Chris Brown>>>>>_____, ________ & ______


Jan 2, 2011

yall jelly?

Spoiler [+]
i'll never understand women
I really want to see them line up 1 by 1 like a book signing and let Chris Brown punch them in the face one after another.
they were all kinda just "Id let him beat me", meaning possibly smashing, until those 2 girls just come in and say "Id let him punch me in the face". Talk about Buzzkillingtons
Thats one of tha most corniest things a female could say " I'd let so and so do blank anytime"
If we had twitter when Kells was doing his wild stuff we'd probably see tweets of I'd let R. Kelly piss on me.

Broadz be dumb yo.
Originally Posted by blakep267

they were all kinda just "Id let him beat me", meaning possibly smashing, until those 2 girls just come in and say "Id let him punch me in the face". Talk about Buzzkillingtons

dude off topic, you have the coolest avy on niketalk, hands down.
Don't know why, but the first !$$+@ that said "I'd let chris brown punch me in the face" almost made me spit out my soup.

So %#$#+@# blatant.
This is the same forum where dudes would scrape their penis on glass just to drink the Amber Rose bath water.
Same forum where dude said he would lick Hovs penis just to taste Beyonce.

Id like to think that these dudes are joking and Id also like to think that you guys dont really think these girls are serious but it just doesnt seem that way.
Originally Posted by Regis

This is the same forum where dudes would scrape their penis on glass just to drink the Amber Rose bath water.
Same forum where dude said he would lick Hovs penis just to taste Beyonce.

Id like to think that these dudes are joking and Id also like to think that you guys dont really think these girls are serious but it just doesnt seem that way.
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