DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Multiple head shots were needed, not just a normal one that would end humans.
The guard gave HQ the phone when she was being wheeled out.
Joker left her in the car cuz Bats was coming, he was savin his own ***.
Supes is still dead, Bruce is assembling the team alone, JL preview shows this.....
Joker had the guard, possible he got the info from him.
i dont recall multiples. i dont remember deadshot doubletapping when he was on that police car

i mustve missed it. why the **** would he do that? and why did no one (especially waller's smart ***) ask how the joker kept finding them

exactly. joker just finished ditching her, just so he could spend the entire movie looking for her? he left her for dead... just to be a lovesick puppy?

the preview showed superman was dead? all i heard him say was me and my friends will shut it down for you.

joker had what guard? u mean the lab guy? he was in that lab to FIND that specific guy to get it shut down wasnt he? as in, he already knew. right?
Multiple head shots were needed, not just a normal one that would end humans.

The guard gave HQ the phone when she was being wheeled out.

Joker left her in the car cuz Bats was coming, he was savin his own ***.

Supes is still dead, Bruce is assembling the team alone, JL preview shows this.....

Joker had the guard, possible he got the info from him.
i dont recall multiples. i dont remember deadshot doubletapping when he was on that police car
i mustve missed it. why the **** would he do that? and why did no one (especially waller's smart ***) ask how the joker kept finding them
exactly. joker just finished ditching her, just so he could spend the entire movie looking for her? he left her for dead... just to be a lovesick puppy?
the preview showed superman was dead? all i heard him say was me and my friends will shut it down for you.
joker had what guard? u mean the lab guy? he was in that lab to FIND that specific guy to get it shut down wasnt he? as in, he already knew. right?

The main guard when we first saw HQ. Joker paid off his debt and gave him the phone.
Will was double tapping everything. Maybe not every alien got brained twice, but some had to be. (Which is why Waller made the comment)
Joker does what he does man, he wasn't tryna deal with Bats underwater, he knew he could get her later. Not that big of a deal man. J and HQ were tight, that instance he couldn't get her, but he would later, what's the problem?
Dude, the movie showed Supes was dead, the preview shows Bruce recruiting for JL. How are you not up to speed on that? :lol:
Most of the complaints about this movie in this thread are NITPICKY. Plus, I don't get why people keep saying the how "little" the Joker was in the movie.. He had plenty of screen time in my opinion. He's not even a part of the SS :lol:
Oh, so we just gonna play the nitpicky card now, huh?
I'm sorry but you have to reach a massive amount to justify this film as being good...story had so many plot holes even for a superhero/superhuman flick, characters were so thinly written...no depth and whatever depth they wanted on some characters they were so poorly constructed...movie was buns from the get go. I was expecting shhh but I've enjoyed "bad" movies...this one I absolutely did not
Marvel > DC

Bats my all time favorite hero but they doing him dirty man :smh:
Multiple head shots were needed, not just a normal one that would end humans.

The guard gave HQ the phone when she was being wheeled out.

Joker left her in the car cuz Bats was coming, he was savin his own ***.

Supes is still dead, Bruce is assembling the team alone, JL preview shows this.....

Joker had the guard, possible he got the info from him.
i dont recall multiples. i dont remember deadshot doubletapping when he was on that police car
i mustve missed it. why the **** would he do that? and why did no one (especially waller's smart ***) ask how the joker kept finding them
exactly. joker just finished ditching her, just so he could spend the entire movie looking for her? he left her for dead... just to be a lovesick puppy?
the preview showed superman was dead? all i heard him say was me and my friends will shut it down for you.
joker had what guard? u mean the lab guy? he was in that lab to FIND that specific guy to get it shut down wasnt he? as in, he already knew. right?

Multiple head shots were definitely used on more than a few of those monsters.

Also, The Joker didn't "keep" finding the Squad. He ran into them one time during their mission, after which his plane got shot down.

In terms of ditching Harley, that's pretty much classic Joker. He still makes sure to get her back with him every time. Don't know that there was any implication he assumed she was dead however. Seemed more to me like he simply wanted to escape Batman, who was right on their tail, and then came back for her after.

You saw a flashback to Superman's funeral.
Yeah... I think someone fell asleep during the movie because all the joker finding them and cellphone stuff is covered in the movie.

I forgot who said it but this version of the Joker is a Simp.
I don't mind the certain aspects of it..

