face, eyes are wide, wide open and closing. Body shutting down. I dont know how doctors and nurses able to handle that.
I saw something like this on Dr. Oz. iirc there were like 2 or 3 other people, 1 of them being a doctor. She said something like its a nice warm feeling, you float in the air, the clouds, you feel joy. The type of karma or deeds you build on earth seems relative to your after life experience. One thing though my relatives in India were getting dreams from my sister, they told my parents do not cry alone. I've yet to receive signals or dreams.
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