David Fincher: House of Cards( BEWARE OF SPOILERS) (series) starring Kevin Spacey

I guess I am in the minority and enjoyed S3. Personally, I thought it was a welcomed sight to see the Underwood's take more L's that season because they have stomped on everyone during the first two seasons. If they had been in God Mode every season it could get stale really fast, at least in my opinion.

Now S4, blended the best of all 3 seasons. Underwood's back together plotting at their best but at the same time vulnerable because of the dirt that others have on them.

The final scene with Frank and Claire not intimidated one bit by ICO :pimp:
I guess I am in the minority and enjoyed S3. Personally, I thought it was a welcomed sight to see the Underwood's take more L's that season because they have stomped on everyone during the first two seasons. If they had been in God Mode every season it could get stale really fast, at least in my opinion.

Now S4, blended the best of all 3 seasons. Underwood's back together plotting at their best but at the same time vulnerable because of the dirt that others have on them.

The final scene with Frank and Claire not intimidated one bit by ICO :pimp:

All the seasons have been great but I do think that season 3 was the least entertaining but as you said, it was a necessary evil. Frank cannot be on the offensive all of the time and once he climbed as far as you can in American politics, you now have to play defense.

Season one was, for political junkies and strivers of all sorts, gloriously pornographic. It was wish fulfillment of the highest order. Season two involved winning but it was a slower slog and Frank needed a good deal of luck. Season three and most of season for has Frank on his heels. Now we have the stage set for a Henry V style march to war. An unpopular politician is risking war and in Frank's case, a World War to hold onto power.
They way it was talked about, I figured ICO was the stand in for ISIS. So I wouldn't be surprised if they were in more than one place than Syria.

The in world history of the world isn't as clear either. How bad is Iraq? We still in Afghanistan? I figure they won't go too deep in to that stuff.
Just started the series and am now half way through S1. Pretty good show.
Alright gentlemen just finished season 4, and I have to say I enjoyed it thoroughly. That last scene was just sick, I still hate Claire but I really enjoyed that scene.

Remy though, cmon man :smh:
Freddy the realist guy in the whole show. "You a ************, Mr President" :pimp:
Just finished season 4 last night, that last scene was something else
On season 2 that episode with the Chinese guy getting topped of by the guy and girl was mad wild. Claire and Frank are Mickey and Malorie on steroids.
Just finished watching season 4...got a feeling some L's are coming for the Underwoods in season 5

Claire just had to weasel her way back in :smh:
Kind of lost interest when Frank became President. Not sure if I want to continue the series.
Kind of lost interest when Frank became President. Not sure if I want to continue the series.
I feel the same way. The first couple of seasons were incredibly entertaining. I was not a fan of the last season, but I will check out at least the first few episodes of this new season before i decide if i am in or out 
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