DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

All this SS bashing got me feeling real bad for Ayer. Son was one of my fab upcoming directors. Almost on the list of new guys that if he's directing it I'm watching regardless.

Now son's upcoming future is barren. I'm not looking forward to Gotham City Sirens other than to see hot actresses. Hopefuflly he has time to write it though.



Almost want to say that's a tall black guy even though I know its all cg.
No one cares
What’s done is done. I still got some faith in DCEU that they will turn this around. Truthfully justice league was on par with most comic book movies this year.
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Its honestly what a lot of us have discussed/talked around and alluded to about these movies for the past 8 years.

Not to mention there are ppl posting in these threads that are perfect examples and products of that scenario.

What gets me is when youre explaining why MoS wasn't good ppl will just ignore it as hate it that BvS is trash they'll say the extended version fixed those problems.

So many errors in understanding the core of these characters its disgusting. Yet ill have ppl on here tell me it makes sense that Papa Kent would tell Clark to hide away from civilization and that his Ma Kent cosigning heavy. The messages are just insulting.
there were reports that he was a cokehead but it could just be a smear campaign to try and salvage Fan4stic

similar situation though, both made badly received film that they both directed and wrote but one will have a career after while the other won't
That video was alright. I usually can't stomach these video essays unless they are from RedLetterMedia. Doesn't sound black at all btw. Sounds like a mix of Professor Frink and Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.

For me, it really comes down to comics and movies being two different mediums. And whether you're making a Batman movie or a Spider-Man movie or even an Archie & Jughead movie; the most important thing is that it succeeds in being a good MOVIE. Not a comic book movie. A good MOVIE. That includes interesting characters, a good screenplay, skillful editing, well-paced, etc.

Obviously, Marvel does a great job satisfying both movie-goers and fanboys. DC/WB, on the other hand, clearly has a more difficult time balancing those two.
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