Damn why did Glen Coffee retire though?

Apr 30, 2005
Just heard about this on LaVar's show...

Kevin Lynch will be in on this shortly, but in the meantime, yes, the 49ers say Glen Coffee is quitting and Singletary says he doesn't know why, according to David White.

Heck, The Chronicle had a story in today's paper, and posted on our main Sports Gate page until a few minutes ago, about Coffee's lively competition with Anthony Davis for carries behind Frank Gore. There was nothing in Coffee's manner yesterday that indicated he was practicing for the final time.

White notes that Singletary had been saying positive things about Coffee.

He's just a second-year player!

Very odd. We'll have more when we know it. Hard to believe he's really retiring from the NFL.

Just heard about this on LaVar's show...

Kevin Lynch will be in on this shortly, but in the meantime, yes, the 49ers say Glen Coffee is quitting and Singletary says he doesn't know why, according to David White.

Heck, The Chronicle had a story in today's paper, and posted on our main Sports Gate page until a few minutes ago, about Coffee's lively competition with Anthony Davis for carries behind Frank Gore. There was nothing in Coffee's manner yesterday that indicated he was practicing for the final time.

White notes that Singletary had been saying positive things about Coffee.

He's just a second-year player!

Very odd. We'll have more when we know it. Hard to believe he's really retiring from the NFL.

According to a former Crimson Tide beat writer who covered Coffee for 3 years, he believes it's to pursue something in the ministry.

@ the Balmer/Coffee pic.

Here's what Singletary had to say on the matter:

"Gleninformed us this morning of his intent to no longer play the game offootball. I respect that. I appreciate everything he has done for the49ers. Whatever the issues are, I'm not going to go into all the otherstuff. You'll have to talk to Glen about that. I appreciate hishonesty. And I appreciate him coming out here and not going through themotions. The thing we're trying to do with the 49ers is we're trying tofind 53 men that love the game of football. That's what's going to helpus get to where we need to go. So as far as Glen Coffee is concerned, Ithink Trent Baalke and the personnel staff will look around and seewhat's available and go from there."

Q: Did this come out of the blue for you?
Singletary: Yes, it did.

Q: What kind of camp was he having?
Singletary: He was having a fine camp. He was having a fine camp.

Q: Did you try to talk him out of it?
Singletary: No.You can't. The one thing I learned a long time ago is if someone wantsto leave and you try to bring him back and talk him out of it, chancesare you're going to have to talk him out of it again. And that would bedisrespectful to the guys out here. We have guys out here that reallywant to be here and I'm looking high and low to find those 53 thatreally love being here. And that's what the game's all about.

Q: Did you ever have a talk with Glen in the past about some like this?
Singletary: I did not.

Q: What was your initial reaction.
Singletary: "Myinitial reaction was, 'Glen, are you sure about this?' He said, 'Yes,sir, I've given it a lot of thought.' I said, 'OK, if that's where youare I respect that, and I appreciate your honesty. I appreciate thecharacter you have to come and let us know so that we can move forwardand not put us in a situation where we have to go scramble and dosomething we wouldn't want to do.'"

Q: Do you understand his reasons?
Singletary: No.

Q: When was that conversation?
Singletary: This morning.

Q: Was it face to face?
Singletary: Yes, sir.

Q: When he did not show up at afternoon practice yesterday, did you send out people looking for him?
Singletary: "Wedid what any organization would try to do, find out if everything's OK.You try to find him. I think maybe sometime last night we were able tofind him."

Q: Could you describe his demeanor?
Singletary: "Ijust thought . . . I know he felt bad. His demeanor was, 'I really hateto do this. I really hate to lay this on you, coach. I love myteammates and I love what we're doing, but since college my hearthasn't been in it. In fact, I came out early because my heart wasn't init.' Knowing Glen Coffee, he really felt awful. I'm thinking that hewas thinking I'd really be upset with him. And that was not the case.

Q:He didn't leave this area the entire offseason, did you think he wasdoing all things necessary to become a really good player?
Singletary: Well,yes. That doesn't matter. Right now, all the answers. Did it surpriseme? Yes. Did I think he was having a good camp? Yes. He's a guy, that'swhat you want. He's an incredible young man. But he has made thatdecision, and that's his decision.

Good luck to the guy, though
According to a former Crimson Tide beat writer who covered Coffee for 3 years, he believes it's to pursue something in the ministry.

@ the Balmer/Coffee pic.

Here's what Singletary had to say on the matter:

"Gleninformed us this morning of his intent to no longer play the game offootball. I respect that. I appreciate everything he has done for the49ers. Whatever the issues are, I'm not going to go into all the otherstuff. You'll have to talk to Glen about that. I appreciate hishonesty. And I appreciate him coming out here and not going through themotions. The thing we're trying to do with the 49ers is we're trying tofind 53 men that love the game of football. That's what's going to helpus get to where we need to go. So as far as Glen Coffee is concerned, Ithink Trent Baalke and the personnel staff will look around and seewhat's available and go from there."

Q: Did this come out of the blue for you?
Singletary: Yes, it did.

Q: What kind of camp was he having?
Singletary: He was having a fine camp. He was having a fine camp.

Q: Did you try to talk him out of it?
Singletary: No.You can't. The one thing I learned a long time ago is if someone wantsto leave and you try to bring him back and talk him out of it, chancesare you're going to have to talk him out of it again. And that would bedisrespectful to the guys out here. We have guys out here that reallywant to be here and I'm looking high and low to find those 53 thatreally love being here. And that's what the game's all about.

Q: Did you ever have a talk with Glen in the past about some like this?
Singletary: I did not.

Q: What was your initial reaction.
Singletary: "Myinitial reaction was, 'Glen, are you sure about this?' He said, 'Yes,sir, I've given it a lot of thought.' I said, 'OK, if that's where youare I respect that, and I appreciate your honesty. I appreciate thecharacter you have to come and let us know so that we can move forwardand not put us in a situation where we have to go scramble and dosomething we wouldn't want to do.'"

Q: Do you understand his reasons?
Singletary: No.

Q: When was that conversation?
Singletary: This morning.

Q: Was it face to face?
Singletary: Yes, sir.

Q: When he did not show up at afternoon practice yesterday, did you send out people looking for him?
Singletary: "Wedid what any organization would try to do, find out if everything's OK.You try to find him. I think maybe sometime last night we were able tofind him."

Q: Could you describe his demeanor?
Singletary: "Ijust thought . . . I know he felt bad. His demeanor was, 'I really hateto do this. I really hate to lay this on you, coach. I love myteammates and I love what we're doing, but since college my hearthasn't been in it. In fact, I came out early because my heart wasn't init.' Knowing Glen Coffee, he really felt awful. I'm thinking that hewas thinking I'd really be upset with him. And that was not the case.

Q:He didn't leave this area the entire offseason, did you think he wasdoing all things necessary to become a really good player?
Singletary: Well,yes. That doesn't matter. Right now, all the answers. Did it surpriseme? Yes. Did I think he was having a good camp? Yes. He's a guy, that'swhat you want. He's an incredible young man. But he has made thatdecision, and that's his decision.

Good luck to the guy, though
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