"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

In my area they dont do midnight anymore.

Usually 9-10PM...

I will wait till friday night to watch it though.
Yeah my theater started doing more and more showings starting at 8PM too, it's less of a hassle if I could get tickets to it.
Not in my case, I go to Arclight, I get to pick my seats weeks even before the film comes out. I can stroll in the theater within a minute of showtime and have my seat waiting for me. I love it!

How do you get that set up? Do you talk to the manager or something, or are you credentialed as something?
:lol: No that's the whole theaters set-up. Everyone can buy online and pick their seats or go to the theater and pick any available seats left.

I posted this on the TDK thread but it looks like this online. Yeah movie was packed.


Red is unavailable and you just pick the vacant places, you can print your ticket online or just show your email via phone when you enter. Real simple and almost always a great experience just because no lines or looking for vacant seat in the dark theater fighting for the best seat you can get.
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It's been like that in So-Cal for like the past 6 years. :lol:

Buy my tickets a month in advance. No campouts. No people saving seats. You don't have to worry about being late. I'll continue pay the premium price to not deal with that crap.
The one in Hollywood been open for a while but the one I go to the most, Sherman Oaks, was more recent (opened 2007 iirc) but yeah been enjoying that experience. Sucks that they started a yearly membership fee now, it's only $15 but still. I have so many points with them too, I just use them on the restaurant (which is surprisingly decent) and the bar. 21+ screenings are cool too.
The one in Hollywood been open for a while but the one I go to the most, Sherman Oaks, was more recent (opened 2007 iirc) but yeah been enjoying that experience. Sucks that they started a yearly membership fee now, it's only $15 but still. I have so many points with them too, I just use them on the restaurant (which is surprisingly decent) and the bar. 21+ screenings are cool too.

You're talking about the one by Cheesecake Factory and the gym right? Been there a few times and it's quite nice. But the parking spaces there are :x

I'm over the hill so I'm always going to the Westside Pavillion Landmark or AMC Century City 15
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I don't mind the parking spaces, it isn't so bad if you're willing to walk, which isn't really far since it's like 5 story structure and you just have to go down some flight of stairs or just go via elevator.

Have you seen the Wondercon clip of Godzilla? If that doesn't get you hyped then you aren't human. :lol:
Damn, I don't know if anywhere up here has that type of set up. (Oregon)

For Cap 2, I flipped when I found out it was showing on that Thursday night, instead of the Friday I originally figured.

So I made my wife go straight after work with me and we bought tickets for an 8:30 (at like 5:30) and we lounged around town a bit, ate, etc, then went back to the theater at like 7:00 thinking it would fill up quick, etc.

Sittin there, first in line, all proud, happy to know we'll get the best seats, our choice, etc, like 25 people showed up. :lol:

Needless to say, my wife won't be joining me for any first night showings after me worrying about it being packed and we had the entire row to ourselves. :lol: :smh:
Nothing beats the feeling of excitement that midnight crowds have but I can't say I'm not happy that they do ~8pm showings on Thursday nights now, especially with having to wake up at 5am. I'm seeing ASM2 next Thursday at 7pm and can't wait.
:lol: @ CP1708. I'm exactly like that. Had the same experience when I saw MoS on a Saturday. I was all stressed because a bunch of friends decided to come in 10 minutes before the showing. When we got in, we were like WTF, where is everyone. I was just happy I didn't make a deal about it. Imagine if I went off on them outside the theater and got in with hardly any people?

The midnight crowd is always the best. I remember seeing an advanced screening of TDK and even though a lot of die hard fans were in there, it was at 8pm on a Tues/Wed night. Plus there was security on every 2-3 aisles checking to make sure no one was bootlegging. The Thursday midnight showing was much better though. Trivia, giveaways, people dressed up, it was a fun environment.

With that said however, thank goodness for 8-9pm showings on Thursdays. It lets me see the flick early, allows me to go into work without looking like a zombie and I don't have to deal with the "teeny bopper" crowds on the weekend.
You guys are lucky then when you arrive a few minutes before the movie starts. Sometimes I see people walk in right before the lights dim and see the disappointment in their faces when the only seats open are in the first few rows. I could never watch a movie with my neck bent up the whole time.
For me, I rarely buy tickets online because of the possibility of coming late. If there was assigned seating, great, but not too many theaters have it outside of the major metro cities.

Usually, if I am running late, I just ask the person at the ticket counter how many tickets they have sold so far. Usually they can tell you if it's at 50% or whatever. Anything above 75% and I'm just looking for tickets for the next showing.
On a side note, I just love the new pic of Fassbender. His casting in First Class was spot on and he just looks awesome as Magneto. I just wish the rest of his costume was equally as good. :smh:

For me, I rarely buy tickets online because of the possibility of coming late. If there was assigned seating, great, but not too many theaters have it outside of the major metro cities.

Usually, if I am running late, I just ask the person at the ticket counter how many tickets they have sold so far. Usually they can tell you if it's at 50% or whatever. Anything above 75% and I'm just looking for tickets for the next showing.

Same here. I always ask them, how many tickets have sold, etc. They always tell you.

I should have got the hint with Cap when I asked and they said like only 5% had sold online so far. :lol:

Oh well, I got to see it that Thursday night and it made my Friday go by so nicely.

Lookin forward to next Thursday for ASM2
I've been watching the x-men films this past few days, I have to say I like the original Mystique more. I like Jennifer Lawrence but I feel Rebecca Romijin is 'way more mysterious'.

But I can see more of blue J-Law in this movie. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
Lawrence is one of my favorite actresses and she's usually great in everything.. but she was god awful as Mystique. I know the script didn't do her any favors (the scene where she gave them their names :smh: ) but she was surprisingly bad in the first movie.
That one line made me hate her as Mystique forever. I'll call for her to be replaced every movie until she's gone. I mean they really messed up not casting her as some other mutant.

They ****** up not bringing back Rebecca.
I think Rebecca was too old for First Class and she did return for a cameo.

I just remember someone on NT saying JLaw looked like she smelled bad all the time and I just keep remembering it every time JLaw is brought up. :lol:
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