College Nters whats your gpa???

2.74 CMPE
Rather not talk about it. Freshman year killed it. That's why I began networking prior to sophomore year. Knowing people that matter FTW.
oh yeah, i'm a mechanical yea, mine is at 3.3-!%! right now, but really, i feel i could do better.
it's not right but when other people complain about their classes, as an engineer inside i'm thinking like...."they don't have it as bad asme"...
what's good is that there doesn't seem to be much cutthroat competition like pre-med classes, and everyone generally is there to help each other out.
Almost a 3.40
(Double Major in Computer Engineering and ComputerScience, and a minor in Math.)
Freshman year I had 2.90 because I was depressed and didn't try, so it's been hard trying to raise that. But after this semester.. I'll be happyif I'm still in the 3.30 range.
in first semester Mechanical Engineering. need at least 2.3 for my work term this finding it very hard tho
everyones GPA seems to be very goodhere. how easy is it to find a job in coop? i hope i get a really good one.
2.6 after freshman year
3.2 after sophomore year
I'm hoping to get it up to 3.5 (cum laude) after this semester. 16 credits and right now my best case scenario is an A in 3 of my classes (with 1 being a 4credit course) and a B+ in the other two.

Econ major/Poli Sci Minor

I wish I could re-do freshman year over. I was NOT prepared at all for how much more different college was going to be from high school. I got C's in Psychand Sociology 101 first semester...SMH everytime I see those grades and the piss poor effort I put into those classes.
2.8. majoring in communications/journalism. i have a 4.0 in two classes im taking this quarter, so hopefully that will raise my cum. gpa. im a sophomore.
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