Dating Girls With Kids.......

i think datin chicks w/ kids runs in my family

my brother married one
my other brother jus moved in with one
i broke up with mine a lil while ago

didn't bother me..but i wouldnt do that !*$% again tho
Just got out of 5 month relationship with a girl with two kids, I swear when I first met her she was the baddest ever and she blew me away and still does. Shewas married for 2 years and her husband cheated several times, she filled for divorce and raises the kids on her own, the father takes them 2 weekends out ofevery month.

I am 26 make about 65k a year so im not a lil kid but this was a great experience to be honest but it was tough at times, I got very attached to the childrenvery fast, I saw them more than just cute kids, I taught them things and really thought I had a solid thing going. But she was very insecure always asking mewas I cheating on her etc. due to the fact that her husband cheated on her, so we fought alot, and it just wasnt healthy.....

But we just parted ways...I wont lie I still have feelings but when you tell people your girl has kids they all look sideways, and my family wasnt 100% withit, I could always tell, I never let alot of that stuff get to me but for instance when she was talking to the BD I would get a bit jealous "like oh whatdoes he want" I see it can be a rewarding situation but its not meant for everyone
Smashing, yes. Dating/Relationship, difficult.

I don't mind it that much but if the baby daddy around I find it to be awkward.

Real talk tho I'd prefer a female with a kid than these abortion broads.
Ehh, I'd smash and wife. I'd actually be more scared just to smash because of the drama that it could bring but if I genuinely like a chick with a kidI wouldn't hesitate to wife it.
Somehow the things that are recently going through your mind wind up as NT topics. Every time...

I just had a smash session this week with a girl that has a kid. My first experience with that whole scenario. I've known her for a while, as a friend, butshe recently broke up with her boyfriend, who actually wasn't the baby's father. The baby's dad was one or two relationships in the past for her.But anyway, she recently became single, and one drunken night, we did the business. She's one of the cooler girls I know, but that whole kid thing justspooks me out. And there's just no way in hell that I could introduce a girl with a kid to my parents. My Mom would flip out...

I just don't want my first Kid Experience to be with some lil' dude that has none of my own traits. That's what it comes down to. I want to knowthat I took part in the baby-making process. I want to know that the kid I'm raising will look like me. I want to know that he's gonna have me as agood friend when he grows older, just like I am now with my Dad. I mean, it's possible that you and a girl's kid can still grow close, but it justdoesn't seem to have that genuine feel. And what happens if he grows closer to his real Dad instead? I got plenty of friends with divorced parents whodon't like their Stepdad the same as they do their real Dad. I think my family (and extended family) would also see the kid in a different light.

There are just way too many complications in it. Like others have said, there are so many more girls who are baggage-free (kid-wise) out there.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Dudes dont wann raise a seed that aint their own.

you'd be surprised, theres ALLLLOOOTTTTTT of thirsty dudes out me. I've seen it allllll
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! ^ That's hilarious. It's like he's pointing directly at "DATE."

Originally Posted by FrankDolla

It really just depends on the situation. I dated a girl with a seed, but the father was a deadbeat so there wasn't really any drama. She's a RN so she wasn't looking to me to support them so it was all cool.
I've seen other situations where the girl leaves her new bf for her bd because of jealousy and trying to "keep their family together".


But as you young dudes get older; understand... if you meet a chic that's 25+, w/ no kids, hasn't been in a relationship for the past 3-4 years, and isn't CAKING at her job... there's a reason she's single. That !#!%@ crazy! (or her credit shot to hell) Point of it all is this: I'd rather have a decent chic with a child than a crazy broad without any.


Those are some good words of wisdom
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Yeah, if the BD is still very much in the picture and not for the child so much but for her as well. They are seeing each other frequently for whatever reason is a bad sign.

But in the end, IMO, it takes one hell of a man to raise another man's seed.

I agree...when my pops was out doing his own thing my step-father stepped in....the thing about dating a woman with kids is that if you get serious with herlike you wife it...whateva you do for her your gunna have to do for her kids takes a real selfless person to take care of sum otha dudes seeds..Im notagainst but i'd prefer not to get serious with a chicc with kids
i couldnt start a relationship w/ someone knowing they have kids.
my bf's lil bro just recently moved in with him and its such a hugeeeee change/responsibility.
of course it's not somethin i'd leave for cus we've been together for a while and i love his bro...but if i was to be starting a brand newrelationship...them having kids would be something i'd stay away from.
for me, I have a clean slate and I want the same. There's nothing wrong with wanting that, I don't even know I feel like I'm about to goon a long rant about nothing.

I don't like messing with chicks with kids, mainly because I wanna have the girl, not the kid but the kid comes as part of the package(reminds me of JordanPackages now that I think about it, and I'm the guy passing on them because I only want 1 part and that 1 part is good but not GREAT enough to make up forits lesser half)

I love kids and all, but a great part about kids right now is after I'm done, I'M DONE I don't gotta deal with lil man anymore, but just being inthe picture with a girl that has a kid you are somewhat still in the picture with the kid, and I'm not heartless to be able to deny that(depending on howeverything was progressing that is) and I don't wanna be around the kid in that type of position if I don't know I'm ready to be in that position,I'm only 21 and I'm not trying to take on a kid(mine if I can help it, or anyone else's) anytime soon, at least until after I graduate.

Then with that, if it's suppose to be a relationship and I don't see it progressing into more, I don't wanna stay around for the kid to bond withme that much more in any way, it's not the kid's fault at all and I don't wanna scar the kid in any way, shape, or form, I'd feel I helpedcontribute to that $#*# and that aint right in my book.

somewhere in all that you can piece together the reasons I don't like messing with girls with kids right now, but more and more females are popping kidsout like it's the same as breathing or something, guess I'll cross the inevitable bridge when I get to that point though. For right now I just try tostay away as much as possible from the situation and mess with females without kids, but I do see myself starting to be a little more open to the situation,ughhh...I'm gonna end this post now before I start making arguments for the other side since I don't feel that way...
it seems like a good percentage of chicks in that 20's age group have at least 1
.... still tryin 2 deal and accept that fact lol
I cant stand kids so I know that I could never date a girl who had kids..its just not for me.
My biggest problem with it is they always gotta find a babysitter. I never had any issues with their BDs. I could see it being a problem though.
seems to be inevitable as we get older

I'm not really kid friendly so it hasn't worked out to well in the past for me. I also say it all depends on how the woman handles the situation.Chicks forcing the child on u FTL
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