Chris Brown - keeping your roadsides clean.

Originally Posted by Ortega03

What a tool..

This was my first though
Originally Posted by AC4Three

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by CWrite78

it's always funny when these "im going against the grain" type of posters hop in threads.
He's right, though.

What's so
about a dude picking up trash?
Because he deserves it.
Wouldn't that make it even less funny? It's an expected outcome.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by CWrite78

it's always funny when these "im going against the grain" type of posters hop in threads.
He's right, though.

What's so
about a dude picking up trash?

nothing, and i agree wtih him. but why does he have to keep on going about it? a simple "eh, it's not that funny" would have been enough.
I can't be the only one that thought it was stupid to even bring up and discuss.
So the lesson learned here is that the Earth will be litter free if everyone beats their wife/girlfriend.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by CWrite78

it's always funny when these "im going against the grain" type of posters hop in threads.
He's right, though.

What's so
about a dude picking up trash?

nothing, and i agree wtih him. but why does he have to keep on going about it? a simple "eh, it's not that funny" would have been enough.

someone responded to him so why wouldn't he respond back?
Gosh darnit, I'm sick of what I'm seeing in here.

Chris Brown is a celebrity. He is picking up garbage on the side of the road.

That is hilarious to me, because you do not regularly see celebrities picking up garbage on the side of the road.

Let alone the reason behind his trash picking being him beating up a woman who was his girlfriend and bloodying her face.

I've got two younger sisters and Chris Brown did the one thing that would push me over the edge and truly have blood on my hands.

%+$+ Chris Brown. It is hilarious that he is picking up trash for what he did, especially since if he were a regular dude he would have to deal with Big Jarvisand Tevon singing "Take You Down" to him everynight.

The world wanted to hate Kanye for what he did to Taylor Swift, but it's been astounding to me how many people are letting Chris slide and are mad hewasn't in the BET awards to the point where a rumor about Jay Z was made up.
He's not even really getting anything accomplished. What a waste of time and resources. How many police did they need to stand around? Now when you seelike a chain gang or a team of them, they be getting @@$% accomplished. Dude was just swinging a rake not even really being efficient, damn near enjoyinghimself.
Originally Posted by Where Are You Harold Miner 2

Haha, pick up them discarded items young man

i dont know whats funnier that or him takin those golf/baseball swingswith that rake

Nice job pointing out the Leaders hat.
I'm sure Ty and Vic and them are proud.
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