Originally Posted by Ronald0


men, we've played like crap all season long. but now were in the playoffs and things get serious now. if your out there i wont you to play and give 100% EFFORT. if you dont hold your own on the court then youll get benched. now go out there and play like a champion today!

LMAO! ....but I cosign this 100%
^ i think yosh and lucky and them might be forming their own gold squad.

other then that there might be some changes in the off season, let's just focus on the playoffs...
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Andrew, I have to disagree with you on this one..
we also need to work on our substitutions...i think we should let players come in for at least 10 minutes before subbing, because playing 5 min intervals doesn't allow anyone to "warm up" to the game or even establish a feel for the game....
Here's the problem with that:
*If player A is doing well, should we sub him out because his 10 minutes are up?
*Will playing with 10 min substitution intervals really help players develop a feel for the game or just an eye for the clock?
*If there's no real coach on the sidelines, who's in charge of substitutions anyway?

we need to get good outside shots in, i think the lack of 3s made the difference in our game this weekend since they responded with many, adding it up for fab
Instead of focusing on what we didn't do, we should focus on what we did well....and that was cut down on the turnovers.
While we didn't play a perfect game, we sure didn't look as sloppy as we did the last time we took the court together.
I know I took my share of fg's, but for the most part we all took GOOD SHOTS....nothing really was forced.
There wasn't a need to match 3 for 3 cause that was, or is not our game...Jay R took some good ones, but our other main 3pt shooter was out.

I'm not calling you out bro, but I want to make sure that we are all focused on the PLAYOFFS...and nothing else.
when we have our full squad, we are pretty good

but when players are missing, we end up loosing

Adrian, im tired of you...hahaha jk jk. in regards to my sub comments, i guess i misspoke when i said 10 minute interval...of course ifsomeone is playing well and productive we should let them sit in the game and continue the good work. What i was referencing to was the fact that there aresome substitutions that happen so often because a player just wants minutes and will sub without consideration of others who are being productive on the floor.

I still stick to my comments about how 5 minute interval is not enough time for anyone to "warm up" to the game etc, i think everyoneshould get their time to play a good game and being in for 5 minute intervals doesn't make sense. Some who play the majority of the game wont notice thisbut its very noticeable to those who sub in and out. Again, I dont want to come off in the wrong way when i say this, but the point is that everyone needs tocalm down about getting minutes and just give players a chance to play the game rather than sub them out because "5 minutes" have passed orsomething...everyone wants to contribute and thats a great thing but having a 5 minute, or even a "minutes" rule is ridiculous...i only said 10 justto be a minimum since we dont have a coach on the floor to make strategic decisions, again if everyone on the floor is doing really well and productive as ateam, let them play until subs are needed.

this is playoffs, so we all need to think for the benifit of the team and play smart on the floor and on the sidelines. so lets go and "play likechampions today" as ronaldo said, whoever he is haha.
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Stats are posted.....
I never really comment on them cause I know it's a tough job, but whoa...

uhh, they really need to review the game logs again because i remember doing the stat sheets. gritty had 21+ points easily. i always tally it up and makesure it adds up to the final score. i mean even on the front page says 64-60. the final score on the logs says 48. you guys made a late run...
even on myown game i saw 10 points when it said i had 12 and i had atleast 3-4 dimes that i can recall in my head. i know, here's their response - "stats arehard to do" but i do stats too and im keen with noticing everything, even when im doing the write ups. man, i even do the recaps 3-4 days later and istill remember the details without the notes that are on the stat sheets. stat keepers, step your games up.
Yeah, I'm not complaining at all.....the only thing that really matters are wins and losses, the stats are just for entertainment.

I do keep track of my free-throws in my head, and only because I missed so many early in the season.

It's all good....I'm not demanding a recount or anything like that

Money $hot vs Nusantara

League analysts were just as stunned as Fabulous was when Nusantara had upset them in Week 7. A sleeper team, perhaps - is what some speculated. With thatvictory, they found themselves in a three way tie for the playoffs, so each team knew how critical a win would be. Money $hot's GM, Rocky Anciano grewweary in Week 8, facing off against a Nusantara squad that defeated Fabulous convincingly by 10 points; the same Fabulous squad that defeated Money $hot,scratch that, destroyed M$ by 23 points in Week 4.

With only five players and no bench for the second game in a row, Money $hot looked to be underdogs against a talented Nusantara squad. M$ couldn't find ananswer for Daimon Pandjaitan, who had a SSBL career high, 24 points. If he wasn't giving enough headaches, big man Darun Ang would punish them with a teamhigh 10 rebounds, finishing second in scoring with 16 points via put backs and long range. The Hasibuan brothers had a beautiful combination. Daniel would leadthe game with five assists, while Franky would convert all his points from three point range as he finished with nine points and four assists.

However, Money $hot remained patient and resilient. Though there weren't many lead changes, they appeared to look more in control not letting the game getout of hand. It was Bunath Phin who had the hot hand that morning, leading the team with 19 points, nine of which came from three point range. PG, LuckyWickrementunge was also good from downtown three times, finishing with a second high 17 points. Aside from that, he was perfect from the FT, making all hisfour attempts. AND aside from that, he had a team high four assists as well. Big man, James McCray finished with 16 points, falling one rebound short for adouble double.

Heading into the second half, fatigue started setting in for Money $hot but a spark revitalized the squad when McCray slammed it home on a fast break from themiddle of the key. Seemingly unphased, Nustantara responded by knocking down four pivotal three pointers in the closing minutes but Money $hot answered backjust as vehemently. The final score read 73-63.

