creepiest thing that has happened to you? Vol. The Call.

Just remembered a cool story my pops told me one day.

My dads a truck driver been doing this for years now so one day he's delivering a load to the usual place he goes to. Everyone basically knows each other there, so my pops is in a rush and he has to unload the truck by himself 24 pallets probably weigh 100+ pounds so he's using a doly. So out of no where a old man white hair comes out of no where and says let me help you. They finish and he starts chopping it up with my dad. Then he tells my dad. You should sell all your
Houses and just rent a house. He even goes on to tell him your family won't agree and they will be mad but you do it and tell them it will be worth it. He says rent for 2 years and then buy your home in any neighborhood you want because you will afford it.

2 years after that the recession hits if my pops would of sold his homes he says he could of moved to any part of California with money to spare.

Edit- forgot. The old man finishes given my pop advice and hops in a truck and takes off and when he ask the people at the company who he is. They tell him they don't know never seen him before and he didn't even come to deliver a load there.

(Pops always says it was his bro(uncle) who disappeared/murdered a few years before that)
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Yo my dude where abouts are u from in Tonga? lm half tongan. Always hear ghost stories back in the islands lol
What's good toko. Pops from lapaha and moms from kolo.
Went to liahona hs back in 99. That school is haunted bruh. I remember cats refusing to look in the bathroom mirrors at night In the dormitory cuz a kid who died swinging on the bathroom bars would look back with bloodshot eyes.
My Grandmother has alzheimers and every now and then we find her having a conversation with no one

When we tell her no one is there she says she is talking to her sister who recently died

"I'm talking to my sister she is right there"

Man..i have some new age haunting stories that my old coworker went through about a year ago. I aint emm remember the details so i aint emm goin try.
Just remembered a cool story my pops told me one day.

My dads a truck driver been doing this for years now so one day he's delivering a load to the usual place he goes to. Everyone basically knows each other there, so my pops is in a rush and he has to unload the truck by himself 24 pallets probably weigh 100+ pounds so he's using a doly. So out of no where a old man white hair comes out of no where and says let me help you. They finish and he starts chopping it up with my dad. Then he tells my dad. You should sell all your
Houses and just rent a house. He even goes on to tell him your family won't agree and they will be mad but you do it and tell them it will be worth it. He says rent for 2 years and then buy your home in any neighborhood you want because you will afford it.

2 years after that the recession hits if my pops would of sold his homes he says he could of moved to any part of California with money to spare.

Edit- forgot. The old man finishes given my pop advice and hops in a truck and takes off and when he ask the people at the company who he is. They tell him they don't know never seen him before and he didn't even come to deliver a load there.

(Pops always says it was his bro(uncle) who disappeared/murdered a few years before that)

Too many damn flaws in that story.

1. You can't unload a pallet with a dolly
2. All cargo must be weighed and dimmed by a worker on a forklift
3. The recession hit California the worst
4. You wouldn't have no left over money
5. Your dad got bored of coming home without a cool story and Duck Tale'd you
6. Everything's going to be ok papi
My mom told me this story about myself...i was 9 when this happened. but i was riding in the car with her and i told my mom she was going to have another baby. i had apparently had a dream about my mom doing a little girls hair (it wasnt me) and they were sitting by a christmas tree. So i told my mom she was going to have a little girl around christmas. my mom was like yeah right not going to happen since her and my pops were recently divorced...but she started dating some other guy...welp two months later she found out she was My little sister is 9 years younger than me and her birthday is december 14th. My mom named her after me as a result. (a spinoff my name)
Too many damn flaws in that story.

1. You can't unload a pallet with a dolly
2. All cargo must be weighed and dimmed by a worker on a forklift
3. The recession hit California the worst
4. You wouldn't have no left over money
5. Your dad got bored of coming home without a cool story and Duck Tale'd you
6. Everything's going to be ok papi


1.pallet jack homie
2. Pretty sure I've seen my pops unload plenty of times.
3. Clearly missed the fact the guy told him to sell 2 years prior to recession hitting
4. Houses were at an all time low during recession in which pops would of had already sold his properties prior to that
5. At least my dad came back home
6. Nice Try :smile:

Back in college I had a few friends that owned a apartment right next to campus. So Thursday/Friday nights were pretty much poker nights over there. We'd play tournaments until 4am-5am in the morning. There was maybe 5 of us left. Everyone who got out ended up going home because it was like 330-400 in the morning. Their living room kinda looked like this picture:

