creepiest thing that has happened to you? Vol. The Call.

My Grandmother has alzheimers and every now and then we find her having a conversation with no one

When we tell her no one is there she says she is talking to her sister who recently died

"I'm talking to my sister she is right there"
When my baby cousin is staring in the corner like she can see something or someone there
Gotta leave work now but I'll finish the story soon.
Will finish story after my haircut.
 These commercial breaks had me dying!
The creepiest thing that ever happened to me, actually happened two nights ago. I had just gone off to sleep, but not completely, about the point where you're a split second from being in a deep sleep, while still being somewhat aware of your surroundings. I heard this low deep noise that sounded like something straight from End of Days, and I tried to get up, but I was frozen to my bed, only being able to move my head/neck. And when I did turn to move my head, i show some headlights shining through my window, making the curtains look like some cathedral painting pattern, and something lifted up from the foot of my bed looking like a cloak pulling covers off. I was really trying to get out my bed at this point and was still frozen. Then suddenly I was able to fully move as if nothing happened.
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The creepiest thing that ever happened to me, actually happened two nights ago. I had just gone off to sleep, but not completely, about the point where you're a split second from being in a deep sleep, while still being somewhat aware of your surroundings. I heard this low deep noise that sounded like something straight from End of Days, and I tried to get up, but I was frozen to my bed, only being able to move my head/neck. And when I did turn to move my head, i show some headlights shining through my window, making the curtains look like some cathedral painting pattern, and something lifted up from the foot of my bed looking like a cloak pulling covers off. I was really trying to get out my bed at this point and was still frozen. Then suddenly I was able to fully move as if nothing happened.

Sleep paralysis
Neither of these stories happened to me, but I posted them in another thread and I think they're worth a re-post.


I used to smoke weed with this kid named Billy.  He was a really nice kid, but he had tons of problems.  His family was full of drug addicts, he had a drug problem, anger problem, you name it.  He had gotten a job at a bagel place by our house a few years back.  At the end of his shift one day, he apparently had a ziploc bag of some xanax already crushed up.  He emptied out most of the bag and blew a huge rail, then went home and started drinking.  After about an hour, he went to go pick up one of our friends so they could go to another friend's house to pick up some weed.  Immediately our other friend tells him he's way too messed up to drive, but Billy is angry and belligerent, and the other friend of mine is an absolute idiot, so he gets in the car and they head over.  After almost crashing his car about 4 times on the way over there, they make it in the house and our weed dealer friend refuses to let him leave.  He tells him to stick around, smoke a blunt, sleep it off, and arranges a ride for our other friend.  After about two hours of Billy being there, the weed dealer friend goes to take a shower figuring that Billy is knocked out cold.  When he gets out of the shower Billy is gone from where he was and his car isn't outside.  Shook, he calls his phone over and over to no avail.

The next morning my friend Kyle wakes up to over 20 missed calls from Billy, all from about 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM.  Kyle finally calls him back and Billy can't even talk.  He's crying hysterically and tells him to meet him at the bagel place as soon as possible.  Kyle goes and meets Billy out back.  As soon as Billy sees him he drops to his knees and breaks down in tears.  He tells Kyle that he woke up covered in blood and that the knife that he usually carries with him was on his dresser completely red.  He went out to his car to find that the steering wheel and dashboard had blood all over them.  He went in his backyard, buried the knife, burned his clothes, and cleaned up his car then went to work not knowing what had happened the night before.  To this day no one has any idea what happened between the time he left the weed dealer's house and the time he woke up.

Needless to say, I don't hang out with Billy anymore.


During high school there was a kid in the grade below me named Seth.  I wasn't friends with him personally, but I knew people that were good friends with him. The town we live in was settled in the late 1600s, and his house is one of the oldest houses still standing.  My best friend told me a story about how he went to a party there one night and Seth told him he could take any room upstairs and sleep in it.  My friend made it up the staircase, looked down an extremely long, dark hallway, immediately felt scared out of his mind, and decided to sleep downstairs with all of the lights and the TV on.  It's a pretty creepy house.

