***Convenience Store Gets Robbed By Mob Of 35 GOONIES at one time***

one of these days these robbers will catch a store clerk on a bad day, and he is gonna bust out a gun and start shooting
one of these days these robbers will catch a store clerk on a bad day, and he is gonna bust out a gun and start shooting
what makes you think a store clerk is going to catch a body for a store that isnt even theirs...? if i was that clerk i woulda did the same thing...NOTHING. if they get caught (since they are a bunch of kids) i will gladly point them out. but the videotape does that just fine.
what makes you think a store clerk is going to catch a body for a store that isnt even theirs...? if i was that clerk i woulda did the same thing...NOTHING. if they get caught (since they are a bunch of kids) i will gladly point them out. but the videotape does that just fine.
 @ that chris rock video...

the opening line had me ROLLIN!

"who's more racists? black people or white people?

black people... cuz they hate other black people."


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