DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

abrams wouldnt be my first choice but he at least has made a diverse types of films/shows

he can adapt and change tones from star trek to super 8, mission impossible to star wars and even more on the producing end like lovecraft country, westworld, lost, overlord, etc…

id trust him more than snyder

after all these films and experience, snyder still has an issue with editing and making everything cohesive, you always find that as a fault in almost all his original films, 300 and watchmen were good because the comics pretty much the story board but once he has to mix em up and come up with a different take/story then things go jnto shambles
Too many issues with Snyder to include :lol:
Doesn’t really know the characters and just picks and chooses specific stories.
my dude really tried to introduce, Apokolips, Bats, WW,LameO Doomsday, Lex, some JL members, Kill Supes, a lame Bat/ Supe fight, I can go in and on. Man that film was trash. I forgot what I was trying to say :rofl:
I feel him. What made the movie so great is that Gunn embraced the quirkiness instead of trying to make another "serious" comic book movie. Which has been DC's problem. They should just hand Gunn the keys to the universe and let him cook.

serious tone can be fine, it is just about the writing and creative direction. nolan batman is a perfect example of an A1 execution of serious batman. and i think doing something different wouldn't be true to the source material (feel free to debate me on this, just my opinion).

i think it all depends on the story.

i REALLY loved the depiction of snyder batman, and the fights were better than nolan. but that success imo was lost in translation with people's issues on the overall story (rightly justified in many ways).

I think studios need to stop being so hesitant with R ratings. I get why they want to avoid it, but if the source material is violent, then let it breathe.

sidenote...watched hell to pay last night.
...american animation studios are *** I'm sorry lol. and the voice direction is terrible.
Abrams problem is his movies lack an identity. His movies are different genres but they come off cookie cutter and lack meaning/message. He can do a lot of things that can be good and serviceable but you can see the flaws when he tries to create something on his own or even when he adapts but adds something new. Its why he ended up rehashing so much in The Force Awakens and didn't know what to do with The Rise of Skywalker.

Also the reason yall cant think of many or any ppl to take the reins for an entire universe of movies is cuz it shouldn't be an active director. Feige was a no name producer who rose up the ranks helping make cbms and already had a love for them while seeing several studios make bad movies. He was still largely unknown until Avengers was a huge hit.

The executive producer aren't usually big names (not until after huge success). They just have the plan and vision for the movies and most aren't in charge of an entire universe of them anyway just one or two franchises consecutively not simultaneously.

So won't be a big list of names or barely a short one. Also its unlikely WB would go for the known names cuz of their price tag.
again not Abrams would be my first choice but as a producer, i think he qualifies especially if he is one that looking over the projects and connecting the dots, he doesnt even need to direct himself, he is pretty much just a producer with his bad robot company these days and just looking at his IMDB, he didnt really direct a ton of films

and i dont even blame Abrams for RotS, it was given to him after someone else made TLJ and had to cobble up BS while being on a time crunch

and yes i am just a casual SW fan so maybe thats why he never really bothered me but i liked TFA and i do see it is like a rehash of one of the older films but i felt like it was a good re-introduction after 10 years of now SW and especially after the much hated prequel trilogy

it is funny, seems everyone hated the prequel trilogy that was all Lucas and then they hate the last trilogy and even more so after they read what Lucas had planned if he made the film... and then half of the SW fans hated TLJ and then kind of hanged their mind after RotS then got behind Rian after they saw what he had planned for the last film :rofl:

again dont a casual SW fan here but SW fandom is just insane and i thought the #releasethebullsh*tcut type of fans were bad :lol:
i still think he is best as a cinematographer and maybe as an fight coordinator

like i think dude would make an amazing raid-type of films, no story and its like a video game where you just go from level to level, from one fight to the other
again not Abrams would be my first choice but as a producer, i think he qualifies especially if he is one that looking over the projects and connecting the dots, he doesnt even need to direct himself, he is pretty much just a producer with his bad robot company these days and just looking at his IMDB, he didnt really direct a ton of films

and i dont even blame Abrams for RotS, it was given to him after someone else made TLJ and had to cobble up BS while being on a time crunch

and yes i am just a casual SW fan so maybe thats why he never really bothered me but i liked TFA and i do see it is like a rehash of one of the older films but i felt like it was a good re-introduction after 10 years of now SW and especially after the much hated prequel trilogy

it is funny, seems everyone hated the prequel trilogy that was all Lucas and then they hate the last trilogy and even more so after they read what Lucas had planned if he made the film... and then half of the SW fans hated TLJ and then kind of hanged their mind after RotS then got behind Rian after they saw what he had planned for the last film :rofl:

again dont a casual SW fan here but SW fandom is just insane and i thought the #releasethebullsh*tcut type of fans were bad :lol:
You lost me with fans being behind Rian for what he had planned. He was never going to direct the next movie. He was always brought in for just TLJ. So if he's talking about what he would've done he should include everything he didn't do that he said he would TLJ and how his movie is one of the reasons Trevorrow didn't get to direct the next movie.

As for Abrams, if you're not a big fan I guess I get not feeling away with TFA being so unoriginal. It takes away from the franchise when there's so much to adapt that is different and not a repeat. There's more than one way to introduce new fans to a franchise.

As a producer, I question how involved JJ is after the first season of shows and with movies. He really didn't have much to do with Lost after it was a hit and he ditched Alias after he moved on to movies. Cant think of many great movies he's produced and ties back in to him not having much of an identity and only until recently never doing sequels. Cuz even his non-adapted movies are rehashed of other directors work.

i still think he is best as a cinematographer and maybe as an fight coordinator

like i think dude would make an amazing raid-type of films, no story and its like a video game where you just go from level to level, from one fight to the other
Yeah, he should be directing Mortal Kombat.

But if you want something as great as The Raid just go to the guy that directed The Raid. I haven't seen a singly Snyder movie with that quality or fight choreography.
i just read what i come across with these news and just read here and there but you also wont see me too active in the SW threads because im out of my elements there

i also never minded the prequel trilogy, i didnt think they were great but i just took it as it is so thats the level of my SW fandom

im definitely more of a cbm guy and im just in for a ride for whatever SW stuff they bring out
Yeah the SW fandom is an interesting one.

At the end of the day, all fandoms are pretty crazy because there will always be extreme people. Ghostbusters, Transformers, Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Pokemon, Game of Thrones, etc.

Hell, the He-Man fans have been going at it with Kevin Smith since his cartoon came out a few weeks ago. The only variable is more fans = bigger cesspool so some fandoms are more magnified than others. I'd say I don't see much complaining from the Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter crowd, but fandoms are gonna fandom:lol:
Had to put someone on ignore (cp0 something) because he was caping so hard for episodes 7, 8, 9 and sounding like an absolute fool.
I ignored the whole thread.

I agree that fandoms in general are a problem. Too many people with their identities wrapped up in properties and are unable to separate themselves when someone makes a critique of it. Feels like an attack on them.
i mean...is snyder trash? idk if id agree with that either

Snyder is like Mike D'antoni. They’re both excellent at one thing (offense/ visual effects) but completely lack in the aspects of their jobs including making adjustments to their styles.

they are both best suited at reduced roles.

bruh apology was the Snyder Cut. Recast coming.
Ha. Doubt anyone gives a damn. Not going to be a cyborg movie or a new jl one anytime soon. he should ask if he can be on the titans show.
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