Cops Crash Pool Party...

quote name="art vandelay" url="/t/628429/cops-crash-pool-party/300#post_23515645"]Alright, a black resident said he doesn't believe it was about race, cool. He lives there. White residents said it was about race, cool. They live there.

So its basically on you own interpretation on the situation then dont get upset with me because I dont seenit like that its not like im going to change my mind on it I dont see it as a race issue I see it as mishandling of a easy to difuse situation honestly if it wasnt for the officers action we wouldn't be talking about this at all[/quote]

Who said I was upset. You're more than entitled to feel anyway you want to about the situation. No one, especially me, is trying to change how you feel about the situation. We have all seen the video, the view from the person taking the video, the view from the 14 year old victim, and various other party attendees, and the fact that it was only black people getting harassed. You see it differently. I see it as over zealousness on the officer's part. Also, I see it as racism as well. Brandon wasn't the only white person walking freely about the chaos. A black resident says "it isn't racism", and that is supposed to be the end all be all? Let you tell it, it is. There multitudes of white residents who said it was racism. But like you said "agree to disagree".
So its basically on you own interpretation on the situation then dont get upset with me because I dont seenit like that its not like im going to change my mind on it I dont see it as a race issue I see it as mishandling of a easy to difuse situation honestly if it wasnt for the officers action we wouldn't be talking about this at all

Who said I was upset. You're more than entitled to feel anyway you want to about the situation. No one, especially me, is trying to change how you feel about the situation. We have all seen the video, the view from the person taking the video, the view from the 14 year old victim, and various other party attendees, and the fact that it was only black people getting harassed. You see it differently. I see it as over zealousness on the officer's part. Also, I see it as racism as well. Brandon wasn't the only white person walking freely about the chaos. A black resident says "it isn't racism", and that is supposed to be the end all be all? Let you tell it, it is. There multitudes of white residents who said it was racism. But like you said "agree to disagree".[/quote]

And I can most definitely respect that
I dont think the officers was acting on racism people bring up how the residents acted when thats not what im referring to in the first place
Its other residents that said that wasnt why the police were called you steady talking about what some lady said is the lady a police officer did she do any arresting did she even call the police for the disturbance in the first place
do you honestly think this would have happened if it was a bunch of white kids?
you can see officers whipping out guns, manhandling little white teenage girls?
The way I see it, the kids were leaving, some more rapidly than others, but if it was about officer tuck and roll wanting the kids to leave then he was getting compliance. But some kids he told to sit down. Which is it? It's like getting yelled at by your folks, they ask you a bunch of questions, you answer, and they tell you to shut up. Same thing here. Leave, but sit down. Additionally, if "Tuck and Roll" wanted to really calm the "situation" down, why approach those kids in a aggressive manner cursing at them, yeah, because that won't make the situation more volatile. Why complain to some kids about wearing 30 lbs of gear and having to run, shut up, dude appeared out of nowhere running and barrel rolling. In the process he approached not one white juvenile. Would it happen to white kids, I don't believe it would, would it happen to children of color, watch the tape and you'll see that it did.
you can see officers whipping out guns, manhandling little white teenage girls?

If it happened in the ssme fashion just the skin color is reversed then yeah people always speak about how white people shouldn't speak on how blacks are treated by police because they are not black but then dictate on how they are or not treated
The way I see it, the kids were leaving, some more rapidly than others, but if it was about officer tuck and roll wanting the kids to leave then he was getting compliance. But some kids he told to sit down. Which is it? It's like getting yelled at by your folks, they ask you a bunch of questions, you answer, and they tell you to shut up. Same thing here. Leave, but sit down. Additionally, if "Tuck and Roll" wanted to really calm the "situation" down, why approach those kids in a aggressive manner cursing at them, yeah, because that won't make the situation more volatile. Why complain to some kids about wearing 30 lbs of gear and having to run, shut up, dude appeared out of nowhere running and barrel rolling. In the process he approached not one white juvenile. Would it happen to white kids, I don't believe it would, would it happen to children of color, watch the tape and you'll see that it did.

Its plenty of stories and videos online with white kids being harassed and arrested for simple **** and not complying with officers it could be one extreme to the next but harassment is harassment no matter the degree II see it as we all have a common enemy but xats would rather ***** back in fourth about which race hates who who gets mistreated instead of realizing these cops are **** ****** to everybody and by all means if they wont to do that then cool go ahead but to me its not exclusive
some people just let the media tell them that as much as people despisr them people eat that race bait straight out their hands like some pigeons
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If it happened in the ssme fashion just the skin color is reversed then yeah people always speak about how white people shouldn't speak on how blacks are treated by police because they are not black but then dictate on how they are or not treated
you have got to be freaking kidding me dude.

if there were a font size larger than 72 id give you a size 100 stone face right now
you have got to be freaking kidding me dude.

if there were a font size larger than 72 id give you a size 100 stone face right now

Dont ask questions if you dont want honest answer you could always talk to yourself if you want everyone to agree with you it cool I wont judge
Lol at this happening to little white teenage girls :rofl: :rofl:

Man it's good to use that imagination I suppose
If there is video of a little white girl getting manhandled by a black cop I'll shut my damn mouth. Until then, Casebolt is dead wrong because if he was really in danger by a 14 year old girl he should give it up, he's not cut out for police work, that and he came across as racist.
If there is video of a little white girl getting manhandled by a black cop I'll shut my damn mouth. Until then, Casebolt is dead wrong because if he was really in danger by a 14 year old girl he should give it up, he's not cut out for police work, that and he came across as racist.

I agree he not cut out for this because a normal person not even trained like a officer wouldnt handle it like thar
I truly despise stories such as this.  Casebolt, imo, is a total troglodyte and very nearly turned a minor incident into a major catastrophe when he consciously unholstered his firearm.  Clean on the job record or not, he proved his complete and utter incompetence/recklessness by willingly/knowingly exacerbating a rather innocuous situation.     
Dont ask questions if you dont want honest answer you could always talk to yourself if you want everyone to agree with you it cool I wont judge
you twisted your little words into a new situation changing the race of the cops. you did not answer my scenario directly. you deflected.

:lol: at the thought of a black cop kneeling on the back of a 13 year old white teenage girl, dude would be done for by the time the sun rises....

They'd bring lynching back. It would never happen. I've never heard or seen such a video where white girls are getting put down like that.
at the thought of a black cop kneeling on the back of a 13 year old white teenage girl, dude would be done for by the time the sun rises....
thank you. dudes are straight delusional thinking nothing would happen
They'd bring lynching back. It would never happen. I've never heard or seen such a video where white girls are getting put down like that.
dont even focus on that. thats what racist what people to do.

let's stay focused on the actual event that occurred.
I truly despise stories such as this.  Casebolt, imo, is a total troglodyte and very nearly turned a minor incident into a major catastrophe when he consciously unholstered his firearm.  Clean on the job record or not, he proved his complete and utter incompetence/recklessness by willingly/knowingly exacerbating a rather innocuous situation.     

But but he had 30lbs of gear on in the sun tho. There was no acceptable excuse or reason why dude went rogue.
where is the video of that drunk teenage white kid going ham on the police? pretty sure the cops were black and hispanic, dudes handled the little douchebag so chill.....what a difference...
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