Dallas police woman breaks into home of young man and shoots him to death Update: GUILTY of murder

Sounds like she killed dude over a noise complaint.
Sounds premeditated.
He lived in the unit above hers and she had previously made a noise complaint about neighbor upstairs.

You can be mad about somebody stomping around upstairs, but not mad enough to go and murder someone and make it look like an "honest mistake".

Sounds like she killed dude over a noise complaint.
Sounds premeditated.
He lived in the unit above hers and she had previously made a noise complaint about neighbor upstairs.

You can be mad about somebody stomping around upstairs, but not mad enough to go and murder someone and make it look like an "honest mistake".

See that sounds plausible...If there’s a negative history between the 2 then that means motive...This accidentally walked into the wrong apartment nonsense doesn’t fly...

Who’s to say she didn’t work that extra long shift just so she could give herself a cover story...
So being tired from work, which literally EVERYONE IS EVERYDAY, is a viable excuse? Ok, so when can that NOT be used?
so was the door open like theyre now conveniently trying to say or was she banging on it like witnesses who were very outspoken in making sure they were heard said?
Then we heard the light on the door swiper was red and she continues to bang on the door. We may never know the truth.

Even if she yelled 'police open up'; one shouldn't be expected to be shot within seconds of opening a door.

I sense a $10 million dollar settlement that Texas tax payers will pay and she maybe gets 2yrs probation. Shell be hiding out and working in the Texas Hicks making good money as a officer in no time.
Then we heard the light on the door swiper was red and she continues to bang on the door. We may never know the truth.

Even if she yelled 'police open up'; one shouldn't be expected to be shot within seconds of opening a door.

I sense a $10 million dollar settlement that Texas tax payers will pay and she maybe gets 2yrs probation. Shell be hiding out and working in the Texas Hicks making good money as a officer in no time.
Crazy thing is she might get away with it cuz she’s an officer...but the city not paying for anything in this case cuz she was off duty, they def using that technicality to their advantage
Crazy thing is she might get away with it cuz she’s an officer...but the city not paying for anything in this case cuz she was off duty, they def using that technicality to their advantage
That's tricky. Off duty or not, they can still join in on pursuits or stop a robbery at a 7-11 if they were in line behind a suspect. Their use of force is 24/7

I sense they're still protected.

Right or wrong, she saw a intruder in her 'home'. We talk about warrants and why are the cops searching me etc. They have nearly zero liability for their choices.
Verbal commands? get out of here...someone enters my home unlawfully and I'm supposed to just do as they say? That's not a viable defense for being incompetent.
Right? So if i run out at the next person I see, pull out a gun and start yelling commands I have the right to shoot if they don’t listen? Kill her
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The red mat is going to be the key here because there’s no way in hell she completely misses that as she approaches the door. If that ain’t the most blatant red flag ever :lol:

Something is better than nothing so I can rock with the manslaughter charges for the time being. Decent chance they upgrade the charges tho once the witness accounts start rolling in, clear visible evidence is presented, etc.
Seen her pics. She def looks like an inbred racist. Would like to know how she qualified to be any type of law inforcment.
The red mat is going to be the key here because there’s no way in hell she completely misses that as she approaches the door. If that ain’t the most blatant red flag ever :lol:

Something is better than nothing so I can rock with the manslaughter charges for the time being. Decent chance they upgrade the charges tho once the witness accounts start rolling in, clear visible evidence is presented, etc.
Isn't the game plan usually to exaggerate the charges so the murderer gets off? So charge her with 1st degree and all the defense has to prove is that it was possibly not pre-meditated.
I would’ve loved if this young man had the chance to pierce the flesh of this despicable filthy subhuman animal.

“Sleep with the K, I’m mo reala than y’all” :smh::smh::smh:
Isn't the game plan usually to exaggerate the charges so the murderer gets off? So charge her with 1st degree and all the defense has to prove is that it was possibly not pre-meditated.

No. The jury can convict of the lesser charge of manslaughter.
How are you born without lips? How does that happen?

I don’t see cops as people. Therefore I can’t sympathize with anything negative that happens to them. They’re lower than dogs, pigs or cattle imo.

I do Uber on the side. Couple weekends ago I picked up two women. They turned out to be cops. I pulled over and cancelled the ride and kicked em out my car.

Calling police officers in the United States "pigs" is an insult to pigs.

They could never be deserving of the dignity or respect of any living animal.

Rats, cockroaches, vermin, they neither actively perpetuate or complicity support evil and acts of domestic terrorism against African Americans, and the pieces of **** have been brutalizing and slaughtering us and our forefathers for centuries.

There's a reason we rightfully symbolize them as devils.

Nah they pigs man. Swine. Filth. Disgusting.

A manslaughter charge here is pathetic, but I’m not surprised. Should easily be a murder charge.

Should be cap murder

For real if an off-duty cop gives me a command we fighting :lol:

I was driving Uber yesterday and was waiting for this older woman to get in the car, she was maybe 5ft from my car. This bozo cop comes up to me yelling and power tripping telling me to move. I tell him I'm waiting for the lady and then I'm gone. He's saying he doesn't give a **** and this that and a third. I just looked at the sack of **** like my avy and waited on the lady to hop in. Foh swiney
A lot SWS have been saying this doesn’t seen right and the cop had to have been drunk or something.

When the SWS ain’t coming up with excuses I don’t know what to think

Like they ain’t even protecting her AND the media hasn’t show an angry picture of the victim.

Maybe they sacrifice her so they can tell us the system works.
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I was driving Uber yesterday and was waiting for this older woman to get in the car, she was maybe 5ft from my car. This bozo cop comes up to me yelling and power tripping telling me to move. I tell him I'm waiting for the lady and then I'm gone. He's saying he doesn't give a **** and this that and a third. I just looked at the sack of **** like my avy and waited on the lady to hop in. Foh swiney

Dang aren't you in Canada too? I really thought 5-0 would be a little more civilized up there for some reason.
Dang aren't you in Canada too? I really thought 5-0 would be a little more civilized up there for some reason.

Same **** different pile. Beat my last case and these *******s were in court telling bold faced lies covering up for each other. **** was so ridiculous, they ended up contradicting each other. ******* clowns.
Just disgusting fellas. RIP to the victim and his family. Part of me feels like they were trying to "investigate" to sully this young man's reputation and only charged her when they couldn't find anything.
The guy was practically a saint, that's a black man living up to a higher standard thats why they couldn't find any dirt on him.

She is a cold blooded killer/criminal and needs to be treated as such. I have no sympathy for this peice of trash person who was allowed to be free for 3 days and still get a bond to still have freedom in society. Jail her up and give her the gold ol texas death penalty charge.
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