Classic NBA pictures

Nice. Larry Brown oozing with swagger with that GLAAAD themed sweater.
Man I remember every year the Bulls won those championships we'd go to a hotel ballroom/conference room in the City and load up on gear like that....thosewere the days.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Yeah seasoned... that would be cool (pix of kix). Let dude know that he still has people who appreciate his game and the fact that he stood for something.

By the way, besides McDyess, can anyone name any of the other dudes in that pic?!?!? I think the light-skin cat is Bryant Stith. The others I have NO clue.
Don Maclean (sp?) is the guy looking at Rauf. And you are right about Stith. #34 was Reggie Williams
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Some of these pictures being posted are hardly "classic" or different from the norm.

(And that's not a direct shot at anyone).


1 of the most fun teams to watch. alleys from half court wasmore than common.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Yeah seasoned... that's why I love that pic. It's unique cuz of the shoes and cuz there was no Bird either.

Mike was definitely rocking these Barkleys in the Olympic pic:
Yeah, they definitely look like those.

I'd never noticed that before. I knew that at the time they hadn't made Oly VIIs yet (although why they couldn't customise some red/whites Idon't know) so in a lot of the other pictures he's wearing Air 180s.
Originally Posted by CarpeDiemKJ

Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf aka Chris Jackson was a nice player. His jump shot was automatic, and he was a dominant college player.

That controversy in 1996 was comedy. All the critics and bible thumpers were like "Gee, he spends American money".

Well...They're right. He was living, eating, enjoying freedom, carrying on his dream of playing basketball and getting paid a lot of money to do it INAmerica, and he's moaning about some national anthem? It's like, get the !@** out then, it's not that big of a deal you attention *+!@@, you'rebeing disrespectful because of your pettiness, in which you tie your religion to, which is completely irrelevant. Imagine if some one would do that at anIslamic country, how disrespectful that would be. They'd freakin kill you. For the record, I'm no bible head, an atheist actually. And I think the starspangled banner is an arrogant display, but it's no big deal you cry baby, stand up for it!
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