DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

do you think his mother was actually crazy and made up that thomas wayne stuff or do you think she was telling the truth and a man with wayne’s power shifted the narrative and made her look crazy to cover up his indiscretions

The movie doesn't give you enough to have this narrative unfortunately. Her schizophrenia is another plot point that comes out of nowhere with no seeds planted
The movie doesn't give you enough to have this narrative unfortunately. Her schizophrenia is another plot point that comes out of nowhere with no seeds planted


Wish it would’ve gotten a little bit more into her to be honest...

On the topic of the film as a whole...


Also since we’re out here now the scene I was talking about earlier that got applause in my theater was at the end when he was in the middle of the rioters with the blood on his face...

See this is where I check out...Arthur - Joker IS. NOT. A. HERO. I just can’t get my head around people walking out of the theater with that mindset honestly...Dude was sick - extremely sick, imagining events and whole interactions with his neighbor and thinking they were real...and...by the end completely, totally, homicidally insane...

Did I have empathy for him, absolutely! I mean he was made that way through society and his apparently schizophrenic adopted mother...This is why the “I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a ******* comedy...” line weighs so much when he says it...His life IS a tragedy and him saying that it’s a comedy is a representation of him slipping completely into his illness, letting go of that last shred of rational thinking...It’s what makes the movie, well, so tragic...The happy ending, clapping, Joker is my guy stuff is way OD...

I mean he outright murdered at least 6 people...Maybe even as many as 12, directly or indirectly? Yeah not a good guy in any stretch of the imagination...Blame it on society...Blame it on his upbringing...Blame it on the never ending bullying... Blame it on whatever, but don’t prop the character up as some type of hero...
As an aside...


I really dig how they made his laugh like this uncontrollable reaction to stressful situations...Made me think back to all those times we see Batman beating the piss out of him (Comics, Movies, Cartoons etc...), and him just laughing his *** off...

His “Joke” at the end that the psychiatrist wouldn’t understand? The fact that Bruce Wayne ~ Batman was equally as messed up as the Joker, due to his own tragic life...Batman just acts out on that mental break in a different manner...Ironic, and to the Joker himself, funny ~ a joke; that the normal mentally healthy psychiatrist wouldn’t “get”...Just how I viewed it...
What was up with the looney tune homages speaking of? Movie is a weird stew the more I think about it
Three, is he really a villain tho????? I don’t wanna go to into it without spoiling but I need to talk about it

i see it as him being a victim of society's cruelty to the point where his mental illness becomes an integral part of his personality as a means of self-preservation
But was he really mentally ill? Yes he had his laughing disorder but he was coherent and even quick witted in so many interactions with characters in the film, it’s why his decent into madness didn’t click like it should have. This movie should’ve been a dark Forrest Gump. Like a man who isn’t all they way there who loves his momma and is trying to just get through life constantly getting berated by society and instead of persevering, he caves. Rather, the movie runs out of ideas half way through and LITERALLY becomes Taxi Driver :smh: Phillips is a hack
that's an interesting take. from what i've been reading, a lot of critics are calling the movie shallow, not extreme enough to be taken as a serious character analysis
The movie doesn't give you enough to have this narrative unfortunately. Her schizophrenia is another plot point that comes out of nowhere with no seeds planted
Just curious, have you seen/did you enjoy Taxi Driver?
EDIT: NVM. you answered it up there.
i see the movie tonight. just wanted a question answered.

on the tv show gotham, jerome (who played the joker but was not called the joker) was thought of (by audience) to be the joker. the creators of the show said in an interview that he stood for a person that would trigger the joker down stream. is that what the movie is about? a person to spark the movement that will create the real joker in the future?
i see the movie tonight. just wanted a question answered.

on the tv show gotham, jerome (who played the joker but was not called the joker) was thought of (by audience) to be the joker. the creators of the show said in an interview that he stood for a person that would trigger the joker down stream. is that what the movie is about? a person to spark the movement that will create the real joker in the future?

Wore this to go see it last night. Thought it was great!
I had a full night to think about the movie and sleep on it and marinate on things.

This movie is possibly the best comic book movie (along with Logan) I've seen in a long time.

These types of films are up my alley and just the way they shot it is impeccable. As with any movie,
it has its flaws but nothing to really take me out of it.

Phoenix gave a performance that's absolutely incredible. The nuances, the shifts in personality,
the heart, the battles inside his head... dude would give us TWO EMOTIONS AT ONCE?! Bravo. Bravo.

I loved that they didn't go on to explain everything. I hate exposition and unnecessary flashbacks
when the whole point is that Joker is an unreliable source of information. He's deranged.

Phoenix even nailed the way he RAN. That's the signature Joker run! Think about how many hours
he spent on perfecting that weird stride. I don't think the movie is super rewatchable though, I
can see myself maybe seeing it another two times max, way too heavy.

The tension was crazy when
he showed up at shorty's place and she was scared out of her
mind. I'm like oh **** this is intense.
. I wish they didn't flashback to the scenes where
she was actually not in the scenes, like dude, we get it. but it's all good

I wanted more
Full blown Joker screentime but I get that the movie wasn't about that. It was about the journey and his decent into complete madness. Even my wife said she wanted more of the murderous clown and more chaos
since we're not actually getting a part 2.
I thought him being on 7 meds (they ain't for his blood pressure), him imagining entire scenarios (with the girl next door, him up on stage at the comedy club, him on the Murray show), his momma clinically diagnosed, and him being an adopted, abused (by his mom or moms BF) were pretty good indications that he's crazy.
Losing his job that he loved, his mom (allegedly) lying to him about his whole childhood, work people betraying him, abandoned by society (social work), getting beat several times by randoms, off his meds, coming to a realization that he had no relationship with shorty next door all were enough to push him over the edge.
But was he really mentally ill? Yes he had his laughing disorder but he was coherent and even quick witted in so many interactions with characters in the film, it’s why his decent into madness didn’t click like it should have. This movie should’ve been a dark Forrest Gump. Like a man who isn’t all they way there who loves his momma and is trying to just get through life constantly getting berated by society and instead of persevering, he caves. Rather, the movie runs out of ideas half way through and LITERALLY becomes Taxi Driver :smh: Phillips is a hack
I thought him being on 7 meds (they ain't for his blood pressure), him imagining entire scenarios (with the girl next door, him up on stage at the comedy club, him on the Murray show), his momma clinically diagnosed, and him being an adopted, abused (by his mom or moms BF) were pretty good indications that he's crazy.
Losing his job that he loved, his mom (allegedly) lying to him about his whole childhood, work people betraying him, abandoned by society (social work), getting beat several times by randoms, off his meds, coming to a realization that he had no relationship with shorty next door all were enough to push him over the edge.

One of my closest friends was on a bunch of different meds and a few years back he broke up with his girl and the new one he was seeing convinced him to get off them entirely without weening off and he snapped and ended up in a mental institution for a month.
Someone being dependent on behaviorial meds and getting cut off immediately is more than enough to change who they are completely, pair that up with the **** he dealt with and I'm cool with that being what drove him crazy.
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