Da hell is wrong wit kanye

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Not if he is unable to perform.
Which might explain why he's in the hospital. I'm sure a lawyer let him know Sunday he'd be on the hook for a lot of money if he didn't use a legal loophole.

This is actually a very common practice.....

Ppl really dont know or care bout mental illness in here :smh:

Theres obviously something wrong with this guy. Yall calling him a **** or *** hole aint gon making things any better. If anything yall kinda fuel this behavior from him. He knows the whole world is against him so he constantly lashes out whenever he can but this is next level even for him

The whole world is against him while at the same time buying his shoes, music and paying to watch his shows. Must be rough.

I'm sayin' :lol:
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I was actually going to say that he was just starting the 2nd leg of his tour.

And between the music, the shoes, the clothes, he might have just been spreading himself too thin.
Based on his past behaviors it's really unknown as to what's going on with him. It could be kanye just being kanye, mental issues, or he just saying f those shows. Either way the man needs to find his focus. Too many obscure rants. Half measures with the music he makes and clothing lines. Something gotta change.
Mental illness = excuses

Some ppl really dont get that everyones minds are wired differently...
I could kick an equivalency so hard to this right here, Rusty would sprain 2 fingers and catch a hand cramp telling me how false it was.
if you want to listen to a crazy person  \who is surrounded by yes men be interviewed here ya go.

this dude is not very articulate, hes all over the place and cant form coherent sentences, he goes on different tandems and you can tell he feels like hes killin this interview.:lol:
I'm hot at the way this mans whole tone in which he speaks has changed. 10 years ago when he was fresh out of Chicago he wasn't talking like this. Hollywood is a evil place man.
He basically killed his mom?

He 'encouraged' his mom to do it? Source?

Y'all can be pretty reckless with some of the ish y'all say.

Thank you, I'm not sure where this info is coming from lol

Yeah, I might think dude is a prick, but I'm not going to go out and say he killed his mom. Thats kinda OD :lol:

It was just all an unfortunate turn of fatal events. He might have supported her but that can't be put on that man. It was just a sad situation.
All PR, just to say he's severely dehydrated and has not slept, causing him to act the way he's been acting.
He's on anti depressants he says it on one of his songs it's a pretty specific I mean who raps about lexapro.

Dude is burning himself out not to mention in sure his marriage is crumbling, that chick is not marriage material.

He is just another stepping stone and she will leave him for an athlete and her mom will keep feeding negative stories about him To the press.

He is more than likely overwhelmed and also has an underlying mental issue that was never diagnosed.

I see him being bipolar and the. When his moms passed he got depression not to mention he almost died in that crash.

I'm not camping just saying reasons why a person could become unstable in that kind of environment.

That family is ruining this guy, this dude was woke and now he's just sleep walking
I'm hot at the way this mans whole tone in which he speaks has changed. 10 years ago when he was fresh out of Chicago he wasn't talking like this. Hollywood is a evil place man.

The way he changes his tone around them peoples is one of the things about him that annoys me the most.

That Kris Jenner interview was the worst man :x

Him on Ellen :smh:
I've always suspected Ye is bipolar.

TMZ reporting -


Handcuffed in Ambulance

Kanye West has been taken to UCLA Medical Center for psychiatric evaluation.

According to law enforcement sources ... cops responded to a call for a welfare check on Kanye around 1:20 PM PT. He was at his trainer, Harley Pasternak's home at the time and was "acting erratically."

We're told police called L.A. Fire, and by the time paramedics arrived Kanye was calmer ... but still resistant to going to the hospital. We're told everyone -- his management and law enforcement -- convinced him it was best he go.

Law enforcement sources tell us Kanye was restrained by handcuffs to a gurney during transport to the hospital.

Sources connected to Kanye tell us he was getting checked out by one of his doctors for severe sleep deprivation while he was at Pasternak's place ... and someone decided to call police.

What do you guys think happened to Kanye after watch the throne? He was so aware, down, and very pro black on that album. I just got done listening to murder to excellence and I'm not understating what could've happened in 5 years. He was filthy rich before so it can't just be money.
Remember when TMZ reported Wayne was on his deathbed? That thread went wild for pages, then thst ***** showed up on YouTube the next day chilling
What do you guys think happened to Kanye after watch the throne? He was so aware, down, and very pro black on that album. I just got done listening to murder to excellence and I'm not understating what could've happened in 5 years. He was filthy rich before so it can't just be money.

That ***** became a Kardashian that's what happened. Men don't last long with them people
He's on anti depressants he says it on one of his songs it's a pretty specific I mean who raps about lexapro.

Dude is burning himself out not to mention in sure his marriage is crumbling, that chick is not marriage material.

He is just another stepping stone and she will leave him for an athlete and her mom will keep feeding negative stories about him To the press.

That family is ruining this guy, this dude was woke and now he's just sleep walking

I don't like when people come down hard on Kim for stuff, at least things that are in no way related to her.

I've said it probably a handful of times in this thread, but I'll say it again; Kanye is a grown man.

Kim has nothing to do with his actions. He was this way before they got married. Granted her family has a lot of wild **** going on, but that more than likely isn't whats causing Kanye to act how he acts. Thats just how dude is.

And this is just my opinion, but I honestly don't think Kim is as bad as what people think In the grand scheme of things, she hasn't really done anything wild to the point where I look at her and say "whats wrong with her?". Outside of her dad turning into a ******* chick, there are normal everyday families who act just like them, only its not televised. People have family problems that are probably 2x as worse as they do, but since its glamorized and smashed in your face, its "their fault".

I honestly think if Kim would have gotten with a low key dude, someone who may be filthy rich but not an entertainer or an athlete, her life would be way more chill.

Kanye is at fault for Kanye's words, actions, feelings, etc. He's his own man, and I don't care how "crazy" ya girl family is, you should never let other people make you act the way you act. You're an adult, not some impressionable teenager. Kanye makes Kim look as normal as I think she probably really is when them cameras ain't rolling.
Feel bad for kanye man. I suffer from bi-polar. Same thing happen to me as far as be dehydrated. He proly had a phycotic episode and wasnt taking his meds. Plus he was proly smoking the green too. We both geminis on top of that. :lol: . When it happen to me in spring i was in the hospital for 3 weeks in the mental floor. Them meds they was giving me :smh: . Basically he went manic these past days
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What do you guys think happened to Kanye after watch the throne? He was so aware, down, and very pro black on that album. I just got done listening to murder to excellence and I'm not understating what could've happened in 5 years. He was filthy rich before so it can't just be money.

Hollywood...dude needs to live somewhere away from all that.
if you want to listen to a crazy person  \who is surrounded by yes men be interviewed here ya go.

this dude is not very articulate, hes all over the place and cant form coherent sentences, he goes on different tandems and you can tell he feels like hes killin this interview.
I'm hot at the way this mans whole tone in which he speaks has changed. 10 years ago when he was fresh out of Chicago he wasn't talking like this. Hollywood is a evil place man.
man I made it 3 minutes and 4 seconds in and had to turn it off. such cringe. can't even try to understand the points he's trying to make. 
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