DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Yeah, Jai Courtney was pretty bad in Terminator Genisys and Emilia Clarke was even worse.
Oh I'm not saying that **** is fair but sadly thats the way it is for him

Looks like it sadly. Who knows though, there have been comeback stories before.
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Son. I loved Clue. I would die if they make a good remake :eek

I know what I'm watching (again) on my next off day :lol
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Jai Courtney :lol I still remember laughing asking myself how did he get in this movie where he's playing an officer where they gave him this tan and mustache :lol :{ Looked like brownface.

As for Kitsch he's simply not that good. Don't know why he keeps getting chances either. The good movies and shows he had roles have been embarassing.
Harry Connick Jr should've been Gambit 15 yrs ago, period.

It's funny about GL, because I almost added Martin Campbell to my "possible JL takeover directors" because of his Bond work, before I realized he was the cat who steered JL into the reef.

Boo that man...
At this point it ain't hard to figure out what Snyder does well and doesn't do well

Not sure what anyone in charge saw in his work and deciding he should do a superman movie and/or cover all the things BvS covered

Give him the dark knight returns part 1 and 2 and let him go to work.. I could see watching watchmen and applying a lot of that to that.. Plus him adapting 300

This guys is directing the Justice League
we need darkseid in three piece suit or we wont be able to take any of his dialogue seriously 
:{ :|

This guys is directing the Justice League :x

SO they got a director that doesn't even take the material he is directing seriously?????? :x

is there even a realistic chance of this guy being fired from JL???

I can see the JL planning out however they are gonna beat the main villain in the final fight in their regular clothes over dinner at some fancy restaurant Bruce owns. Then they develop a hand signal system for the fight so they won't talk

I can't believe Zack really went on record and said that, discouraging to say the least.

Dude was actually mocking the conflict two iconic superheroes had in HIS movie.

Done for the day going outside now
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Studios most likely don't have much confidence in Kitsch even after True Detective.

He's probably not seen as leading actor material, especially for a solo film.

John Carter and battleship killed his chances

Taylor Kitsch's career is one more wrong move away from being completely over.

big fan of his...

but he bout to crash and burn in Warcraft :rollin

its like he pics these roles on purpose
I wouldn't be surprised if Warcraft was the only movie willing to give him a role

I mean after Battleship and John Carter, he probably has a keep away sign on his back
I understand that Snyder was like 12th choice but if DC can't find a proper guy to spearhead a shared universe then why try it at all. Just go back to doing the batman reboots every couple years that they've been doing :lol
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