how bout you guys let us win so we can make the playoffs too
Rivalry week: 10 a.m. Regulators vs. Money Shot @ ROWLAND H.S.

Rowland H.S.
2000 S. Otterbein Ave.
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
^^ why not?? thats our normal time slot, well around that time frame. its gonna be good, make it out to the game!
Andrew you crack me up sometimes bro....

I mentioned last page that I might not be able to make the 11am time slot because I needed to take someone to the airport, 10am is a definite no go.......

I hope that time slot isn't finalized, if so I might be rooting from the sidelines
dude i thought that airport gig was last week!!! haha dang it!! pay supershuttle to take them lol. hope to see you there man.
Darn Adrian. That sucks but all good though. We all as a team just has to step up and pick up the slack. We gotcha.

And for Rocky, I'm down to play again for the league if that's cool.

Holla. Practice anytime soon guys????
Did you just say "darn" son? NT is not PG-13

I'm working on trying to get there, but right now it's not looking good :smh:

By Ghost Writer
Contributing Writer

Regulators vs. Money Shot
10 a.m.

"I created a monster."

Even in YHATUS/B-LO-DA-RIM's darkest days, swingman Rocky Anciano kept the frustration within. He played with a flurry that often went unnoticed such as the time when he went for 25 points against Association. He was never one to publicize the team's problems and if the team had a power struggle, he served as a neutral voice often confiding with both sides. He was loyal, determined, and did all he can to help his former team and despite all that, it went unnoticed.

"His name might be Rocky, but his traits are the exact opposite of the boxer, Rocky," joked a league analyst.

The frustration of losing to Angkor Wat in the 1st Round was too much for the staff writer and in the off-season, he separated himself from the sinking ship. The ambitious writer started not one, not two, but three teams to start off his GM career and his main avenue was a sneaker board, Niketalk:

"Yalls talk a good game about your bball skills on NT, so about making our own team? you got a sick bball sneaker collection, how about actually using it? we could kill the gold division and i know there are some heads fiending to play. i know a number of your guys PM'd me interested in joining the league so lets form our own team

"It was like MTV's The Real World. Gather players who don't know each other, throw them into a group setting, and let the drama unfold," observed an opposing GM.

As soon as the name Regulators and Money Shot came into play, team jerseys were quickly ordered and practices were scheduled. Most teams don't order jerseys until their third season but the anxious GM had faith in both of his teams. Scheduling practice for a team in the local area is a challenge, let a long a team comprised of players residing from various cities all over So Cal. Three weeks into the season, the unthinkable happened and the finger-pointing was in full force. After a loss to top ranked 626'ers, the GM was ousted by his own players all stemming from a dispute over playing time.

Even the often reserved GM had things to say on the NT page: "Even prior to the 1st game you already created drama about whose gonna start and what not. seeing that you were the only one that wanted to start every single game, i didnt see that as fair because ive always pushed for equal shine. YOU were not supposed to start but come tip off you were in the line up, whats up with that? im there as a mediator to make sure everyone gets EQUAL playing time. some people are outspoken so im there to speak for them."

Rocky's sole purpose for Regulators (4-2) was to manage the team while Money Shot (3-3) was a team he had to play in because the team lacked players. His peers, opposing general managers, and outsiders were awestruck at how much Rocky accomplished in just 2-3 weeks yet his players from Regulators didn't see it that way and the old "conflict of interest" card was dealt to the Regulators founder.

"...of course i play for money $hot because they are short players. it was the 2nd niketalk team that was supposed to flourish but many dropped out so what am i supposed to do? i already paid for 11 jerseys - im not going let it go to waste. hell, even two regulators wanted to switch teams. but wait, i combined those who showed up for practice and stacked up regulators because chemistry was in the works already. meanwhile, im with money $hot, hoping that some sort of last minute chemistry could be made - our first game was the first time we all met, what conflict of interest are you complaining? wait, i know the inner works of your team? of course i do, i formed it --> -->--> :lol: -->
--> --> -->--> but that doesnt mean i cant scout and see the same strengths and weaknesses ray charles couldnt.

your rotation is in chaos because there is no communication. what do YOU want? watch the other key players hog up the time you equally paid for? wait, there is only one person that is trying to get his own shine at everyones expense. yeah, you may not care, nor the next person, but i do because i dont manage a team like that. maybe i shouldve expressed that prior to the sign ups of this team but i tought yalls were 'grown up' about it.

youve stunned the league because you LOOK like a team with matching jerseys, a deep bench, and me helping you on how to play your game along with the refs game. ive called yalls individually to follow up on how you like it, making myself available to any doubts, questions, and such...which go beyond what i should be doing. why? i take care of my folks. anyway

if your friend would like to be your coach, seeing that he is only basing his 'coaching' ability on your 2nd game, then go for it. he can assume my GM title."

