cool teacher appreciation

i have none this year but last year i had 2 good ones, one of them made us do our own grades needless to say everyone got C's or above and he was a jordanhead too. the other one just didnt care what we did i remeber this kid threw a pencil at him and hes just like
WHO TEH %%%% THREW THAT!??!!? then were alllike "CHRIS" (kids name), and he throws it back at him and hits him in the head and everyone is
and tten hes like IF YOU DO TAT AGAIN IM GONABEAT HTE %#!+ OUT OF U, they were mad close they always made fun of each other and hte kid was the class clown
had this hipee teacher for speech and im 100% sure dude smoke some trees...made class quiz, midterms and final...oh yeah he work at a miningcompany in somewhere... so he said if im not there in class after 10 minutes just leave...
I guess I'm the only person in here that thinks a "cool" teacher is one that encourages you to learn
I don't recall any of my teachers letting me slide on assignments but my 8th grade English teacher was pretty cool.

One time she made me go with her to pick up pizza at Costco for this after school group thing. So I get into the car with her and she starts playing Freaks ofthe Industry by Digital Underground and I was like..
Uhh you listen tothis?
(and for those who know the lyrics and the background"music", you'd question her song of choice as well) And she told me in these exact words: "I like this song because it promotes safe sexusing a multiple choice question"
I was just laughing on the wayand she kept looking to the side at me and singing along to the song.

Another time during class, I forgot what we were doing but I think she was reading us something. I look at her and I see this girl Briana grab a tape andstarted taping her around her chair and my teacher was just laughing and saying "what are you doing!?!?!" Then the whole class just started crumplingup paper and started a paper ball fight, her being the target. I was surprised she didn't get mad. She just turned purple from laughing too hard. She justmade everyone clean up afterwards. Fun way to kill 20 minutes of class

Good times, good times.
I taught high school English for 4 years before going back to college full-time for my Master's. I feel bad for any of you who had teachers who "letyou slide" and gave you grades you did not earn. As educators, their job is to prepare you for the real world. Receiving unearned grades and dodgingdiscipline where discipline is deserved bears no resemblance at all to the real world. I assure you the teachers who will benefit you the most are often theones whom you do not like as a student. As an adult looking back you will realize how much you benefited from them.
My AP Euro teacher rounded my 84 up to an A.

My French teacher grades my work so that I get an A every time. Like, he'll point out my mistake, but he won't take points off just so I get an A. Hetakes points off of other students though.
Originally Posted by easy1986

I guess I'm the only person in here that thinks a "cool" teacher is one that encourages you to learn
i was thinking the same thing...
What does it mean when professors have tenure?

Pretty much means that they cant be fired unless they do something drastic like harass students or something like that. Students complaining to the dean aboutthe prof being a jerk or him failing a whole class dont really mean squat once they get tenure.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I had a marketing professor at St. John's who had his tenure, but was mad at the world.....first day of class he says:

"In 87' I made 300 grand....spent it all on fast horses and even faster women...."

That set the tone for the semester....he just did not care....everything was open book, and if you had a question on one of his tests or exams, you could ask a classmate or him for the answer...needless to say everyone got an A in the class

YO! Is he CPS only or does he teach in Tobin. Let me get dude name hopefully he still teach there I need an easy A next semester since I need to take 18credits straight until 2010 to graduate on time.
Im a HS senior and all but one of my teachers are pretty cool. I have atleast an 85 in each of there classes. My other teacher is a !+#@* though. Some old$%+@lady who needs to retire. Everyone hates her including some of her coworkers and the grade she gave me (65) is killin my average.
Originally Posted by easy1986

I guess I'm the only person in here that thinks a "cool" teacher is one that encourages you to learn

im saying if i know the stuff but just dont do homework and get 100s and !@%* on the tests does that make any sense that i fail the class?
easy1986 wrote:
I guess I'm the only person in here that thinks a "cool" teacher is one that encourages you to learn

im saying if i know the stuff but just dont do homework and get 100s and !@%* on the tests does that make any sense that i fail the class?


Your rationale is flawed. An "A" in a class should be indicative of both your mastery of a subject and your consistent exhibition of your mastery.

There are other students in your class who did all of their work in order to get their "A" on their report card. Do you think it is appropriate foryou to receive the same mark when you did not do as much work?

In the real world, you must perform your work tasks over and over at a high level in order to keep your job. You certainly cannot go in on Monday, perform at ahigh level, and then do 50% of your assigned tasks for the rest of the week and expect to keep your job. No reputable employer would permit it. School is notjust about your coursework; it is also a time to learn responsibility and time management skills.
Originally Posted by easy1986

I guess I'm the only person in here that thinks a "cool" teacher is one that encourages you to learn

Nah I feel you. While the laid back, easy teacher is appreciated, it's the ones that enjoy their job and make learning enjoyable that you remember whenyou're out of school. They are few and far between and for every good one there are 20 that suck.
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