
Nah...I like the taste of beer, like some people like orange juice, some people like cranberry juice, I like malted grain. It's gotta be a cultural thing, in the midwest, I'm a sub par drinker.

I mean honestly, I don't get it, I know people who have lost their jobs because they'd rather run (as ridiculous as that sounds, it's happened to two people I know), people who have lost their spouses because they couldn't chill with the credit card, but all of them, and everyone else I know, look at me as if I have a problem. IDK what more one could want from a person, I work THREE damn jobs...well two currently but still putting in 50+ a week and when school starts up in a few weeks, I'll be working 25+ with 12 hrs of school. Don't get arrested, don't go out much, just enjoi drinking at home.

I just don't get it, what is "ideal" and what is "bad" isn't it all the person? I don't want the life they want, I look at others and just think "I'd hate myself if I were them." and people look at me and everyone says I'm one of the happiest people they know...and honestly, I truly am.

I really do struggle with this, not drinking, but everyone tells me I need to get it in check. At what point does "I'm just looking out for you" cross over to "I know whats better for YOUR life"?
As usual, I have no idea wtf you are really talking about.

But, if you are only having a beer or two a night then I don't see the problem. If you're getting drunk then you prolly an alcoholic. Don't matter if you got your **** together and work 3 jobs or whatever. Plenty of highly functional alcoholics out here.
You a ***** for spitting in anybody face let alone a woman. Better hope she doesn't have any relatives like myself that would come see you. Hope she slices you up next time you try some ****
As usual, I have no idea wtf you are really talking about.

But, if you are only having a beer or two a night then I don't see the problem. If you're getting drunk then you prolly an alcoholic. Don't matter if you got your **** together and work 3 jobs or whatever. Plenty of highly functional alcoholics out here.
Are you slow? What I wrote was pretty clear and organized, I'm guessing it's just starting to be a thing. It's clear you understood what I said because you responded appropriately.
Are you slow? What I wrote was pretty clear and organized, I'm guessing it's just starting to be a thing. It's clear you understood what I said because you responded appropriately.

You made at least 4 excuses for why you drink. Tell us people you know IRL tell you it's a problem. Then ask us if it's a problem. I don't get it are confessing you're an alcoholic or asking us?

Seems like you are, btw.
Forreal. Like thanks for the positive energy. I'm not making excuses for what I did, but everyone makes mistakes. U never know what ur future holds, Gamble. But thanks for ur response anyway.
I'm referring to the outbursts and the yelling. I feel like a lot of build up frustration comes out of me when I like like enough is enough.

Like I've tried to tell you the issue calmly multiple times, I've written it down and posted it around the house, I've texted my preferences on how things should be for the betterment of our home and relationship, I've tried to lead by example and the results were the same. All of that frustration comes out in the form of me yelling at her/scaring her. I'm not sure of how else to try to get the message across. especially after weeks of being ignored. @carbon16  
I'm referring to the outbursts and the yelling. I feel like a lot of build up frustration comes out of me when I like like enough is enough.
Like I've tried to tell you the issue calmly multiple times, I've written it down and posted it around the house, I've texted my preferences on how things should be for the betterment of our home and relationship, I've tried to lead by example and the results were the same. All of that frustration comes out in the form of me yelling at her/scaring her. I'm not sure of how else to try to get the message across. especially after weeks of being ignored. @carbon16

Why don't you dump her man?

I'm being serious. Like, if you've tried to tell her this many different ways and she continues to do behavior that you pisses you off why do you put up with it? You can really only blame yourself at this point for continuing to be with someone like that.

I was in a similar situation and thought I still loved the girl, and I did. But things were so much better for me once it ended. I'd had enough. And now I got a girl that is everything my ex never was.

Stop putting up with that man.
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Honestly, you may be right. That seems like the best route to take. But considering we have shared accounts/property it's gonna be a bit of a process. But honestly, that's probably what's best for my sanity.
You made at least 4 excuses for why you drink. Tell us people you know IRL tell you it's a problem. Then ask us if it's a problem. I don't get it are confessing you're an alcoholic or asking us?

Seems like you are, btw.
Well last sentence ended with a question mark, probably start there, test tip btw.

I don't know what excuses I made, wouldn't mind them being pointed out, I stated the facts about my life, state their side of the argument, gave a few examples to give some perspective, then asked the question in the final paragraph.

