David Fincher: House of Cards( BEWARE OF SPOILERS) (series) starring Kevin Spacey

I see this Doug storyline ending terribly man :lol: I'm hoping he wakes up and realizes the underwoods really don't care for him, but idk..interested to see where they go his character.

Anybody find it weird how quick shorty moved on from
her dead husband tho? :lol: like dude was dead for like 2 days before she was cooking for Doug :rofl:

That happens sometimes. It's like the ultimate case of rebound. Will Ferrell knew what he was doing in Wedding Crashers.
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Man Yates might be my favorite character this season. Hated him in season 3 but man, he's got this certain swagger about him :pimp:
I wonder if Doug will have an epiphany now that he's getting close with this new woman.

I mean, he has to realize that everything the Underwood's touch eventually turns to ashes. Perhaps this new woman will be his saving grace and he'll pull a move similar to Remy, Jackie, and Walker. He actually knows **** and his hands are the furthest from clean, but I'm wondering if he'll try to redeem himself for this woman. :nerd:
On the real, Doug needs him a Claire. A chick that understands him and is just as loyal and ruthless as him. Doug's problem is he's in to damaged females that are broken and he likes to be taken care of by them. So he probably would pass up a Claire type.

I was hoping Neve Campbell's character would make him smarten up and just seduce him or something.

He spent time trying to get her out instead of trying to find way to be even more useful and stay the golden boy in Frank's eyes after Remy dipped and they were left with this shady speaker of the house lame.

Peep this show, every character that's been here in that inner circle has somebody. Claire got the writer, Frank got Claire and really any chick he wants, Remy got somebody, etc. Doug the only dude trying to ride dolo and be all about the work then finds himself in these moments of weakness where he ***** it all up.

If it ends bad for him, I just hope he dies, does no damage to the Underwoods and Frank can use it to help himself.

Bush didn't have an article basically saying he manipulated people to get to the top. Not to mention people that were close to the president on record.

That's some seriously damaging journalism. Bush never had that, so using the 2004 election isn't exactly accurate.
I'm not saying he did. As far as I see it in the HoC world, Bush was president. Things start diverging from history with Walker's presidency. So there wasn't a Obama presidency.

I'm saying from knowledge of what has gone down in America already (and too a deeper the writers using it as a clear reference) he and Claire took what they knew happened when Bush went to war and did it for their situation because it definitely would help them.

Yes Bush didn't have anything like that going against him when he went to war but it's cuz he went to war that there was no way he was losing the re-election. What's accurate is that the country at war is not going to change president's. War is the main reason FDR got 3 terms in the White House.

I look forward to Francis and Claire getting theirs next season
Oh you're one of those. Well I hope you wait real long for that.
Man Yates might be my favorite character this season. Hated him in season 3 but man, he's got this certain swagger about him :pimp:

When Yates smashed Claire and then joined her and Frank at the table the next morning for breakfast, handing out the plates and ****. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Best scene of the season. :smokin
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When Yates smashed Claire and then joined her and Frank at the table the next morning for breakfast, handing out the plates and ****. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Best scene of the season. :smokin

Bruh :rofl: this **** makes me so uncomfortable some times man. But the underwood share definitely inside with their primal animalistic side. They understand polygamy and whatnot

But this man really ****olding his wife out :rofl:
At this point, I think Frank's just way too pragmatic to care about Claire getting the attention/adoration/pipe from another man. His eye's are on winning the presidency, and he realized he has a good shot at doing so with Claire satiated and by his side. I doubt the love he had for her is still there.
did anyone else notice that in the last episode when doug went to ol girls house his car didnt have headrests in the front
just finished watching the entire season. it was so up and down for the underwoods man, and as much as it pains me to say it, I hate when claire and frank get along. but breh at that last scene
I'm at episode 7, and it looks like Frank and Claire are starting to come back together. This was more interesting when they were feuding. Doug still a ***** too
Freddy Hayes with the fake outrage. "I'm just the help?"
It was definitely a bit unexpected. But I lol'd when he called him a ************.
 It was funny but the entire time I was thinking "damn freddy chill"
Been saying we need gifs of that :lol:

**** came off like a scene from a completely different movie.
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I stayed out of this thread till I finished the whole season... so now, a week later and +160 new posts, I can re-enter! 

This is the House of Cards that I loved.  I admit, I was one of those who didn't enjoy S3 as much, but this season brought that excitement back.

First off, it's interesting how Frank and Claire's relationship has changed over the course of the season... from that 1st episode fight-sequence to the two of them basically starting a war to keep their power.    That final scene was amazing... their stone-cold expressions vs everyone cringing... and Claire breaking the 4th wall for the first time!

Neve... didn't know she was in this season... indeed she has aged well.  Never really watched Party of Five back then though.

Doug... what a change from how broken he was in S3.  The amount of guilt he's carrying around must be ridiculous though.  

Not sure how this thing with the widow is gonna play out.  How long has it been since her husband died?  That she's already so accepting of Doug (seemingly so fast) feels a bit weird.  I wonder if she'll find out the truth.

Kinnaman... I liked him in The Killing... felt he did a great job as Holder, but not sure about Conway.  Not to say that he was bad, cuz I felt he did a good job, but I just wasn't completely sold.  

RIP Meech! 
It's been a few months since Doug had that chick's husband bumped from the donor list. I'd say like 2 from when he died to when Doug meets her. Remember he gave that big donation and just saved her message to meet up for a while.

I really don't know why Doug is so guilty though. To me that was one of the more simpler decisions and easier kills on the show. If anything I would make sure Frank knew what was done for him to live.
Yeah, for as ruthless doug has always been its strange that he would be soft about this.
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