Cool Story Bro

People are violently abusing this and posting different cool story bro pictures whenever possible. Be original. Am I the only one that doesn't find this funny anymore?
**Clears Throat**

I only found the Jesus one funny. And the original cool story bro pic was funny the first couple of times I saw it only.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by marath0n

The people who aren't creative enough to come up with a response to anything have adopted/abused it.

pretty much, just a way for them to post something just for the hell of it
the @!+! is not even funny anymore though
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Really never was funny. I hate the number of mechanical replies that NT'ers abuse
it was funny when you would see it posted by one person...and again by another person 3 or 4 days you're seeing differentvariations of it 2 or 3 times per thread
threads that boring, pointless or to long to read warrant a "cool story bro"


Spoiler [+]
^ Alright, that one's funny. I don't care.

OP's right, though.

again @ Brool Story Co.

what makes me LOL are the threads that pop up (this one for instance) complaining about the latest NT canned-reply (word to YNS).. i mean, can we be moreoriginal and just ignore it?
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