
Sometimes I just wanna scream out for everyone to give me some space and let me breathe. Everyone comes to me with their problems. Someone needs money they come to me, someone needs a cosign they come to me which I've been burn before by my own cousin than I had to pay bill smh. Like I keep everything to myself and I never wanna let anyone down but I can only do so much I'm just one man. Feels like everyone is pulling me in all kinds of directions. Like I have my own bills to pay and still pay for my sons private school, and karate and hockey. My moms needs help with a lot more than before and I can never tell her no. Feels like I'm alone in this world and like all I'm good for is to help everyone out when in need. I know I'm to nice to a lot of people but I feel like If I don't help them they might be worst off. All this stress lately got me drinking way more than ever before just to calm me down and I know that isn't going to help. 
TBH, I don't know how to make a friendship. I don't talk to people much outside of school and going to my bands practice. I also often don't leave the house for like 3-4 days at a time during the summer.
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Sometimes I just wanna scream out for everyone to give me some space and let me breathe. Everyone comes to me with their problems. Someone needs money they come to me, someone needs a cosign they come to me which I've been burn before by my own cousin than I had to pay bill smh. Like I keep everything to myself and I never wanna let anyone down but I can only do so much I'm just one man. Feels like everyone is pulling me in all kinds of directions. Like I have my own bills to pay and still pay for my sons private school, and karate and hockey. My moms needs help with a lot more than before and I can never tell her no. Feels like I'm alone in this world and like all I'm good for is to help everyone out when in need. I know I'm to nice to a lot of people but I feel like If I don't help them they might be worst off. All this stress lately got me drinking way more than ever before just to calm me down and I know that isn't going to help. :frown:

I've been there before and, I know its gonna sound tough, but you need to learn how to be selfish. Trust me. Dealing with other peoples' problems in addition to your own will always burn people out, and you have the added stresses of supporting your mother and son.

Like Remy LeBeau Remy LeBeau said, you have to just start saying no. I understand that you may feel like its your duty as a man to provide for your family, all of your family, but its not. Trust me.

Stop loaning your family money unless its an emergency. Stop cosigning on things. I'd even say stop giving them rides and start preparing responses for when they eventually flip on you (which they will, especially if this has been going on for a while)

I had to learn the hard way that people, even your family, will take your kindness for weakness and exploit that. Don't learn the hard way.

TBH, I don't know how to make a friendship. I don't talk to people much outside of school and going to my bands practice. I also often don't leave the house for like 3-4 days at a time during the summer.

I know them feels. Just gotta put yourself out there, man.

Take on a role or leadership position. Volunteer even. Do something where you'll be forced to interact, and then you'll grow more comfortable with interacting with people. Its tough but you can do it.
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I'm not here to judge but snakes in the grass man :smh: Can you explain how this even happens? I mean I understand being attracted to a person but
once that's my boys property she's completely off limits, like how do you bring yourself to fall in love with your boys girl? I don't get it, I'm just not even built like that. My advice is step your life game up and go find you a woman of your own, way too many girls out here for you to be coveting over the next mans especially when the next man is supposedly your mans 100grand smh

Big red flag is he said she offers intellectual conversations something I've NEVER found in a girl.

There are a ton of women out there that offer that. You need to look in the mirror and figure out why you're not finding them or why you're ignoring them. Trust me, this girl is not one of a kind. If you care about your best friend, you should start looking out for other girls. You seem to be in too deep with this one.
MetalMario MetalMario As someone that's been in your situation before and took it much further than it should have gone, trust me when I say you do NOT want to live with that guilt bruh. Especially if thats your Ace. My heart still sinks whenever I think of the foul **** I've done damn near 10 years ago. I only pray that that ***** karma is done with me...

Being anything more than acquaintances leads to a slippery slope. If its leading to you two being intimate, and she's made her desire to be with you known, tell your boy and leave the chick alone. She probably gets a thrill out of the taboo. Maybe you do to. But chances are if it ain't you, it'll be another guy.