After two straight losses from the top two teams (626'ers and Franchise), Regulators are mounted at the 4th spot after winning two straight games. Adrian Eddington is their leading scorer at 16.0 ppg and is the team's leading rebounder at 7.6 rpg. Ron Bentley has emerged from the drama and his perfect free throw percentage (14-for-14) has bailed Regulators out in close games. Jay R. is averaging 13.0 ppg, 1.3 spg and the team has been guided by Sophomore player and former Game Breaker, AirMagx15 (Mark Genato).

Meanwhile, Rocky has made questionable moves after abandoning his position with Regulators.

"Well first there was the 'ringer' incident and then he forgot the rules on time management. That Money Shot game against Franchise was heart-breaking and if they lose to Regulators, their team morale will hit an all-time low," said a league analyst. "Knowing Rocky, he'll find a strategy against his former teammates and Regulators need to find a way to counter that. James McCray, their versatile big man, leads the team with 14.8 ppg, 8.5 rpg while Bunnath Pin is averaging 10.5 ppg, 2.0 spg. Lucky and Yoshi Wickremetunge are all viable scoring options for Rocky and it should be a high scoring game.

wow talk about airing dirty laundry....but that wound still hurts to read about. rock you know i got you.

adrian, hope to, no i mean i will see you there haha. jp do what you gotta do bro.

doesnt look like practice is a thing happening soon mikey, so get some workout in, i know i need to (no P.E. for 2 whole weeks) studying 12-13 hours a daydoesnt help either. anyways, ill get some warm up in sunday morning. see you guys there!! it should be a fun game!
Yeah I just knew when we played yall it would have been a later game.....

10 a.m.
[/td] [td]Regulators[/td] [td]Money $[/td] [/tr][tr][td]


[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [table][tr][td]

[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Ron B.[/td] [td]Rocky A.[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Rowland H.S.
[table][tr][td]PREVIEW[/td] [td]GAME STATS[/td] [td]RECAPS[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table]
On a lighter note, what I gotta do to get my picture up too? I been player of the week like 4 times already...
Ya i said "Darn" Adrian. Here, DAMN. Better. LOL. Anyways handle your business if needed. You'll be there in spirit but much prefered in person.hahaha. one.
Whats good Regulators,

Looking forward to the game we have all been waiting for. NT vs NT. As you can see below, Money Shot has a very well rounded balanced attack. They obviouslyshare the ball well. Every member of MS is a offensive threat. James McCray *watch his perimeter shot, Yoshi, and Bunnath Phin are definite primary threatsoffensively that we need to apply pressure on during the entire game. McCray and Bunnath are going to be tough assignments for the big guys in the paint, thesetwo really fight for the ball off the glass, so Ray, Adrian and Chris will need to be ready to get your Dennis Rodman on.

Key things to focus on to win this game:

1. DEFENSE DEFENSE DEFENSE. We know this team can score, cut off the passing lanes and make sure that every shot that they take has a hand in their face. MakeMS work for every basket they make.

2. Role Players. Rocky knows us like the back of his hand, not only did he put us together, most of the time he's doing our stats. He watches just aboutall our games and MS is well imformed about us. As stated in the Game Preview, Rocky already has a strategy locked up to attack us defensively. Our roleplayers are gonna have to bring the games of their lives (word to Boobie Gibson). We have to give MS the unexpected. No team that we have played so far has thekind of scounting report that MS has, so keep that in mind. They are ready for us. Also, role players, be ready to get the ball out of the double team of ourstars. Be ready to step up, cuz this is the game to do it.

3. Limit Turnovers: Since our major superstars are going to be heavily covered, DO NOT force the ball to them if they are covered or double teamed. Do not rushpasses and maintain eye contact before giving up the ball.

