Could you wife a girl who had 70+ sexual partners? (Pic on Pg 7)

I can't even rely on a girl to count right.

swallowing should count...
then sometimes they swear it doesn't count if they're drunk and don't remember.
a girl will never be honest even with herself.

and I said girl, not woman, but some never grow out of it.
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Ya'll prolly remember that thread I made a while back about me wifing the girl who had #+#*** 30+ dudes....Well she told me her actual number is actually around 70 (she told me this after she burnt me by the way). But I canceled that $%!+!, and she trying to make it seem like I'm wrong for doing so, talking about I should accept her, past and all....I mean I do miss her but I can't take that BIG %@@ L.

What's y'all opinion on this %@!%? (SMH ol girl got me all out my element, sounding like a sucker and %@!%)

I feel you bro, you dont wanna be "THAT GUY", you dont wanna be that sucker at the end
broads is whlyinnnn now
Jesus Christ. I'm glad I've been with my girl for eons. I was the first one in to pop, and I'm still in there. Having a dime wifey @$%+$!
HELL NO!!!! Don't do it... 70 DUDES, Look at it this way,there's 11 players per team on a soccer match, that's about 6 teams smashing at the same time

I mean after all that "don't judge me" crap, she gonna cheat on you... that chick got mad problems
get outta there quick, son and pour some holy water on that skeezer before you leave
I personally wouldn't even %@%@ a chick with 70 partners let alone wife one. I've grown out of that whole looking down on woman mentality, and Iunderstand they have sex like we do. If you like her that's usually all that counts, but 70 at that young a age is wild reckless, and reflects on her on adeeper level than her just liking sex. The fact shes burning shows how reckless she is, and the fact she burnt you and thinks it's ok is just crazy. Shortyhas no morals what so ever and if you want her that bad keep her around, but don't trust her.
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

Real !$#!, I'm still baffled...How do you *!$% 70 _s and you JUST turned 20
Most girls lose their virginity around 14-15

A new dude every month for 6 years = 70...

It sounds absurd to us Young Dudes, since we're mostly dating girls who are in our age group, but most young chicks are gettin smashed by _s who are 5-10years older than them...
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

6.6 average? Yea ok. 6.6 by age 17/18.
Why are you so shocked by that estimate?

Here is an article from MSNBC about a survey of the number of sexual partners for men and women.
The median number of lifetime female sexual partners for men was seven; the median number of male partners for women was four.

Completely believable to me on both accounts for men and women.

do i really have to pull out da statistics of minorities and teen pregnancy?
im just gone say this if you sleepin with 2+ dudes a year since you was lets say 17 you a %%+/+*#! and shouldnt be wife'd take it how youwant........................unless they find you before 21
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