Girl might be awesome but your allegiance is to your boy. Best friends are hard to come by. Girls are EVERYWHERE. Again, you do NOT want to live with that guilt.
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I have finally found probably the best girl I've ever met!!!
Interests are similar (which is a big thing since I'm weird as hell:lol: ), she offers intellectual conversations, something I've never found in a woman, respects my opinions and visa versa, completely understanding, I don't have to put on a front to other girls as if I'm on my best behavior on a first date, she understands my jokes, knows im a Troll King and fires it right back at me. We've shared stories of emotional tales that got us to become who we were and shaped us as humans. Deep emotional connection. truly beautiful in my eyes, most of the time she's not wearing makeup and is
still. Effing gorgeous when she gets ready to go out. Been on dates and had have amazing times together. She makes me happy, she tells me I make her day better as she does mine. spend almost everyday together and both know that this is growing love for each other.

there has to be a catch right?....
she's my best friends girlfriend...
I'm not here to judge but snakes in the grass man
Can you explain how this even happens? I mean I understand being attracted to a person but
once that's my boys property she's completely off limits, like how do you bring yourself to fall in love with your boys girl? I don't get it, I'm just not even built like that. My advice is step your life game up and go find you a woman of your own, way too many girls out here for you to be coveting over the next mans especially when the next man is supposedly your mans 100grand smh
You've been on dates with your best friends girl? :smh
Dawg nooooo.

Yours mans girl always becomes your sister.

Damb....stay up famb.
that's too real bruh...
You've been on dates with your best friends girl? :smh
I deserve every bit of flame and slander from you guys and I accept it 100%. letting you know its gonna get more complicated as I go on. To answer @gamble's question, yes of course we started off as her being my boy's girl then became my sister so to speak according to @Guzzy . meeting her a few times, nothing special. later in a snowboarding trip one weekend this January just talking she goes I feel a strong emotional connection with you more then him. I think nothing of it at the time.

Now I have to tell you guys something about myself. I'm really good talking to girls, not as actually trying to get at them but like a really good guy friend you can consul or you can even say I'm the gay guy in the group of girls in the club. That type of scene if you can picture it. So other good friends know this about me for years going way back. Since my friends have known me their whole lives they don't think anything of it "Oh its just Mario being normal, helping the female fit in with all the guys if its guys night out or whatever, not making her feel alone" because as you know for girls its important to know your man's friends and not just be an object of your man, you know.... becoming part of your man's life which includes friends and family. I just so happen to be the most friendly of the crew.

anyway fast forward later we go to a rave. we have similar interests like I said and my boy doesn't like EDM or that stuff. have a great time together with another friend. go to her place and go to sleep in her bed. remember this is normal and happened before. in bed for a while she just goes "why don't we just stop lying to ourselves"..... BOOM. no sex as of now for the record if that makes you feel better.

We both know that He has cheated on her. He confessed to her about his smashes before any of this happened and he might've done so again while this (me and her) is taking place. since I've known my boy for so long I know he's the player of the group and easily gets girls, she knew going into the relationship that she will have to deal with his man whoreness. she also moved to be near him. closest family is like 6 hours away for her and has no friends. I became her only friend besides obviously being with my boy. he doesn't spend time with her, hence the fact I almost see her everyday. I know I said the word "dates" but they never came off of it that way. the first few times she would lightweight trick me saying all the guys are going to the city drive with me and we'll meet them there. As I'm getting ready she tells me "they're dropping out and don't want to come anymore, but we can still go though" once again this is me, I've done this before.  was she getting a feel for me the entire time? maybe. but when we would have quiet moments together she has told me things she knew she had a crush on me about the 3rd time meeting her when all we did was going on a buying swishers errand for the house party which all of our friends were at that took like a 2 minute drive to the gas station.

Almost everytime were together we always end up saying "what the F are we gonna do?" bad timing on this whole thing. she swears that if it wasn't for him we'd be together a whole lot sooner and happier. she just so happened to meet my boy first. we both openly talk about this situation. From what she tells me the relationship is crumbling, He is planning and already paid rent for a place in Lake Tahoe, moving in like a week n and half didn't include her in the move or talked to her about it, remember that she moved hours away to be with him, she can't move again she just got here. He has told me about moving in front of her but its like she gets the information the first time as I do. Guys don't get emotional with each other when it comes to relationships and I know them both really well but I get her side of the story.