One of my good friends Cory was really good friends with Seth in high school. One night Seth called Cory up hysterical.  He tells Cory that his parents were out, that weird things were going on in his house (lights flickering, sound of steps, doors opening and closing, etc.) and that him and his older brother are freaking out.  Seth was sitting at his bedroom window on the second floor waiting for his parents to come home when all he suddenly screamed bloody murder over the phone to Cory.  He told Cory that what appeared to be an old woman walked from the front of his house to the end of the driveway and was staring up into his window.  It was late at night, and she was slightly illuminated (Seth lived on a really dark road).  All of a sudden the woman started walking back towards the house.  At this point Seth and his brother bolted downstairs and out the back door.  The ran to the side of the house, got in the older brother's car and got out of there as fast as they could.  The next morning everyone learned that Seth and his brother were in a severe car accident right down the road from their house.

Seth was in a coma, but his older brother only suffered a few broken bones.  At the hospital Cory asked Seth's brother to finish the story.  Apparently as they were speeding away they looked into the rear view mirror of the car and the woman was in the backseat.  The brother then lost control of the car causing it to flip.  Seth made it out of the coma after a month, but he was never the same.  This story happened about 8 years ago.   Last I heard Seth is homeless in Philadelphia.

I asked Cory to recount the story to me a few months ago, but he flat out refuses to talk about it anymore.  He's still so shook and confused about what happened that night.  I always thought this story was just a rumor until I became good friends with Cory.  To this day I sometimes question if the story is just a figment of my imagination or something I had a dream about that's seeped into my memory, then my friend will bring up the story about his one time in the house and the other story.  I still have a hard time believing it.
My phone randomly shut off while I using it. After like 3 seconds off staring at the black screen I could've sworn I saw a reddish handprint :stoneface:
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2 years ago my Great Grandmother was talking to me.. and mid-sentence she stops... looks up to me ... and goes... does Johnny want a drink? He said that you aren't answering him....

and she looked at an empty chair and then looked me as if I knew what the **** was going on.

She was around 94 and she was talking about her dead son that I never met .... **** was wild.

Luckily my Uncle was in the room as well and saw it too so I wasn't as shook.
I used to live in this house that would give me a series of nightmares. I would have a nightmare and the next day I would sleep and dream where i left off
repped cause this made me laugh.

before you woke up, did "to be continued" pop up during the nightmare?
This DID NOT happen to me.....but sumone else

In the fourth and fifth grade, I used to spend the night at my friend Tom's house almost every weekend. Tom lived in a run-down farm house in the country. He shared a room with his older brother, Walter. The three of us would stay up late telling scary stories.

The scariest was a true story. Here is how Walter told it:


Back in the 1920s, this house was owned by a different family. Their closest neighbor was a creepy inbred moonshiner named Pete. Pete lived in a shack deep in the woods and was frequently in trouble with the law. The parents warned the little boy and girl who lived here NEVER to go near Pete’s land.

The young boy lived in this very room. One night, the he was awakened by the sound of shattered glass somewhere inside the house. Living so close to Pete, the boy was very cautious. And instead of opening the door, he locked it. He pressed his ear to the door and listened.

The boy heard bootsteps stumbling down the hallway that were much too heavy to be his father's. He could almost smell moonshine through the bedroom door. "Let me in, boy." It was Pete! But the boy wouldn't unlock the door. Overcoming his fear, he shouted "No!"

After a minute, the boy could hear Pete's heavy boots fading back through the house. In a distant room, he heard his father shouting at Pete. But the shouts soon turned to screams. During the better part of an hour, the sounds degenerated as the father shredded his vocal chords to ribbons by screaming. The boy thought the pleading in hoarse agony was worst thing he had ever heard until it was replaced by something worse. Silence.

Pete's boot steps lumbered back through the house to the boy's room. He pounded on the solid oak door. "Boy! Open up this door or you'll regret it." The boy could smell the moonshine through the door. Again he said "No!"

