cliche sitcom scenarios vol. fall season is here!


Jun 1, 2009
guy schedules two dates and takes them to same resteraunt and switches tables during meals
kid wrecks vehicle while parents outta town
pimple on class picture day
character goes to jail
--Family member no one likes moves in
--Kid gets bullied by another kid who is the victim of abuse
--Wedding was built up all season to a cliffhanger, next season they don't get married
--Someone experiences some sort of discrimination
--Kid becomes popular suddenly, only to suddenly lose his/her popularity just as quick
--Kid has a new group of friends who are cool only to find out they're involved in something shady

Maaaaan I love this thread!!!!

@ some of the suggestions

Let's not forget...

--kid plays a sport/instrument only to make his parent happy
--kid tells parent he is going to friends house to study and goes to mall instead; breaks curfew
--the christmas, thanksgiving and halloween episodes
--guy is hoping to ask the hot girl to the prom, then finds out she's a *#%*% and ends up going with the average looking girl next door

Maaaaan this post is great
Teenager tries buy condoms.
Drinking and driving episode.
Cheating on a test.
See girl with new guy under the bleachers.
Meet nice kid, but found out he is homeless.
Don't play in the refrigerator episode.
girl is almost pressured into having sex but doesnt cuz she realizes the boyfriend only wants bunz. then she cries to parents.

character goes on vacation to florida or hawaii

pet runs away from home then they find him

kids or teenagers watch a scary movie at night alone at home then are scared all night
Originally Posted by NJstress03

girl is almost pressured into having sex but doesnt cuz she realizes the boyfriend only wants bunz. then she cries to parents.

character goes on vacation to florida or hawaii

pet runs away from home then they find him

kids or teenagers watch a scary movie at night alone at home then are scared all night

character dies
Girl/Boy steals parents car, gets into accident and gets it fixed on time but still gets a lecture
Prom date
Mom and Dad don't have the spark of love they used to have, so they end getting it back at the end of the show The husband suprises her with an Old giftfrom High school
I noticed this when I was 10. All sitcoms have the same scenarios
No matter the show except for the ones that broke the mold

The "gun violence" episode
The "new girl/guy" episode
Character owes somebody a lot of money from gambling/Unlikely character comes in and hustles the money back
Prom episode
Character suddenly becomes star player on the basketball team, game winning shots, in the end realizes it isn't for them

This is bringing back mad memories
-teenage character wants an after school job but parents are against it, then they end up being for long as your grades stay up!

-family recipe for muffins is a big hit at the office; boss wants worker to make a batch for his son's wedding....a batch of 5000!

-important person coming over for dinner; mom wants everyone to be on their best behavior.. things go horribly wrong and moms tells the family they are anembarrasment..apologizes at the end.
Dad get fired from his job, starts trying to do chores around the house but things go 'hilariously' wrong. Dad gets job back at the end of the episodebecause the office realizes he is an asset.
The annual challenge/competition between school vs school, company vs company, etc.

The wise old vagrant giving out advice. He either then disappears/dies/turns out to be rich or a combination.
The musical episode
The "very special" episode.
The in/out friendzone dance
of course jumping the shark

Aww man there's tons more i can't think of right now.
the flash back episode
the girl hating the guy when she secretly likes him
the lil loser kidd getting friend zoned- lmao
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