Cool Story Bro

Originally Posted by LIILdubb

Didnt know it was being overused... My boys at school say it but they aint NTers so im guessn its the words of choice nowadays
... BUT.... Cool storybro, TELL ME AGAIN.
3/5 threads i go into have a cool story bro pic in it.... used way to much. smh at people that cant actually think of something to add
People are violently abusing this and posting different cool story bro pictures whenever possible. Be original. Am Ithe only one that doesn't find this funny anymore?

inb4 "cool story bro"
The people who aren't creative enough to come up with a response to anything have adopted/abused it.
Originally Posted by marath0n

The people who aren't creative enough to come up with a response to anything have adopted/abused it.

pretty much, just a way for them to post something just for the hell of it
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