Bottom line, this game is going to come down to who wants it more, this isn't just about a W. This is the most important game of the season. Even if we winthe ship in the end, this win will be the most gratifying. I don't even have to stress the importance of this game. You guys should already know, allI'm saying is.... Leave everything out on the floor. Bring your A game or don't come at all. Fight for every board, dive for every loose ball, andcontend every shot.

on a side note, everyone please bring small bills for ref fees. No one ever has change for a dub. Everyone needs to be here for this game (word to Adrian), soplease come in a timely manner.

Lets do this Regulators, because I know we can, and Money $hot, I'm sure you guys are reading this as well, and my message to yall is, I'm glad yourready, but know if we are going to go out, know we are going out like Spartans! Lets give Superstar Basketball the game of the year

Originally Posted by Viewtiful Mik3

or are they?!!!

it woulda been better if we coulda played at night, everyone from both sides coulda came out

really? i couldve sworn Regulators were an AM squad, Money $hot was the evening squad.
i put the request in to play at 7pm but it was 10 am - so what? what happens when playoffs come around? you cant pick times then...

adrian, the league wanted to put your picture there but there was that only group shot...
Rock it's all good about the pic thing.....I was just kidding

Sorry I couldn't be there guys....feel like I let yall down.

And damn, we got "destroyed"

I got game summaries from a few of the guys but I'm curious to see how the folks over at Superstar are going to recap this one

I'm hoping that we get a chance to play each other again at full strength, maybe in the playoffs (assuming we both qualify)
we got beat on transition and didnt play up to their face on the perimeter. Something we need to learn from and adjust to. We just have to individually makethose changes and move forward like always, regardless if its a L or a W. We need to distribute the ball more effectively and play D.
adrian brought up the question about playoffs. with week 8 coming up, playoffs are just around the corner. here are the rules for playoff with the seeding asstated at the top of the standings page of

- Top 8 teams from each Conference will qualify for Playoffs.
(Rule change voted in as of GM Meeting)
- Tie-breaker goes to the team that won in their match-up.
1. In the event that a tie occurs between multiple teams, a team that defeated the other teams own the tie-breaker.
2. In the event that a tie occurs between multiple teams but a team has ONLY defeated one of those teams, then we proceed to the next best thing which is...
b. Tie-breaker goes to the team that defeated the highest ranking team.

so what does this mean? let's take the current standings into effect (not week 7 but week 6 since i don't know how the rankings have shifted as oftoday)

1. 626ers (6-0)
2. Franchise (6-0)
3. Regulators (4-2)
4. Underdawgs (4-2)
5. Outkast Connection (4-2)
6. Abstract (3-2)
7. Fabulous (3-3)
8. Money $hot (3-3)

Notice the 4-2 teams. The reason why Regulators are ranked higher then Underdawgs, despite the same record, is because Regulators. defeated Underdawgs in Week2. The reason why Underdawgs are ranked higher than Outkast Connection, despite the same record, is because Underdawgs defeated them in Week 1.

So let's make some assumptions for the current rankings...

The rivalry match up b/w 626ers and Franchise wouldnt change much for the 1 & 2 positions. At #3, would be Underdawgs (5-2) because they defeated Stylin onYou. At #4 would be Outkast Connection (5-2) because remember Underdawgs defeated O.K. back in Week 1 so Underdawgs won the tie breaker. At #5, Money $hotmoves in at that position as they improved their record to (4-3). At #6, I would assume Regulators to be positioned here. At #7, Nusantara enters the playoffpicture with a win.

#8 could be between...

-Abstract who lost today, as their record falls to (3-3) - they have to make up a double header next week.
-Fabulous drops to (3-4) after a loss today.
-Stylin on You drops to (3-4)
-Hippos are 3-4

This is the playoff picture if it were to start today but Week 8 could make major implications on whose in and out...this might be inaccurate but the finalword should be updated by Wednesday on the website.
Thanks for clearing that up.....

I'm assuming that both NT teams are in pretty good shape for playoffs, but nothing is guaranteed as of yet.