And so it was his mother's turn. Her shouts and screams lasted for two hours. When they stopped, the heavy boots stumbled back to his door. The stink of moonshine was overwhelming. "Boy! I said 'Open up this door.' This is your last chance." The boy was terrified, "Please don't hurt my sister!" Pete was drunk and enjoying himself. He chuckled, "Then open up, boy." But the boy knew better. And so he spent the next three hours listening to the screams of his younger sister.

When the police came to investigate the house two days later, they found the mom, dad, and sister tied spread-eagle to their beds. Pete had cut a small hole in each of their abdomens and slowly pulled their bowels out of their belly inch by inch as they died in pain.

They found the boy dehydrated but alive. He was still locked in THIS very room. Pressed against this very door. He was completely catatonic. He spent the rest of his life in a sanitarium, Occasionally mumbling "should I have opened the door?... should I have opened the door?...."

Pete was eventually caught and executed. His shack was torn down. But his ghost still haunts this house. Sometimes, we can smell a hint of sweet moonshine in the morning, and a pain in our bellies. And when we do, we know Pete was here during the night, trying to pull out our insides.


This story really creeped me out. Like 10 out of 10! I always insisted that the three of us sleep with the bedroom door locked and the lights on. Your imagination is so strong at that age! I was terrified of every noise in the house until finally falling asleep. Whenever I woke at their house, I could even smell the faint, sweet aroma of Pete's moonshine. To be honest, I could usually feel a pain in my lower belly.

Whenever I told the two brothers about it, they would giggle and play along. "Yeah, I smell it too" said Walter. "Me too. And my stomach hurts!" chimed in Tom, pretending to be scared. They moved to Utah when Tom and I were in the fifth grade. I haven't seen them since.

Flash forward to this morning. I'm sitting in chemistry lab on campus. As we were setting up the experiment, one of the chemicals smelled exactly the same as my memory of Pete's moonshine. It's an incredibly distinct, penetrating, almost sweet scent - not exactly like hard alcohol or real moonshine, but similar.

I had not smelled it since those mornings after sleeping over with Tom and Walter. This was the exact same smell. I picked up the bottle and looked at the label: “diethyl ether.” It was ether.

I stared across the lab in a daze. Frozen. I remembered locking the door of their bedroom every night. I thought about waking with the faint smell of ether in my mouth. I remembered the distinct pain in my bowels each morning.

And I realized... There was no "Pete the Moonshiner."

They had been raping me.
This thread is pretty much right on time, as I've been asking random people about their personal creepy story threads because.. Well, people don't generally talk about this stuff... So here's a couple of mine...

My sister and I were sitting down right next to each other, directly underneath a fan spinning on high in the den of the house I grew up in. The fan on the ceiling was old and pretty beat. Wasn't safe. But we were both under 7, so we didn't pay it any attention. Were sitting there watching Nickelodeon and a second later, the fan is on the floor, I'm just to the left of it and my sister is just to the right... I mean, the fan just falls out of the ceiling, SPINNING, and my both my sister and I managed to get out of the way in a split second... In hindsight, I feel like there was some kind of force that moved us here...

Also, in this same house, I woke up from a dream one night, and I SWEAR on EVERYTHING that a dragon's head came out of my sock drawer, SPIT FIRE, and LIT my room up. I remember seeing everything clearly lit in my room, getting up quick as **** and running to my moms room to tell her what happened. Of course she shrugged it off as just a bad dream, but I know what I saw.

With that said, that fan situation, I recently realized that, that was about as close as I've ever been to death that I can recall... I mean, I was little and the fan was spinning on high and just fell outta the ceiling... That led me to thinking... Imagine how much kids go through and never report to their parents, or report it but parents just shrug it off... I can't imagine that my parents were thinking we were DIRECTLY underneath the fan when they found out it fell, and I didn't realize how serious it was to actually tell them.

Oh, and I stuck a knife in an outlet before. Got shocked.

Das it mane.
My parents have moved all across the country due to the military and every so often they'll run into some families they were stationed with years ago. Sometimes it'll be pure coincidence and other times they'll let my parents know that they'll be in the area and stop by while they're on some trip/vacation. Anyways, a family they keep in touch with said they'd be in town and my mom decided to have them and their daughter over for dinner that night.