As I said before I want to see this joker like a kid always wanting to have with with complete disregard.. So I could see him like a kid losing his favorite toy and not realizing how much it really meant to him

Like that diving scene was perfect

what they really need to do, is just go turn the arkham game series into a movie and just tweak a few things. im surprised more of u didnt take advantage of tmobile giving the tickets away for free. but now that time has passed....

im still pissed at killer croc. and a few things didnt make sense to me in the movie

-waller said the witch turned them into soldiers who could take a headshot and keep fighting... but headshots are what killed them.
-killer croc is just a young thug with higher than average strength? so why is he chosen to save the world from an evil superman?
-diablo is an ancient god to? um.... what the ****. So hes not even a metahuman then. is he possessed and didnt know it? is he actually like 6000 years old too? how did they just insert this random god-mode powerup for him?
-soooooooooo is superman dead or not? cuz in the beginning they make it seem that way, but does that mean batman is forming the justice league...without him?
-joker was really reduced to chasing harley for the entire movie? really? he left her when the car crashed... just to chase her?
-why is boomerang in this movie AT ALL. no powers. no incredible ability. hes just REALLY REALLY australian? word?
-flagg, so you know your chick is a witch with limitless power.... so u let her blackmail you into silence after seeing her go set some evil **** up.... by threatening to kill herself?
-how the hell did harley get a cellphone, and why did the joker only just start tracking her once she left... but also knew where to find her after crashing?
-"you hurt my friends!" really????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
-whats with the NOW thats what I call hiphop classics! soundtrack?
-joker disabled harley's bomb. did they explain how he even knew they had bombs in their necks or how he knew where to go to deactivate? forgetting that, since harleys bomb was disabled... when waller threatened to blow them up still in the end, harley couldve literally just killed waller right there and everyone wouldve been free to go. instead she got scared like the rest of them. um... wtf

She got the cell phone from the guard.. Who was the guy that was gambling in the club
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The last couple of pages people don't seem nitpicky. They seem mad because they wanted a good movie.

Killer Croc and Joker were extra cringey.

I can't unwatch this :frown:

They did Killer Croc so dirty. :x



Chris making me rethink my opinions of the movie lmao

Good points. Reviews prepared me for a mindless comic book movie. :smokin
The waitresses at the Alamo dressed up as Harley.
Sober score 5/8
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Killer Croc didn't look as bad as in the set photos but his lines were all terrible and THIS ***** ASKED SPECIFICALLY FOR BET BRUH.
If we're being honest, outside of Iron Man (the first one), the first two Nolan Batman movies and ONE Spider-Man movie (part 2), comic book movies didn't step their game up until Captain America Winter Soldier and Civil War. They've been slowly improving and I expect DC's universe will get better as it grows.

The fact that they're rushing all of these characters to catch up with Marvel IS a problem. They could also use better writing and stop putting their hands into the director's vision, but all of that said, the movies aren't horrible. I understand all of the complaints if you're expecting a great movie every time. I just go in with low expectations to all of these kinds of movies.
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Very mediocre film

Don't really have anything positive to say about this film besides Will killed it. I didn't have faith in his portrayal, but he was the best aspect of this film. Interested to see more of Leto's Joker. Harley was annoying to me. Felt like everything she said was supposed to be funny, but always missed it's mark. Overall dialogue was cringeworthy. Killer Croc and Boomerang were useless. Better than BVS due to the fact there was nothing really bad about the film but there's nothing great, or even good about this film. Won't watch again.
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"Were there any that didn't get cut from the movie? I'm asking you, were there any that DIDN'T get cut? [...] Oh, there were so many scenes that got cut from the movie, I couldn't even start [to name one that he was sad to lose]. I think that the Joker, we did a lot of experimentation on the set, we explored a lot. There's so much that we shot that's not in the film. [...] If I die anytime soon, it's probably likely that it'll surface somewhere. That's the good news about the death of an actor is like, you know, all that stuff seems to come out."

Leto hoping for his own death so those scenes get out. :lol:
Wasn't really feeling this portrayal of the Joker. I've always been a fan of the just straight deranged and agent of chaos version ..this dude was the antithesis of Ledgers which is prob what they were going for

Will and Margot killed it.

Croc and Boomerang :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

BvS saving graces are its fights scenes...i will prob always stop and watch Bats saving Supes mom if I come across it on TV. I have no desire to watch this movie again. It wasn't the worst thing ever ..but it wasn't memorable at all. Straight AoA status

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