Why does it seem like I'm an alcoholic? <----question. I don't understand what it means to be an "alcoholic"? <---question. Specifically, if you are on top of your life can it truly be said you are addicted to anything? <----question In this context it's alcohol, but same logic should applied to drugs, running, food, sports, etc. and if the same logic shouldn't be applied, why not? <--- question. What makes constantly running to the point it hurts your body for the long term, alienates you from friends, costs money and you lose your job any different from being an alcoholic? <----question.

Honestly, I would love to know the answer to these questions, but,a s this is a sneaker forum, even a forum with some fairly intelligent people, I don't expect folks to think about these questions, especially since most of them are cultural and abstract.

@Iron Lion be careful, in my mind it's messed up to hit a girl, especially over cleaning, but to each his own. I'd say, save up for some atty fees, they will take your *** to jail, black, white, puerto rican, I can say with confidence, the courts have made great strides in equality when it comes to domestic violence.
iron lion iron lion the answer hennessy hennessy responded with was kinda where I was going to go. If you find that you are irritated by her actions then you need to remove yourself from the situation, in this case I agree that you should dead the relationship. Don't use "she brings the worst out of me" as an excuse for situations like this especially when the result is you spitting, choking or whatever. You have to remember, she's not "making" you do anything and you have to have self control. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable knowing that my lady (or anyone I loved) is scared of me.
I'm not making any excuses here. You guys are more than likely 100% right & I just gotta do what's best and move forward without having another lapse in judgment like that again.
Nah...I like the taste of beer, like some people like orange juice, some people like cranberry juice, I like malted grain. It's gotta be a cultural thing, in the midwest, I'm a sub par drinker.

I mean honestly, I don't get it, I know people who have lost their jobs because they'd rather run (as ridiculous as that sounds, it's happened to two people I know), people who have lost their spouses because they couldn't chill with the credit card, but all of them, and everyone else I know, look at me as if I have a problem. IDK what more one could want from a person, I work THREE damn jobs...well two currently but still putting in 50+ a week and when school starts up in a few weeks, I'll be working 25+ with 12 hrs of school. Don't get arrested, don't go out much, just enjoi drinking at home.

I just don't get it, what is "ideal" and what is "bad" isn't it all the person? I don't want the life they want, I look at others and just think "I'd hate myself if I were them." and people look at me and everyone says I'm one of the happiest people they know...and honestly, I truly am.

I really do struggle with this, not drinking, but everyone tells me I need to get it in check. At what point does "I'm just looking out for you" cross over to "I know whats better for YOUR life"?

The issue is, you know where the line is, but you want to blur it and make excuses. Alcohol is bad for your body, and your habit is obviously telling you that. You don‘t gotta look far to find thr answer you are looking for.

You are going into the direction of substance abuse. You would use the same justification for smoking, drugs, etc. The issue here is your mental thinking and intake habit.
Maybe i missed this but exactly how much do you usually drink a day? Because it doesn't sound like you drink that much or get drunk. Which means it honestly isn't really an issue. If you drink beer like juice, a glass or two with dinner everyday, it's fine.

It sounds like you describe it in a way that makes it sound worse than it is an people can be judgmental.
Some girl I never met from my town just added me on facebook last night/this morning.  Does she want the D? 
I haven't even with a lady since.........

Loner-stoner life for me
I just copped me on a month ago. $$$$$$$$$$$ spent on a pack =/= date nights. No wins. Just yambs.
Been hearing a lot of horror stories about the MCAT lately and rejection from med schools. I honestly don't believe I will even get in at this point . Makes me sick that when that day comes I will be a disappointment to my entire family. I am looking at fall back plans but have no idea what to do right now.

The usual advice study hard and work your way up blah blah is nonsense cause thats in a ideal world. My mind is on so much stuff and I am trying to be realistic as possible at this point. Wish I never screwed around this past couple year in college.
Been hearing a lot of horror stories about the MCAT lately and rejection from med schools. I honestly don't believe I will even get in at this point . Makes me sick that when that day comes I will be a disappointment to my entire family. I am looking at fall back plans but have no idea what to do right now.

The usual advice study hard and work your way up blah blah is nonsense cause thats in a ideal world. My mind is on so much stuff and I am trying to be realistic as possible at this point. Wish I never screwed around this past couple year in college.
Did you already take it and get your score? Are you applying this cycle?

MCAT is a big factor for admissions but I know of people with low scores who got into good schools, even without any great extracurriculars.

That said, you need to realize this is about you, not your family. And be honest with yourself. Why exactly do you want to go to med school? What other career paths would you be happy with? What field or type of work will you excel at? Are you willing to reapply next year if you don't get in?

Rejection sucks regardless, but look at the bigger picture.
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