@YeezusDisciple no offense bro but if I was gonna post pics it'll be in a pm or link to her IG and to an NTer I would trust. (if that's possible on here)

All this and technically I'm dating someone as well... she knows none of this
I deserve every bit of flame and slander from you guys and I accept it 100%. letting you know its gonna get more complicated as I go on. To answer @gamble
's question, yes of course we started off as her being my boy's girl then became my sister so to speak according to @Guzzy
. meeting her a few times, nothing special. later in a snowboarding trip one weekend this January just talking she goes I feel a strong emotional connection with you more then him. I think nothing of it at the time.

Now I have to tell you guys something about myself. I'm really good talking to girls, not as actually trying to get at them but like a really good guy friend you can consul or you can even say I'm the gay guy in the group of girls in the club. That type of scene if you can picture it. So other good friends know this about me for years going way back. Since my friends have known me their whole lives they don't think anything of it "Oh its just Mario being normal, helping the female fit in with all the guys if its guys night out or whatever, not making her feel alone" because as you know for girls its important to know your man's friends and not just be an object of your man, you know.... becoming part of your man's life which includes friends and family. I just so happen to be the most friendly of the crew.

anyway fast forward later we go to a rave. we have similar interests like I said and my boy doesn't like EDM or that stuff. have a great time together with another friend. go to her place and go to sleep in her bed. remember this is normal and happened before. in bed for a while she just goes "why don't we just stop lying to ourselves"..... BOOM. no sex as of now for the record if that makes you feel better.

We both know that He has cheated on her. He confessed to her about his smashes before any of this happened and he might've done so again while this (me and her) is taking place. since I've known my boy for so long I know he's the player of the group and easily gets girls, she knew going into the relationship that she will have to deal with his man whoreness. she also moved to be near him. closest family is like 6 hours away for her and has no friends. I became her only friend besides obviously being with my boy. he doesn't spend time with her, hence the fact I almost see her everyday. I know I said the word "dates" but they never came off of it that way. the first few times she would lightweight trick me saying all the guys are going to the city drive with me and we'll meet them there. As I'm getting ready she tells me "they're dropping out and don't want to come anymore, but we can still go though" once again this is me, I've done this before.  was she getting a feel for me the entire time? maybe. but when we would have quiet moments together she has told me things she knew she had a crush on me about the 3rd time meeting her when all we did was going on a buying swishers errand for the house party which all of our friends were at that took like a 2 minute drive to the gas station.

Almost everytime were together we always end up saying "what the F are we gonna do?" bad timing on this whole thing. she swears that if it wasn't for him we'd be together a whole lot sooner and happier. she just so happened to meet my boy first. we both openly talk about this situation. From what she tells me the relationship is crumbling, He is planning and already paid rent for a place in Lake Tahoe, moving in like a week n and half didn't include her in the move or talked to her about it, remember that she moved hours away to be with him, she can't move again she just got here. He has told me about moving in front of her but its like she gets the information the first time as I do. Guys don't get emotional with each other when it comes to relationships and I know them both really well but I get her side of the story.

no offense bro but if I was gonna post pics it'll be in a pm or link to her IG and to an NTer I would trust. (if that's possible on here)

All this and technically I'm dating someone as well... she knows none of this

MetalMario MetalMario please stay away from her. It seems like she's turning into a comfort zone for you but she'll add more headache to your life especially when your friend finds out. Stay positive and take everything day to day. Life always finds away of balancing itself out.
From the sound of it that woman is conniving as hell and you're right there along with it. Tbh it sounds like she's using you as a crutch for her failing relationship and you're falling right into it :smh: She's given you every excuse why homie is doing her wrong but that is frankly none of your business, let that relationship crumble on its own. Stay away from that woman and reevaluate your morals man, the hell do you mean "no sex as of now" so you've smashed that? The whole situation is just foul smh
Dude ain't your best friend so stop telling yourself that because if he was:

