Dead Bodies On Mt. Everest

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Awesome thread aside from these lil foos bringing race into the factor. Im not even white and I think climb up this mountain would be awesome.

Wouldnt it be something if we thawed the bodies and they became alive again.
Originally Posted by MaZA4eVeR14

I was gunna do it, but my iPhone doesn't get reception up there and supreme doesn't make mt. climbing gear.
Actually....they kinda do:

But the Hundreds doesn't, so I guess I'll never be climbin everest
am i the only kinda skeptical about bodies just lying around? seems odd.
but good post anyway op
Yall are soft...duke made a legit statement, and had a legit question...immediately you pruney uptight e-bums wanna start crying over racism. stop it, go to sleep..think about it, n hopefully when u wake up the tears will have dried up.
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