College Nters whats your gpa???

Rather not say, but it's put me on academic watch after last year
. Mathkeeps killing me. Oh well this term should help me boost it.
Civil engineering major. Sitting at a 2.6 right now. 2 more years left so I'm hoping to graduate with a 3.0 at least.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]3.3 ... I'm aiming for a 3.9 to TRY and get to NYU[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. but either way, #$@+ school[/color]
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]3.3 ... I'm aiming for a 3.9 to TRY and get to NYU[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. but either way, #$@+ school[/color]

haha I was going t apply to NYU for GRad School just for the hell of it
Originally Posted by gko2408

2.6 after freshman year
3.2 after sophomore year
I'm hoping to get it up to 3.5 (cum laude) after this semester. 16 credits and right now my best case scenario is an A in 3 of my classes (with 1 being a 4 credit course) and a B+ in the other two.

Econ major/Poli Sci Minor

I wish I could re-do freshman year over. I was NOT prepared at all for how much more different college was going to be from high school. I got C's in Psych and Sociology 101 first semester...SMH everytime I see those grades and the piss poor effort I put into those classes.
How hard have you found Economics to be? What are you plans for when you graduate?
I just started college, and the semester is almost over. But if I keep doing my homework I should have a 3.6
4.0 this semester last year i didnt try and i was at st louis university so damn hard

but anyways im pre dentistry and chemical engineering
3.6 finishing up my second to last semester of undergrad - political science major. freshman year killed my chances of a top 10 law school, even with a greatLSAT score.

Mathematics and Statistics Major. Econ/Commerce Minor.

I have yet to see anyone on this board doing math besides me. If so, I'd like to talk to you
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