So we're sitting around the table eating and talking about how things have been going, the parents are swapping old stories, stuff like that. It's just regular conversation until the mom casually mentions how there's a ghost living in their house out of nowhere. I was wondering why it seemed so normal to them and they went on to explain that it's not a poltergeist and that the ghost is friendly and actually does a few chores around the house. I forgot the specifics since it was a while ago, but I think they said that it opens the window blinds each morning and I'm pretty sure makes the bed in the daughter's room as well.

It was so weird to me that some people they hadn't seen in a few years brought it up and brought it up so easily. I want to say that this happened anywhere from 7-10 years ago, but whenever I bring it up to my parents say they don't know what I'm talking about. The way they deny it makes me feel like it could have just been a vivid dream, but I'm almost positive it happened.
My Grandmother has alzheimers and every now and then we find her having a conversation with no one

When we tell her no one is there she says she is talking to her sister who recently died

"I'm talking to my sister she is right there"

yeah my grandma always did this in her late years & i was very not cool with it
As far as creepy things happening to me,

One was when I was little I would have night terrors. Basically nightmares but you couldn't wake up from them.

My mom would constantly carry me from my bed to the couch and wait it out with me as I would toss and turn and cry in my sleep. I still remember the feelings, they would peel back my eyelids and I would still be dreaming, like I could see my mom and sister but the moment they'd let go the black and white nightmares would take over. I had to ride out the nightmares and I couldn't wake up until they were done.

Usually night terrors are impossible to recall as they happen during transitions during sleep stages however I do remember the dreams within them, which is not to say I probably forgot a lot of things that happened as well.

The dreams in the night terrors were always black and white, one was being crushed alive by some sort of huge ball rolling down the street crushing other people and eventually me, and the other was being eaten alive by a monster. Typical dreams for a 3-4 year old but the thing is I would have these so often that I always assumed everyone else had them. I never brought it up or thought about it until I talked to my mom and she remembered and it dawned on me no one else i knew went through it.

Annnnnnnd This other thing happened after seeing Paranormal Activity (the first one) 

Saw the movie at the theaters the friday it came out. Slept around 1230ish and at around 3am my old TV in my room turned itself onto a static channel and i looked up from my bed and saw the Volume indicator rising and the tv volume rising with it (just loud static), looked at my night stand and my remote was not touched.

I ran to the TV and turned it off by hand. Went back to bed and it happened AGAIN!

I disconnected it from the back this time. Honestly as creepy as it was I was WAAAYYYY TOO TIRED to care about it but when i woke in the morning i was creeped out by it.
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The dreams in the night terrors were always black and white, one was being crushed alive by some sort of huge ball rolling down the street crushing other people and eventually me

BRUHH i **** you not, i had the exact dream when i was younger, happened on a few occasions, same exact dream. i used to wake up scared as **** and swore it was gonna happen in real life.
I'll play.

Not too long ago my family went on vacation and I had to hang back due to work and school. On the day of their arrival I was cleaning. I was cleaning the bathroom and there's a bedroom across the hall. I was almost finished all I had to do was mop the floor. Before I did so I decided to look for the clean bathroom rugs. I go into this bedroom across the hall to check, but they weren't in there & I ended up finding them else where. This room hadn't been opened for maybe 5-6 months. I remember shutting the door. So, the bathrooms door is wide open and I'm mopping with my back to the hall and all of the sudden I hear a loud slam. As if someone opened the door and slammed it (the door to the bedroom) with all their might. I look back and nothing. I hear it again and I look back and nothing. I hear it once more and I'm like eff it I continued to mop. Then when I ended up eventually looking, the door to the bedroom was wide open. At that point every hair on my body stood up. Now between the the bathroom and this bedroom there's a opening that leads to the living room. I slowly walked towards the door and right when I got to the opening I seen something from the corner of my eye sitting on the couch. I quickly looked and it was gone. From what I made out from the corner of my eye it was a woman. Milk white. Grey clothes.

If it wasn't like 12pm and if my family wasn't coming back that same day I would of ran out and returned when they came back. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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