1. You wouldn't have gotten close with his girl.

2. You would've told him about her the minute she tried to talk to you.
I deserve every bit of flame and slander from you guys and I accept it 100%. letting you know its gonna get more complicated as I go on. To answer @gamble
's question, yes of course we started off as her being my boy's girl then became my sister so to speak according to @Guzzy
. meeting her a few times, nothing special. later in a snowboarding trip one weekend this January just talking she goes I feel a strong emotional connection with you more then him. I think nothing of it at the time.

Now I have to tell you guys something about myself. I'm really good talking to girls, not as actually trying to get at them but like a really good guy friend you can consul or you can even say I'm the gay guy in the group of girls in the club. That type of scene if you can picture it. So other good friends know this about me for years going way back. Since my friends have known me their whole lives they don't think anything of it "Oh its just Mario being normal, helping the female fit in with all the guys if its guys night out or whatever, not making her feel alone" because as you know for girls its important to know your man's friends and not just be an object of your man, you know.... becoming part of your man's life which includes friends and family. I just so happen to be the most friendly of the crew.

anyway fast forward later we go to a rave. we have similar interests like I said and my boy doesn't like EDM or that stuff. have a great time together with another friend. go to her place and go to sleep in her bed. remember this is normal and happened before. in bed for a while she just goes "why don't we just stop lying to ourselves"..... BOOM. no sex as of now for the record if that makes you feel better.

We both know that He has cheated on her. He confessed to her about his smashes before any of this happened and he might've done so again while this (me and her) is taking place. since I've known my boy for so long I know he's the player of the group and easily gets girls, she knew going into the relationship that she will have to deal with his man whoreness. she also moved to be near him. closest family is like 6 hours away for her and has no friends. I became her only friend besides obviously being with my boy. he doesn't spend time with her, hence the fact I almost see her everyday. I know I said the word "dates" but they never came off of it that way. the first few times she would lightweight trick me saying all the guys are going to the city drive with me and we'll meet them there. As I'm getting ready she tells me "they're dropping out and don't want to come anymore, but we can still go though" once again this is me, I've done this before.  was she getting a feel for me the entire time? maybe. but when we would have quiet moments together she has told me things she knew she had a crush on me about the 3rd time meeting her when all we did was going on a buying swishers errand for the house party which all of our friends were at that took like a 2 minute drive to the gas station.

Almost everytime were together we always end up saying "what the F are we gonna do?" bad timing on this whole thing. she swears that if it wasn't for him we'd be together a whole lot sooner and happier. she just so happened to meet my boy first. we both openly talk about this situation. From what she tells me the relationship is crumbling, He is planning and already paid rent for a place in Lake Tahoe, moving in like a week n and half didn't include her in the move or talked to her about it, remember that she moved hours away to be with him, she can't move again she just got here. He has told me about moving in front of her but its like she gets the information the first time as I do. Guys don't get emotional with each other when it comes to relationships and I know them both really well but I get her side of the story.

no offense bro but if I was gonna post pics it'll be in a pm or link to her IG and to an NTer I would trust. (if that's possible on here)

All this and technically I'm dating someone as well... she knows none of this

First of're a scumbag...if no one else will say it, I will.

Second, you're a sucker, she's using you.

You want help? Here it is, smash and strap in(not strap up, funnier for me that way)
Lol I knew this was gonna happen. But yes I'm accepting this fate and your responses as bad or tame as they are. Of course I feel bad and I should feel terrible. she said herself she feels like dirt and swears that this is the first time this thing has happened to her (an affair or cheating so to speak)

We have not had sex. Repeat, we have not had sex. We both know that's the ultimate jump into a black hole of guilt, unforgiveness, and karma.