Week 8 is a MUST WIN.....crunch time for both teams
the final ranking is posted. the thing i dont get it is that money $hot defeated regulators, who had the better record going into week 7 - so M$ should beranked higher then regulators. but i guess the commish wants to go with who defeated the higher ranked team regardless if the records were the same or notprior to heading into week 7. as usual, its left to the league's discretion.

regardless, a loss in week 8 would mean trouble for anyone ranked 4-8 currently.
What's good Regulators,

First and foremost I want to tip my hat off to Money $hot for playing awesome TEAM basketball. They deservethe win and they were a prime example of "No I in Team." They SHARED the ball and ran a TEAM clinic onus. Congrats to them on the win.
We lost that game due to many factors, including lack of ball movementand allowing too many uncontested shot attempts. We had a deep bench, while M$ had no bench whatsoever due to the time slot, yet we didn't run them out ofthe gym. Along with that, I feel that the JR took too many shots trying to pull a KB24. Its been a problem thatI've noticed for the past 2 weeks and have had it brought up to him by a personal friend of his, and yet no change in JR's game. During the game Ispoke to him discreetly on the floor about taking less shots and passing the ball, and yet again, no change in his selfishness. At halftime I lost my cool because of my frustrations with JR and I went off on him. Even after that, no change was made as he continued to force3's, circus layups and contested jumpers which included a shot that resulted in a turnover after hitting the side of the backboard. I know for a FACT that I'm not the only one who sees this, but I'm the one who's choosing to step up and saysomething. The loss is not the main issue, we have lost before, but we lost as a team. Our offensive game was ala KB24courtesy of JR, and that was the main reason in my opinion why we lost by such a large margin. Not enough smart shot attempts.

We may still could've lost if we had better ball movement and other players taking shots, but I guarantee you that it would've been a closer pointmargin. Ray and Chris were doing work in the paint, there was nobody on M$ that could've match up with them except for McCray, who could match up in heightbut not body mass and muscle. We could've got back and won the game if we took advantage of that mismatch. Bottom line, I don't mind if we lose, butnot like this and not under the hands of a selfish wanna be superstar
With that said I want to let yall know that as of today I'm stepping down as the GM/Coach for the Regulators and will not play for the remainder ofthe season/playoffs. I refuse to play on a team that has a player who only cares about himself. I don't drive down from Corona every Sunday to watch one player try to take over. Iappreciate the time I had as a Regulator, and I enjoyed with playing with everyone else on the team. I appreciate allof you that put your trust in me to fill the GM role when Rocky left and I did my best to make sure everyone had PT and everyone got their money's worthwhen they paid to be on this team. I enjoyed the TEAM basketball we played up until recently and I hope that the restof the Regs that feel me on this situation, step up and make the necessary changes. Good luck on the rest of the season and in the playoffsRegulators.
Here is the "Year end Photos" from my camera that my girl was taking throughoutthe season. These are the best semi blurry pics.



























First and foremost, this was a seriously heartfelt game. The intensity was there and my teammates knew that I wanted this victory since day one. With 4-5 ofour players out due to the scheduling, I thought this was going to be an uphill battle. Sure, you played without your main man, Adrian, but we just went outand tried to play the best ball we could.

Airmag, you couldn't have done a better job man. From the get go, every team needs direction and it starts with the GM. I've watched you time and timeagain continue the values that carried this team to the strong start by incorporating communication, embracing practice. I even applaud how you scout the teamsas well. I can see where you're coming from as far as the frustrations of trying to control a team that only needs 1-2 people to mess up the chemistry. AsI've told Adrian, I can't find the right words to say other than that I am apologetic for putting you in this situation. I honestly never evenforecasted this to go down as it did. I also want to add that, being a GM should never be this hard.

Good luck with the rest of the season fellas.
Yo, that was some deep stuff Mag. I'm not taking sides or anything, but i hate to see you leave the team man. Whether you may think that "he"lossed the game for us, fact is we all were not prepared. We were not grabbing boards and not living up to the defense, but i know that we all worked at it. Weare indeed a team and i would like for us to stay as a team. I feel that if you want to step down as GM, then thats your decision, but as your teammate, i hateto see you leave man. Your a good friend to both baysick and i and would like to see you still be there for us and with us. And trust me, JR feels like hot doodoo right now. he does feel like he let the team down but i don't think we have to give him all of the credit for the loss. We just were not playing goodbasketball as a team in general. Money$hot did their thing man. Big ups to them. For sure. There is only a couple of games left in the season until playoffs.We can't give up another player man. We need everyone to play. I love the game of basketball. Its full of excitement, ups and downs, heartbreakers, etc.Straight up, "I Love This Game". "Where........Happens." Lets just continue on with this season and play ball. Once again, i really wouldlike for you to show up sunday for our next game Mag. If you don't, then there's no hard feelings, i totally understand where you are coming from. Youare still a fellow Regulator and a homie to me. For the rest of us Regs', let do business and handles. Its go time.
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