Nusantara were hoping that the Regulators would defeat Fabulous, which would mean a playoff bid for them since they would've won the tie breaker. However,it was bad Nu's for Antara as two things fells: Regs by four points resulting their fall from the playoff picture.

Fabulous vs Regulators

As complicated as the playoffs are with tie breakers amongst squads sharing the same record, the plan was simple for both teams- win. Fabulous came off astunning loss against Nustantara, who had lost earlier in the day and they knew that if they wanted keep their playoff hopes alive, a win was absolutelynecessary here. Regulators, on the other hand
have already switched management twice already with Mikey Chau acting as GM.

Though a fury was brewed, Adrian Eddington, candidate for rookie of the year made it clear in his statement on niketalk saying to just, "Give me theball." Dominating all through the game, finishing with a solid 21 points and 14 boards, the absence of big man Ramon Ramirez and their second leadingscorer, Ron "sharp shooting" Bentley proved to be crucial.

"There were really no other scorers who wanted to step up other then Jay R., who finished with a game high 24 points," commented a league analyst.

It was Chris Tanio's killer instinct that paved the way for Fabulous' road to victory as he led with 20 points, going nearly flawless from the FT line,going 10 for 11. Dubbed Andrew Bynum, Orlando Williams was too much for Eddington to withstand as he had 19 points and seven boards. Gold Division's assistleader, Justin "Juice" Ondoy, put an exclamation
as to why he was the #1 dime dropper, as he rounded the top three scores with 11 points of his own including two assists and a game high three steals.

As the game came to it's bitter end, for Regulators that is, Jay R would not give up. He would make a few three pointers, cutting the lead down to fourpoints, which unraveled the confidence of Fabulous. However, his attempt to make a late surge was already too late as most of the Regulators had already thrownin the towel like a disgruntled Arabian. Fabulous went on to win 64-60, giving them the nod for the final playoff berth as Deep Penetration and Nusantara hadto pack up their bags and enjoy their extended Christmas Break...
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]SEMIS[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]#1 626'ers
0[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]#2 Underdawgs
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]#8 Fabulous
4[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]#7 Regulators
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]DECEMBER 23, 2007
10 a.m.
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]#5 Abstract
[/td] [td]#6 Money Shot
3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]#4 Franchise
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]#3 Outkast Connection
2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td]DECEMBER 16, 2007 @ ROWLAND H.S.
a.m. (3) Outkast Connection vs. (6) Money Shot
11 a.m. (4) Franchise vs. (5) Abstract
12 p.m. (2) Underdawgs vs. (7) Regulators
1 p.m. (1) 626'ers vs. (
Fabulous[/td] [td]DECEMBER 23, 2007
10 a.m.
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]DECEMBER 16, 2007 @ ROWLAND H.S.
2 p.m. Winner of 1 vs 8 and 4 vs 5
3 p.m. Winner of 2 vs 7 and 3 vs 6
[/td] [/tr][/table]
hey adrian you know i was just joking earlier right? i was just messing with you. but yea im looking the stats and you should have a few more digits up there.hopefully they get that fixed just to be accurate. im excited about playoffs, im done with my exams and winter break is on, so hopefully ill get to hit the gymand get back into some sort of shape.
Andrew I wasn't tripping off of what you said, I know you just want to contribute.....

I actually was coming off of a cold last Sunday, so this week I should be in really good shape

Same game plan....attack mode
some one said earlier the gym has strict rules meaning we can't bring food and drinks inside?
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Wouldn't it be sweet if Money Shot and Regulators met again in the second round?

yeah it would be sweet... that way this time i could be part of the beatdown we put on regulators :smile:
***this be Foot Clan, I forgot the pass to my sn so I'm usin this bakup, hence the ninja turtle references

i was talkin w/ adrian and ron, they said they down to hoop or practice tomorrow <thursday> @ that wesco gym

Cameron Park Community Center
1305 East Cameron Avenue
(NW corner at Lark Ellen)

phone number: (626) 919-6966

anyways since its playoffs try to get in a run b4 sunday? try to make it i guess

maybe now andrew can finally make it out to 1 lol
i want to come out to practice tomorrow but as always i have a final tomorrow at 7. Trust me, i'll be ready for the game this sunday, Even tho i messed uptowards the end in the last game. I felt bad and still do. But whats done is done. Come game time its goin down. I hope that everyone shows up including allsupporters if we have any. We need all of the support we can get. Good luck to rocky and his crew Money$hot. As for us regulators, its time to ball. No moretakin$@%% from no one. Just attack. See ya all at the playoffs.

"I love this game".

Oh one more thing, Im down to play next season. if anyone is looking for a teammate, please let me know, im interested in playing. I had fun this season andwould love to do it again. Of course, without the drama this time. lol.

-Mikey O[-<):
I say we drank up during this festive holiday season then discuss the probabilities of redoing this next season haha
Sounds good to me.....

But yo, I want you guys to know that I'm gonna need a KG type extension if you want to sign me this off-season

yeah it would be sweet... that way this time i could be part of the beatdown we put on regulators :smile:

***this be Foot Clan, I forgot the pass to my sn so I'm usin this bakup, hence the ninja turtle references

Yo how many of yall are down to run today? Let's make a decision asap.....
i just got word that JR isnt going to be able to make it to the game(s) on sunday because he has work. just thought you guys would like to know, oh and whattime are we going to run if we run today?
I think the gym opens at 7.

If JR can't make it, dudes just gotta step up.....remember that the next game you play might just be your last
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