Dallas police woman breaks into home of young man and shoots him to death Update: GUILTY of murder

^ Exactly, this is bull but then again its expected

Sad that we live in a country where ppl forget that officers were once regular citizens also, we hold em to a higher regard that just because they have a badge and a gun that they cant do no wrong and they are perfectly law abiding citizens

In my opinion i feel that they should get penalized/charged/held accountable more than a citizen due to the fact they are officers and have a duty to abide by laws and rules due to the fact they are the ones that enforce it
If you've ever read this book, you already know how racist and corrupt the justice system in TX is. From what I gained, the Texas Rangers are complicit. A lot of nepotism too.

This **** makes me so mad
I got a young son
I’d lose it if some shot like this happened to him
I swear to god they wouldn’t even need to lock up the person
I’m taking care of all that
Best believe it
^ Thats what im saying, there needs to be some sort of repercussion that hits them hard when police are in the wrong

Not anti police at all, but lately they are getting away with the same crime they will throw a regular citizen, or even a black citizen, under the damn jail for

This reminds me of Akai Gurley but 5x worse because he was in the comfort of his own damn home!
Just seeing this..

So let me get this straight...This officer works / finishes her shift, clocks out correctly, assuming she gets her personal stuff ok, drives to her apartment complex all without issue...When she gets there she tries to get into this poor guys apartment and shoots him when he answers the door? Then she isn’t even arrested and charged until three days later? Is that all correct or is there something I’m missing here?
That’s absurd...

This fishy story is what they’re going with? Mistake or no is neither here nor there at this point...She should’ve been locked up right then and there...Now I’m seeing she’s out on bail too...

If I shoot my neighbor and claim I had the wrong house as a defense they’d put me under the jail...
She changed her story up, now she's saying the door was unlocked and she saw him in the dark (in his own home) and told him to put his hands up
She saw a black man and straight shot him. This is what happened.

The guy said he usually left his door unlocked.
She changed her story up, now she's saying the door was unlocked and she saw him in the dark (in his own home) and told him to put his hands up

So now she’s in the apartment, can see enough of him to assume he’s a threat (You know she’ll come with the self defense angle), but can’t see enough of the apartment to comprehend it’s not where she lives...This is getting even more incomprehensible...
Has there been a news report of somekind?


"The case against a white Dallas police officer who shot and killed a black neighbor in the neighbor's home will be presented to a grand jury, which could decide on more serious charges than manslaughter, the district attorney overseeing the case said Monday.

Lawyers for the victim's family questioned why it took three days for officer Amber Guyger to be charged and why she was so quick to use deadly force in her encounter with 26-year-old Botham Jean, who lived in the apartment directly above hers. She told authorities she mistook the neighbor's unit for her own.

The officer was arrested Sunday night and booked into jail in neighboring Kaufman County before being released on bond.

When asked why Guyger was allowed to surrender somewhere other than Dallas County's jail, Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson said the decision was made by the Texas Rangers, who are also investigating.

Guyger had just ended a 15-hour shift Thursday when she returned in uniform to the South Side Flats apartment complex. She parked on the fourth floor, instead of the third, where she lived, according to an affidavit filed for the officer's arrest warrant, possibly suggesting that she was confused or disoriented.

When she put her key in the apartment door that was unlocked and slightly ajar, it opened. Inside, the lights were off. Then she saw a figure in the darkness, the affidavit said.

The officer concluded that her apartment was being burglarized and gave verbal commands to the figure, which ignored them. She then drew her weapon and fired twice, the affidavit said.

When she turned on the lights, she realized she was in the wrong unit, according to the affidavit, which appeared to be based almost entirely upon the officer's account."
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Why would she give verbal commands to someone who answered their own door?

When did she realize it wasn’t her apartment? After she was standing on that big, bright red doormat and shot him anyway? Seems like an execution because even the dumbest person in the world would’ve noticed it wasn’t their apartment.

******** idgaf if that mess was even remotely accurate (which we all know it ain’t), you’re an INTRUDER in HIS HOME....... he ain’t obligated to obey any commands!! Tf he supposed to do seeing this ugly ***** in his house not even understanding how/why she even in there...... man I swear if I didn’t believe in Jesus :angry:
Wasn't too "confused or disoriented" to operate a motor vehicle

Or you know, function as a law enforcement officer...

Says in that article that she worked a 15 hour shift...The fatigue tip is where this is going go now...

Also verbal commands don’t mean squat in this case...Guy was in his apartment with the lights out, probably asleep, when somebody busted in shouting...He likely thought he was being robbed...
Calling it now...She’ll plead out to like second degree manslaughter or something and get 2 or 3 years out of it...Surprised if she’ll even serve half that...At this point it’s too big for them to drop the charges all together...

Probably a good assumption that’s she’ll be working with some other police department in a few years...
Next up she's gonna say she saw something in his hands (his remote).

This case may actually be thrown out.

Her word against 'his'. Unless surveillance footage comes out and truly discredits her, it feels like she just got away with murder.
Verbal command what?? This ho was off duty ! :smh: ...The hell I look like responding to another citizen's "verbal commands" in my own damn apartment

Looks like now they trying to shift the blame to the victim and tie in her being an officer angle like everybody predicted
so was the door open like theyre now conveniently trying to say or was she banging on it like witnesses who were very outspoken in making sure they were heard said?
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