Could you wife a girl who had 70+ sexual partners? (Pic on Pg 7)


we get the point ^

Originally Posted by FeelMode

kinda like dude up there said, im not sure if im gods gift to women, in fact i know im not but chicks been throwing themselves at me for over 15 years, my friends, guess what all the same. I refuse to believe that these chicks are only sleeping with me like that.
You gotta keep in mind that you're a business Owner and got artistic're pretty much in that 20% group of dudes who services80% of the female population...

Please believe there are alot of dudes who are involuntarily abstinent, or monogamous...

Your "average" dude will have to settle for an overweight, nagging wife who begins rationing out the {()} to control him...
She's bad but 70+?! at 20?! she's doing Wale numbers....i would keep hear around for a JO nothing more nothing less
i dont know if i believe those statistics...i would like to know who and where they gathered their samples from.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

im just gone say this if you sleepin with 2+ dudes a year since you was lets say 17 you a %%+/+*#! and shouldnt be wife'd take it how you want........................unless they find you before 21
i agree. 8 guys at age 21 is prefect reasonable & acceptable.

honestly anything beyond that, & im inclined to think that you are either a JO or have JO tendencies
Originally Posted by FeeninLikeJodeci

Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Real !$#!, I'm still baffled...How do you *!$% 70 _s and you JUST turned 20
Most girls lose their virginity around 14-15

A new dude every month for 6 years = 70...

It sounds absurd to us Young Dudes, since we're mostly dating girls who are in our age group, but most young chicks are gettin smashed by _s who are 5-10 years older than them...

if a girl smashing a different dude every month for 6 years straight, that aint no wifey.
Originally Posted by Wade187

I personally wouldn't even %@%@ a chick with 70 partners let alone wife one. I've grown out of that whole looking down on woman mentality, and I understand they have sex like we do. If you like her that's usually all that counts, but 70 at that young a age is wild reckless, and reflects on her on a deeper level than her just liking sex. The fact shes burning shows how reckless she is, and the fact she burnt you and thinks it's ok is just crazy. Shorty has no morals what so ever and if you want her that bad keep her around, but don't trust her.
I agree, brah you have to cut that chick off cold turkey. 70 partners at 20? That's just reckless
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Aye she bad though. I can't lie, I would hit.
C'mon Son
...She Bad And I Admit If I Knew Nothin AtALL Bout Her She'd Get The Cocky..

But Knowing She Pulled Off A Kobe 81, And Burned A Homie U Reachin...

Didnt 50 Say In A Song Before "A _ Will $!%$ A Chick Get AIDS, Die And Go To Hell And $!%$ The Same !@+$$"

I Guess Thats True
Originally Posted by nocomment6

find out if she's sick.....thats a lot of pics on page 7.

pay close attention to pg 7...There is a pic
Its as simple as "Don't ask...Don't tell!"

1. If you can't accept an answer don't ask the questions!

2. You got burnt already ...imagine she told you 2 and you still got burnt would it matter?

3. What ever amount of chicks we sleep with women sleep with double or triple that amount..

I know a girl that caught a 15man triz put on her...then I saw her with her man 2 months after...they looked happy as hell...

Girls are slicker than we are think about it...
If a girl calls you up and you aint doing nothing and she wanna know you if you call up that same girl b4 10p she may not give you the OKright away cuz she gotta check her options ...

Point is where condoms!
So I long onto Facebook today and I one of my homeboys commenting on this chicks pic in my newsfeed.

I see cleave so I click the chick's picture and I instantly start LOLINGb because its the chick that burnt the OP.

Between this and the Redhead thread this has made me realize NT is too public.

Hell, seeing broads me and my homeboys smashed on here is hitting too close to home.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

So I long onto Facebook today and I one of my homeboys commenting on this chicks pic in my newsfeed.

I see cleave so I click the chick's picture and I instantly start LOLINGb because its the chick that burnt the OP.

Between this and the Redhead thread this has made me realize NT is too public.

Hell, seeing broads me and my homeboys smashed on here is hitting too close to home.

First of all, ducktales. Second, this whole story OP told was made up.
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