Damb bruhs I has embarrassed Vol GAS

My work chair gets it every Thursday night.

Gotta stop it with the Kush and random munchies.
My work chair gets it every Thursday night.

Gotta stop it with the Kush and random munchies.
strong av to thread subject ratio

but yall need to go to the bathroom if you gotta fart, thats mad disrespectful if youre just farting around people like they want that funk in their immediate air
Fart related story...

So me and two of my boys at Rock the Bells in the Bay a few months back. We get done with day one and hungry as hell. We roll up to the McDonalds and grab hella food. Talking about 15 bucks on the dollar menu type grub per person. That night, we feel something brewing in us. All night was rip after rip. One of the boys likes to rip every chance he gets, in front of females and everything. So the next morning we stop by 7-11 to get some mixers. He starts ripping something vicious in the car. If your nose was congested, one wiff of this would clear you up for a whole year. We start driving out of the lot when he slams on the breaks with the quickness, almost spilling my strawberry nesquik. He goes "Man, that didn't feel right. I gotta check it out." We start making fun of him saying he probably got a little prize with that rip. He parks the car, gets out, and starts walking into 7-11 again. I look up, and dude has a sqid mark in the back of his shorts!!! My other boy and i are dying of laughter. He goes into 5 different stores in the shopping lot, none of which let him use the bathroom. All day that was all we were talking about. Now, he doesn't rip as much, and when he does, he goes to the bathroom to do it. Just in case. 

Ya'll rip all you want, but do it with caution haha
You can get Pepcid tablets over the counter....I got it through IV...complete different story...my butthole was unleashed...felt good though...so good
Drink cabbage juice for gastritis.

Just blend some cabbage (half a head) with a little water and then strain it. If you use a fine mesh strainer you'll have to press it down with your fingers to get all the juice out of it. And then just chug it. It's very foul tasting but it will work wonders on your digestive tract. The active component is glutamine which you could also get in supplement form.
You guys don't understand the amount of gas coming out my *** right now :wow:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Idk why but that just sounded funny reading it. I hope it all passes and you'll be fine. Farting is natural bro. Reading your thread has given me the BG's Steezy, I'll never forgive you for this.
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You can get Pepcid tablets over the counter....I got it through IV...complete different story...my butthole was unleashed...felt good though...so good

AYOO....I didn't quite think that sentence thru...
My butthole was unleashed...........

My butthole was unleashed...........

My butthole was unleashed...........

My butthole was unleashed...........

:smh: Something tells me it wasn't the 1st time
My butthole was unleashed...........
My butthole was unleashed...........
My butthole was unleashed...........

My butthole was unleashed...........

:smh: Something tells me it wasn't the 1st time

You sound like you want a piece papi.
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