"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

The scene where he is talking to the older Prof X is likely in his/their mind, the other scene where he is walking might be a projection to help Wolverine break out Magneto.
The scene where he is talking to the older Prof X is likely in his/their mind, the other scene where he is walking might be a projection to help Wolverine break out Magneto.
i assumed that about that 2 professor Xs seeing one another, but wasnt sure if magneto was present as well..

but was more referring to the later part mentioned from the trailer.. which i thought of when i saw that pic above.. because they show professor X in the wheelchair at the end of first class
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Which later part mentioned in the trailer?
trying remember where else it was that james mcavoy was walking.. whether it was pics or the teaser trailer (aside from posted above)
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isnt Marvel singluar. not plural.

the article says "Marvel were warned" instead of "Marvel was warned"

in every single interview ive heard/read they act like its plural

unless im wrong.
Whoever greenlit these costumes needs to burn, besides beast I have not been impressed AT ALL.....movie really looks like trash tbh
Like I've said, you are looking at the messed up future where the Sentinels are hunting them down. You aren't going to be hiding wearing bright yellow and blue suits. We all know goth ninja is the fashion of the dystopian future. :lol: So the all black leather errthang works. IIRC, even int he comics of DofP, in the future they weren't rocking the rainbow brite gear.

In First Class, we saw them tackle tthe blue and yellow suit in a functional way but it looks good in the time it was set on. In the past pics of DofP, you can see Magneto has his purple or maroon costume with a helmet and the costumes of the other heroes, including Wolverines in the past version is still in secrecy.

So I think we should really chill on the costumes until we see the film. If the suits are crappy throughout the whole film and they do not introduce anything new and better, then bash away.
The costumes are of little concern to me.. they could look better but oh well. I'm sure it'll look better on screen and even if they don't, good action and an interesting story will trump some outfits.
I expect nothing but disappointment from this film. I have yet to see a great X-Man film yet and it's a shame.
Like I've said, you are looking at the messed up future where the Sentinels are hunting them down. You aren't going to be hiding wearing bright yellow and blue suits. We all know goth ninja is the fashion of the dystopian future. :lol: So the all black leather errthang works. IIRC, even int he comics of DofP, in the future they weren't rocking the rainbow brite gear.

In First Class, we saw them tackle tthe blue and yellow suit in a functional way but it looks good in the time it was set on. In the past pics of DofP, you can see Magneto has his purple or maroon costume with a helmet and the costumes of the other heroes, including Wolverines in the past version is still in secrecy.

So I think we should really chill on the costumes until we see the film. If the suits are crappy throughout the whole film and they do not introduce anything new and better, then bash away.

Copout answer. Lol. Now explain the garbage costumes for the last 5 xmen and xmen related films....
It's not a cop-out. You're telling me that doesn't make sense from the context of the film we know at the moment?

X1 & X2 were the first comic book films and they went the safer route and understandable, cgi now isn't the same as back then and colorful spandex would just look like cosplayers fighting each other.

X3 was ok, crappy film by a crappy director, not much to explain there. He just tried to extend X1 & X2 costumes. Origins, really no costume needed, Barakaclops kills all so the film could be considered non-existant. The Wolverine, no costume were needed and they did tease his mask and all.

First Class, costume was perfectly fine for the time period and they tried to make it more functional while not sticking to all black. Hell in the end you saw Magneto in his full on maroon suit with a cape and shiny maroon helmet that was very close to the comics so they are exploring new things and moving forward with it.


With that said, trust me, if Singer stick with the all black leather costume throughout the whole team, then I'll be right there with you up in arms with the disdain for Singer and if the movie truly sucks, then I'll be there right front row of the picket fence to get him out of the Apocalypse film.
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Speaking of Magneto, this released an hour ago and again the past Magneto has the maroon costume so it isn't just black suit with a cape.

You've justified why they sucked, but the fact is that they sucked and from what we've seen still do. It's been over 10 years of trash, how much longer do they need to "ease" in a more "comic book like" costume?
Eh, just wait til the film comes out before fully judging it. Again, does the all black in the future where they are supposed to be in hiding not make sense?

You seem to be ignoring the fact that they used more color in First Class and even has Magnetos classic costume straight out of the comics in the end and that Magneto in this film isn't wearing black in the past timeline. It is a clear step forward and it is obvious they aren't just sticking to the X1-X3 costumes anymore and the past costumes makes sense in the context of the story.
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All black doesn't mean bland, everyone looks the same, leather vests for everyone. Anyone can be called anything and nobody would know the difference. Slim fit usher jackets and leather pants for every character is a joke
Vest does make sense, it's like a bullet proof vest, it allows movement and makes them lighter than a full on leather suit (like X1-X3).

At the end of the day, they're still a team and they have to have something in common when it comes to design. It's better than the X1-X3 costumes where everyone wears the same leather jumpsuit with an "X" on their chest.

I know costumes could be better but you really can't tell Iceman from Colossus, Pryde from Sunspot? Even in the comics it's mostly their pattern and cut that's different, you can say the same the same with this gear. Colossus actually doesn't look bad in his gear (though it starts to look crap once he is cgi'd).
Ice man has a leather jacket on.... ICEMAN

What I'm getting at is that all their costumes are generic and interchangeable. If kitty had on colossus's generic costume on, it'd work, so on and so forth
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Wait, what do you want iceman to wear? You want him in tighty whiteys because he doesn't get cold? :lol:

Come on now.

So what if they are interchangeable, these future guys will have maybe 5-10 minutes screen time, likely a lot less for the lesser known heroes like Sunspot. It's still an improvement over the X1-X3 costume, which are all practically the same. Don't you agree? You are ignoring the improvement they've made from 10 years ago and that this time, at least there are different variations and patterns. it's still a step forward.

Plus how are you going to make drastic changes to an all black gear to differentiate each one for specific characters? Do you want icicles etching on Icemans leather vest? You want metal shards spattered on Colosus armor? You want a cat engraving on the back of Kittys jacket?

Just take it as a step int he right direction and wait and see what the main characters (those in the past plus Wolverines) costumes are before burying the film. We do not even have a full blown trailer for this yet.

The only costume I cannot really defend in the film is Quicksilvers. I would lose any argument in that one. :lol:
So yes or no, do the costumes suck. Forget trying to justify it, use your eyes. Lol
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I honestly think they're ok. I've seen worse.

If I saw it without any other context or knowing when the timeline of the film is set or what is going on and they made me think this is what the whole film will look like then they tell me, "here's the new XMen costumes" then I might go, "are you serious?"

But with the context, which we all should know by now, then it is perfectly ok with me.

But I also ask you the question that you still haven't answered, does the suits being all black make sense in the context of them being in hiding and being hunted down by the Sentinels? I mean the movie is more than the costume of a secondary characters that'll have very little screen time.

Another question, did you like the maroon Magneto costume with a helmet that looks like it came out straight of the comic books at the end of the First Class film? Did you like the direction they went with that? Do you think it is a vast improvement over the past?
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