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movie was fantastic but don’t think it deserved an 8 minute ovation

makes you really root (for lack of better term) for people that get bullied, especially ones that may be suffering from something out of their control

(^^^don’t know why that’s a different color dont the new layout sucks and i tried changing it)

i don’t even want to say this but i’ll be surprised if there’s not a incident that occurs because of this movie. where someone being bullied looks at this movie as making it ok. i think that was the worry

and i’m the furthest thing from a political or left/right person

society is soft though now so we’ll see how this plays out

as for comparisons..such a tough call

joaquin reinvented the joker

ledger portrayed the joker we already knew fantastically
R.I.P Heath Ledger. I wished he could've seen this film and I wonder what would've been his thoughts on Joaquin Phoenix portrayal of Joker.
I think it's sad that this movie is going to get and has gotten so much controversy.

Phoenix walked out of one interview when he was asked whether Joker might inspire copycat behavior; in another, the actor said, “I don’t think it’s the responsibility of a filmmaker to teach the audience morality or the difference between right or wrong.”
Yeah I'm sure BoP is more popular but the reaction I'm seeing online from that trailer sounds like people are mad that HQ is taking the shine from the actual BoP characters. If this was GCS, no problem since she's a member.

Supposedly from a old rumor, GCS might cameo in this.
That's the ol bait and switch trick used in the comics business and applied to how Hollywood does **** with the movies.

They realized the potential and goldmine in Margot and knowing that they can't recast they hedge their bets by putting her in an ensemble flick thats really her solo movie but to make it more of a guarantee the movie has eyes on it they then switch the title to an even more popular all female superhero team.

It's like getting Leo DiCaprio to play Booster Gold, then realizing oh **** we cast Leo as Booster, okay let's put him in this Extreme Justice movie to feature him more, hold up lets switch the title to Justice League International :lol:
do you think his mother was actually crazy and made up that thomas wayne stuff or do you think she was telling the truth and a man with wayne’s power shifted the narrative and made her look crazy to cover up his indiscretions
There’s so much to say about this film. People are really taking the precaution too seriously. I finished watching it, and I can see why there’s a precaution needed.

One, for sure don’t bring your kid. There’s too many raw scenes in this film that’s waaayyy unsettling for the viewers to see with their kids beside them. And I’m not saying for the kids sake, but for the guardian’s sake.

Two, people need to know that the joker isn’t straight in the head. So if you watched this, you signed up for a villain movie and you’re held accountable.

Three, is he really a villain tho????? I don’t wanna go to into it without spoiling but I need to talk about it
There’s so much to say about this film. People are really taking the precaution too seriously. I finished watching it, and I can see why there’s a precaution needed.

One, for sure don’t bring your kid. There’s too many raw scenes in this film that’s waaayyy unsettling for the viewers to see with their kids beside them. And I’m not saying for the kids sake, but for the guardian’s sake.

Two, people need to know that the joker isn’t straight in the head. So if you watched this, you signed up for a villain movie and you’re held accountable.

Three, is he really a villain tho????? I don’t wanna go to into it without spoiling but I need to talk about it

not a villain imo
for me at least, i can get behind everything he “did” aside from maybe the big dude who plays the lawyer in billions.
i loved how he called deniro out on his troll not only because he kinda deserved it but because it showed you that even though he may be ill... he’s not stupid.
not a villain imo
for me at least, i can get behind everything he “did” aside from maybe the big dude who plays the lawyer in billions.
i loved how he called deniro out on his troll not only because he kinda deserved it but because it showed you that even though he may be ill... he’s not stupid.

Okay glad I’m not the only one who thought so.


SPOILER don’t read if you’re not trynna be spoiled.

I love how comic book movies nowadays get you to empathize with villains, so we understand as to why they commit in humane crimes. What makes this movie awesome is how we can understand the joker and his twisted mindset. Which is why it was unsettling to me because I can somewhat say I relate to a psycho lol.

But the reason as to why I say he’s not a villain is because he’s misunderstood, and the whole riot spawned from a misunderstanding and a chain of misfortunate events.

in retrospec, besides a lot of the raw scenes I do love this movie. It’s such a taboo film and probably couldn’t have came out at a better time. In this time of sensivity, mass shooTing, presidency, etc... this film puts into perspective the repercussions of how we react to one another.
I'm still spinning........I loved it. Taxi Driver with face paint.

Some of the shots were :wow:

Incredible performance from JP, different from Heath, but that doesn't automatically mean better. Heath played an established veteran Joker. Joaquin BECAME Joker. Simple clown with issues to that Joker, in two hours. Holy ****.

I was mesmerized the whole film.

When they played the daddy angle had me :wow:

My only real complaint, I wish once the turn came we got 5 more minutes of Joker goin ape ****. I suspect no sequel, so I figured we needed a few more minutes of chaos. Maybe some bonus features will hit the Blu.

Can't wait to see it again tomorrow and/or Saturday.
Phoenix was GREAT
though I admit if it wasn’t him would probably not be as good
It was slow but I enjoyed it on first viewing
With it being slow
Not sure I would be able to watch it again
With it being that slow though
Honestly Phoenix may be the reason it’s even good to begin with
Might honestly have been trash without him
Movie wasn’t really it for me - Todd Phillips is a ?

Felt like he was torn between his mainstream comedy movie senses and making a true grimey movie. Way too many slow motion glamour shots (straight out of the hangover), that clashed with the tone of the movie.

The writing was weak and a little too on the nose at points with its “commentary” especially during the De Niro scene at the end. The fact that that scene was even allowed to play out the way it did was #lowiq :lol:

Didn’t care for the you know what tie-in...man I was HOPING they would not do that at the end.

CGI blood :rolleyes

Joaquin did everything he could do to carry things and he was great. I could have used a little less dancing and cry laughing though.
Whoever says this movie has too much violence needs to **** and go outside.

Seen more violence playing video games.

Outside of that, the movie was solid.

Won't get into the who was better between Heath and Joaquin(sp?)....they both did they thing, and in my opinion, 2 different lanes.

I wish he would have altered his voice more though.....his current one is very non-intimidating, to say the least.

I honestly don't think Phoenix and Ledger should be compared. Phoenix is barely the Joker in the movie, he just did a really good job acting.
Some stuff felt heavy handed in what leads to him losing it, and that society line in the Murray scene at the end was too, but I enjoyed the movie for the most part.
Heath's portrayal runs circles around Joaquin's with a 3rd of the screen time. I just didn't buy into the film like I was supposed to. Too many forced moments. The dancing after he killed the 3 dudes on the subway? No explanation? Ok cool the movie is just picking up. Joker being abused by a step father that was never mentioned until the movie needed him to be? Um, ok Todd Phillips is a semi hack but Joaquin's acting is gluing to the screen, whatever. But I get to the end of the film and I don't feel anything. Like nothing felt earned. So many things that felt like they would have a build up but never went anywhere. His boy that ratted him out had the creepy eye contact and line in the beginning like he was crushing on Arthur or even more. And then its like half way through Phillips realized he didn't want Arthur mentally incapable but just socially awkward so the being taken advantage of angle couldn't work. Wouldn't it had made more sense to kill his boy first because his mom was in the hospital from the cops coming to her since he ratted? Then killing his mom would have made more sense after finding out everything was a lie. But the movie didn't know how to throw sympathy that made sense at you. Don't even get me started on the Zazie Beats thing....

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