View media item 1181812
So there was a living area with a sofa and tv just like in the picture, this was the view we had from the poker table. So my friends girl brings her dog out from her room and the dog jumps on the couch and just starts barking at the television. Some horror movie was one because it was around october when this happened. We started laughing because we the thought the dog was scared. So there likes 3 guys and 2 girls still playing poker at the table. The dog again jumps on the couch and and is snarling and growling at the tv. All of the sudden the dog gets freaked out and runs under the poker table. The TV then just shuts off by its self, we all kinda freaked out because all the remote controls were on one end of the poker table. With no one near it. Our friend was like damn that's not the only creepy **** that's happened here. So he tells his gf to tell one of the other creepy stories that happened to her when she was alone at the apartment. The owner of the apartment started telling us a story about when she was on a ladder in her closet trying to get some boxes down. She accidentally slipped and landed on the floor. She said she heard some little girl giggle. The TV turning off by itself and then her telling that story made me go ALL IN the next couple of hands haha I wanted to get the **** outta there! Just when I was getting ready to go we all here a loud sound from the kitchen which is pretty much behind us. It sounded like someone dropped a couple of plates on the floor. We all went in to look and there was nothing on the floor at all. The apartment creeped me the **** out. I would still go there to play poker but I made sure i'd leave early lol
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Yo my dude where abouts are u from in Tonga? lm half tongan. Always hear ghost stories back in the islands lol
What's good toko. Pops from lapaha and moms from kolo.
Went to liahona hs back in 99. That school is haunted bruh. I remember cats refusing to look in the bathroom mirrors at night In the dormitory cuz a kid who died swinging on the bathroom bars would look back with bloodshot eyes.
Oh real! My pops from Ma'ufanga. Good to see another Tongan we few and far between out here haha but bruh my cousins went to Toloa they're alot younger than you but they tell me some crazy ish too something about seeing a old witch lady out in the bush lol
Oh real! My pops from Ma'ufanga. Good to see another Tongan we few and far between out here haha but bruh my cousins went to Toloa they're alot younger than you but they tell me some crazy ish too something about seeing a old witch lady out in the bush lol
That's what's up toko! Good to see another T around these neck of the woods. Kinda like faikava talk up in here :lol:
Oh real! My pops from Ma'ufanga. Good to see another Tongan we few and far between out here haha but bruh my cousins went to Toloa they're alot younger than you but they tell me some crazy ish too something about seeing a old witch lady out in the bush lol
That's what's up toko! Good to see another T around these neck of the woods. Kinda like faikava talk up in here
Word toks always good to find another Tongan in this big country even if it is online haha. Mani you would think it's faikava talk the way dudes here thirstin after the only 3 female NTers

Bruh. I remember there was a period in my life I was probably around 7 or 8 and for like a month I had this reoccuring nightmare. When i fell asleep, all id see is white with a black dot in the centre, and I could hear numerous people talking. That dot would get bigger and bigger and as it grew so did the volume of those voices, untill those voices were screaming loud enough to wake me and id wake up. :smh: **** had me scared to sleep and I still dont know what caused it or what it even meant
Dude i had something very similar. Its hard to describe really, i don't even remember what the actual dream was but i would wake up and it would still feel as if everything was so loud and everything was kind of crashing down on me. i still can't really describe it but i would be up and id have to give it a few mins to calm down and such. 
Man i would have a reoccuring nightmare when i was six, i was in a white room walked out and it was nothing but woods, i would get chased by this person in all blacksort of like a black morph suit, i alwayd tripped and fell at the end then he would cut my head off and the sound was so loud and excruciating, i would wake up frozen then see the same figure run down the hallway next to my room, joint had me shook until i was like 9
Crazy but from what my parent and grandparents say those are actually bad luck and supposedly once they claim you as a child they come for you when you are an adult depending at what age they want you. They are from Guatemala so maybe it's different myths

I showed my friend this and he goes "I believe in the Lord so I'm good" :lol:
Too many damn flaws in that story.

1. You can't unload a pallet with a dolly
2. All cargo must be weighed and dimmed by a worker on a forklift
3. The recession hit California the worst
4. You wouldn't have no left over money
5. Your dad got bored of coming home without a cool story and Duck Tale'd you
6. Everything's going to be ok papi


1.pallet jack homie
2. Pretty sure I've seen my pops unload plenty of times.
3. Clearly missed the fact the guy told him to sell 2 years prior to recession hitting
4. Houses were at an all time low during recession in which pops would of had already sold his properties prior to that
5. At least my dad came back home
6. Nice Try :smile:


I'm dead. :lol:
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true story

i was trying to lean a big mirror thing like in 2005. it was placed at a wrong angle and it fell over either obviously due to some force like gravity or "chance". ever since then ive been having or experiencing problems. whoever says that breaking a mirror (intentionally or not) wont give bad luck dont know what they taking talking about family fights, job loss, bad health problems, school, even felt like i was against god like not praying and cursing god in so many ways..straight suffering like never day on thanksgiving day im up in my room and I feel emotional and start praying to god again for forgiveness and love...hopefully by gods grace im gonna have a fortunate future because its 2014 now....gods praying

one time my fam was walking in the night and there was this weird crazy looking white lady with a twisted demented face (maybe inadequate light) and when we walked she followed, when we stopped she stopped. we jetted like track and field, never was my heart beating so fast...turned our shoulder and we were alone...


oddly my ac used to turn on without remote control and no auto time set, around 1:52-2:05am est approx for like every summer day. lately it hasn't been on by itself

my grandma passed away like in 05, and since then i'd happen to see some sparrows flying up to me and seen some moths..not surprising since i've heard the superstition that the departed " visit" loved ones in these forms...fam visited an astrologer and she said your grandma visits from time to time...never liked my grandma so i couldn't care less :lol:
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