From the beginning and when we knew what was going to happen if we continued the Winston Churchill quote "if your going through hell, keep going" was told and agreed upon sadly. Both also agreed/predict that if he ever found out, he would be more disappointed in her then me, forgive me and move on. In no way typing that do I feel better about myself because it makes me look like I feel I will have a safer "exit strategy". Also very long term should this continue they will eventually break up because she has very little chance to have children and he wants them. She feels useless because her only biological purpose to be on earth is taken from her. I'm not scheming in anyway for this to happen and creep up from behind once he's gone, word to Biggie.

This will be a cliche saying but I'm young, only 22 and I should be making mistakes at this time. Time will definitely tell. This is a one way road with a cliff at the end. Might as well see a few attractions along the way

(By the way I realise I will have made more enemies on here now that I've typed all of this)
I deserve every bit of flame and slander from you guys and I accept it 100%. letting you know its gonna get more complicated as I go on. To answer @gamble
's question, yes of course we started off as her being my boy's girl then became my sister so to speak according to @Guzzy
. meeting her a few times, nothing special. later in a snowboarding trip one weekend this January just talking she goes I feel a strong emotional connection with you more then him. I think nothing of it at the time.

Now I have to tell you guys something about myself. I'm really good talking to girls, not as actually trying to get at them but like a really good guy friend you can consul or you can even say I'm the gay guy in the group of girls in the club. That type of scene if you can picture it. So other good friends know this about me for years going way back. Since my friends have known me their whole lives they don't think anything of it "Oh its just Mario being normal, helping the female fit in with all the guys if its guys night out or whatever, not making her feel alone" because as you know for girls its important to know your man's friends and not just be an object of your man, you know.... becoming part of your man's life which includes friends and family. I just so happen to be the most friendly of the crew.

anyway fast forward later we go to a rave. we have similar interests like I said and my boy doesn't like EDM or that stuff. have a great time together with another friend. go to her place and go to sleep in her bed. remember this is normal and happened before. in bed for a while she just goes "why don't we just stop lying to ourselves"..... BOOM. no sex as of now for the record if that makes you feel better.

We both know that He has cheated on her. He confessed to her about his smashes before any of this happened and he might've done so again while this (me and her) is taking place. since I've known my boy for so long I know he's the player of the group and easily gets girls, she knew going into the relationship that she will have to deal with his man whoreness. she also moved to be near him. closest family is like 6 hours away for her and has no friends. I became her only friend besides obviously being with my boy. he doesn't spend time with her, hence the fact I almost see her everyday. I know I said the word "dates" but they never came off of it that way. the first few times she would lightweight trick me saying all the guys are going to the city drive with me and we'll meet them there. As I'm getting ready she tells me "they're dropping out and don't want to come anymore, but we can still go though" once again this is me, I've done this before.  was she getting a feel for me the entire time? maybe. but when we would have quiet moments together she has told me things she knew she had a crush on me about the 3rd time meeting her when all we did was going on a buying swishers errand for the house party which all of our friends were at that took like a 2 minute drive to the gas station.

Almost everytime were together we always end up saying "what the F are we gonna do?" bad timing on this whole thing. she swears that if it wasn't for him we'd be together a whole lot sooner and happier. she just so happened to meet my boy first. we both openly talk about this situation. From what she tells me the relationship is crumbling, He is planning and already paid rent for a place in Lake Tahoe, moving in like a week n and half didn't include her in the move or talked to her about it, remember that she moved hours away to be with him, she can't move again she just got here. He has told me about moving in front of her but its like she gets the information the first time as I do. Guys don't get emotional with each other when it comes to relationships and I know them both really well but I get her side of the story.

no offense bro but if I was gonna post pics it'll be in a pm or link to her IG and to an NTer I would trust. (if that's possible on here)

All this and technically I'm dating someone as well... she knows none of this


Real talk, step away from the situation. She's doing this behind your homies back, what would she do behind yours?

Open your eyes, b. Seriously. Both of you have already shown signs of untrustworthiness and unfaithfulness. ***** this ain't math. Two negatives don't make a damn positive..

Get the **** outta there.
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No matter how many times we here to "step out" it's so much easier said than done [emoji]128532[/emoji]
-I'm happy in a month from now everything will be great.
-this month however = The Struggle
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