DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Apparently not given that Sony handed over the reins to Marvel. You don't do that if it's working.

As a matter of fact people loved his in suit dialogue in CW, getting high praise for that as what's been missing. Deadpool just did almost a Billion with like 80% in costume.
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Yeah, if it's that big a problem for you then just don't bother with a shared universe. Seriously. Superman and Batman both had films for years without ever crossing over. If you can't create a shared universe then why not focus on giving various properties decent films on their own? Worked perfectly for The Dark Knight Trilogy and the only original Batman film that was damn near universally hated was Batman and Robin. No major reason that you couldn't get Superman his own trilogy. Hell, despite the lack of past films even Wonder Woman could probably hold her own trilogy with the right team heading the project.
I think we're all glossing over the fact that WB clearly understands the issue and Geoff Johns explicitly promised to fix the DCeU

Anyone familiar with his work fixing other franchises would take that promise in stride
Studios most likely don't have much confidence in Kitsch even after True Detective.

He's probably not seen as leading actor material, especially for a solo film.

John Carter and battleship killed his chances

Taylor Kitsch's career is one more wrong move away from being completely over.

big fan of his...

but he bout to crash and burn in Warcraft :rollin

its like he pics these roles on purpose

I dunno, warcraft looks like it could be a fun movie. My dude Ragnar is in it.
I think we're all glossing over the fact that WB clearly understands the issue and Geoff Johns explicitly promised to fix the DCeU

Anyone familiar with his work fixing other franchises would take that promise in stride

Well we hope..

But as deadpool really should have taught the studios, get people involved that actually care

just my opinion, but I think singer thought he was bigger than the xmen and kinda ran out of big money options so went back to fox.. Then there was a story about him banning the xmen comics from the set, so that explains why things happen conveniently

Snyder could be good if he just would stick to what he is good at.. But obviously if dude doesn't think of enough of his own characters it won't work
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Well we hope..

But as deadpool really should have taught the studios, get people involved that actually care

Why would you think that the man who wrote GL Rebirth and Flash Rebirth doesn't care? :lol

I never said he didn't.. Regarding him, I hope you are right

My statement regarding caring was for studios in general with these properties.. Instead of just taking away the whole 'R' rating thing
Have faith in Johns now, post about Snyder/TDKR/Singer/X-Men/Deadpool's R rating later. If Geoff fails to deliver I think we can all safely say that DC is washed

Hell I would have liked Grant Morrison to have a Fiege-like control over the DCeU...several solo movies with separate storylines that lead into some massive mind**** plot in the teamup movie would wash what Avengers did in 2012 if done properly.
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Have faith in Johns now, post about Snyder/TDKR/Singer/X-Men/Deadpool's R rating later. If Geoff fails to deliver I think we can all safely say that DC is washed

Hell I would have liked Grant Morrison to have a Fiege-like control over the DCeU...several solo movies with separate storylines that lead into some massive mind**** plot in the teamup movie would wash what Avengers did in 2012 if done properly.

Man Morrison would have had us on a thrill ride and at the end we'd question everything....

Weapons Grade Crystal Meth
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Studios most likely don't have much confidence in Kitsch even after True Detective.

He's probably not seen as leading actor material, especially for a solo film.

John Carter and battleship killed his chances

Taylor Kitsch's career is one more wrong move away from being completely over.

big fan of his...

but he bout to crash and burn in Warcraft :rollin

its like he pics these roles on purpose

I dunno, warcraft looks like it could be a fun movie. My dude Ragnar is in it.

Where does it say that Taylor Kitsch is in the Warcraft movie?
Didn't know Warcraft is directed by Duncan Jones, who directed Moon and Source Code (both good films).
Taylor Kitsch was great in Lone Survivor, as well as True Detective and FNL. John Carter and Battleship weren't on him, no one was gonna make those viable. Same with Wolverine Origins. :lol
Taylor Kitsch was great in Lone Survivor, as well as True Detective and FNL. John Carter and Battleship weren't on him, no one was gonna make those viable. Same with Wolverine Origins. :lol

Wolverine Origins definitely wasn't on either Kitsch or Jackman. :lol Like Green Lantern with Ryan Reynolds it just wasn't a well written film. Actors can't be expected to pick up that much slack.

I do think that a proper John Carter film could be made though. With all the other science fiction and fantasy stuff we've seen on the big screen I refuse to believe anything else.
You can say Wolverine Origins and Battlefield and all that wasn't on Kitsch but even if a movie is directed and written badly, if an actor can breathe life into a role anyway it'll be noticed.

Think Ben Affleck in BvS. Wildly panned movie but it's pretty much the consensus that Battfleck stood out and was well received

Apocalypse, while not geting killed as badly as badly as BvS, it's received criticism; yet there are ppl making comments that Sophie Turner as Jean Grey was a nice debut

Has anyone had anything positive to say about Kitsch as Gambit in Wolverine?
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I understand that Snyder was like 12th choice but if DC can't find a proper guy to spearhead a shared universe then why try it at all. Just go back to doing the batman reboots every couple years that they've been doing :lol
Cuz Avengers did 2 billion and cuz of that IM3 did a billion. By that time all the MCU movies probably added up to like 4 billion and that was when they only released 2 movies a year. Now it's 10 billion and starting next year it'll be 3 movies a year.

WB wants that and would settle for half word to FOX.
^^^ seems to be working for spiderman
Sony technically never got a Spider-Man shared u overse off the ground. They talked about it and had stuff planned but kept underachieving with their most recent reboot. They were basically doing what WB was doing with Batman.

It was totally dependent on the talent they got if a Venom, Sinister 6, female solo flick would be successful.
I think we're all glossing over the fact that WB clearly understands the issue and Geoff Johns explicitly promised to fix the DCeU

Anyone familiar with his work fixing other franchises would take that promise in stride
To me comics are in no way shape or form the same thing as movies.

Its not like Johns is some master director. It'll still come down to the directors, scripts, and casts they get for these movies.

Also it always felt to me Johns rebirths that are seen as fixes were because he basically revamped everything real close to a reboot or retcon but just explained the changes in story instead of outright ignoring it.

Not saying he's not up to it but it's a tall task to explain away Superman's behavior (infected with gray kryptonite perhaps?; that makes him near apathetic to his powers thus ignoring bombs that can kill a building full of ppl which also causes bouts of violent outbursts leading to acts of murder; neck snapping).

He's gonna have to just go with Batman's story since they've firmly established he's a murderer that also sends ppl to die in prison by branding them unless he claims Dr. Manhattan was warping reality here too :lol
RIP to depp.


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Damn, this could be his final nail in the coffin.

The extra salt in the wound is he didn't get prenup. 
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