Chris Bosh says that he wont sign an extension with the Raptors...

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

1. C.J. Watson
2. Monta Ellis
3. Stephen Jackson
4. Chris Bosh
5. Andris Biedrins

Originally Posted by WILLINC

Toronto can want to trade him all they want, but if Bosh doesn't want to re-sign with the team he is traded too why would they do the deal.

The place for Bosh is Miami, I think we all know that.

the best they can get is contracts coming off the books, teams will not trade young talent for a 1 year rental this ant baseball

I just wish there was a way Cleveland could work it out with Bosh. We have expirings, but Bosh himself is an expiring so that element is out. The Cavsare in the same division, and we don't have a lot of young talent to offer (unless Toronto wanted Varejao, Boobie, Hickson and 2 first round picks...whichI'm sure they don't). *%#+.
I just have to hope that toronto does not get screwed on this one....yeah I know Bosh actually likes the city but we have to way the options this summer and ifwe can get a good deal BC has to pull the trigger
I'm from Canada and a Raptors fan but CB4 should NOT sign a contract extension until he knows where this team is headed. Let's see how this summerplays out and how the 1st half of the season goes. There's no rush to trade Bosh now. There'd be no shortage of teams lining up at the trade deadlineif he's on the table.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I'm from Canada and a Raptors fan but CB4 should NOT sign a contract extension until he knows where this team is headed. Let's see how this summer plays out and how the 1st half of the season goes. There's no rush to trade Bosh now. There'd be no shortage of teams lining up at the trade deadline if he's on the table.
thats were your wrong
If they wait til the trade deadline to make a trade, they aren't going to get anything worthwhile in return...

The problem with all this "If the team is good..." crap is that we all know damn well that team isn't going to be very good next year... Even ifyou believe CB sticks around for a team he thinks has a real shot, the Raps aren't looking like a team that's going to make any noise next season...The only real assets they have for trade are Bosh and Calderon, maybe Bargnani but he's not gonna bring back a difference maker... The 9th pick in thisdraft ain't gonna be worth much through trade, and it probably doesn't net an immediate difference maker either...

They don't have the cap space to sign any real quality players, and they aren't gonna be a hot destination for guys with their MLE... That teamdoesn't look like it's gonna be significantly better in 2009-2010 than it was this year, so where does that leave you...?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If they wait til the trade deadline to make a trade, they aren't going to get anything worthwhile in return...

The problem with all this "If the team is good..." crap is that we all know damn well that team isn't going to be very good next year... Even if you believe CB sticks around for a team he thinks has a real shot, the Raps aren't looking like a team that's going to make any noise next season... The only real assets they have for trade are Bosh and Calderon, maybe Bargnani but he's not gonna bring back a difference maker... The 9th pick in this draft ain't gonna be worth much through trade, and it probably doesn't net an immediate difference maker either...

They don't have the cap space to sign any real quality players, and they aren't gonna be a hot destination for guys with their MLE... That team doesn't look like it's gonna be significantly better in 2009-2010 than it was this year, so where does that leave you...?
Oh I think we will be fine next year. Healthy Bosh+Carlos Delfino+Free agent+ 9th pick+ European prospect we are bringing over who's nameI'm blanking on+the good Bargnani(who may be the second best center in the east
)+healthy Calderon.

I'm totally in favor of letting the contract expire than getting poo poo platter of players, I feel GM's take on bad contracts just for PR to say theygot something. We were in the same situation last time his contract expired, the team stunk we built it up and won 47 games. I think the same can easillyhappen again.

The funny think is I don't think Cololangelo(and allot of raptor fans) want to pay Bosh a max contract even if he wants to re sign. If thats true if tradedoes come it will come on draft night.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If they wait til the trade deadline to make a trade, they aren't going to get anything worthwhile in return...

but if everyone knows he will be only there for 1 year, you wont get much this summer either. your best shot is at the deadline if some team is trying to makea title or playoff push. Either way i think the best they do is getting back contracts that will come off the books

im looking at the 8 teams that made the playoffs this year and the raps are NOT better then any of them. team wont be better then them
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If they wait til the trade deadline to make a trade, they aren't going to get anything worthwhile in return...

The problem with all this "If the team is good..." crap is that we all know damn well that team isn't going to be very good next year... Even if you believe CB sticks around for a team he thinks has a real shot, the Raps aren't looking like a team that's going to make any noise next season... The only real assets they have for trade are Bosh and Calderon, maybe Bargnani but he's not gonna bring back a difference maker... The 9th pick in this draft ain't gonna be worth much through trade, and it probably doesn't net an immediate difference maker either...

They don't have the cap space to sign any real quality players, and they aren't gonna be a hot destination for guys with their MLE... That team doesn't look like it's gonna be significantly better in 2009-2010 than it was this year, so where does that leave you...?
Oh I think we will be fine next year. Healthy Bosh+Carlos Delfino+Free agent+ 9th pick+ European prospect we are bringing over who's name I'm blanking on+the good Bargnani(who may be the second best center in the east
)+healthy Calderon.

I'm totally in favor of letting the contract expire than getting poo poo platter of players, I feel GM's take on bad contracts just for PR to say they got something. We were in the same situation last time his contract expired, the team stunk we built it up and won 47 games. I think the same can easilly happen again.

The funny think is I don't think Cololangelo(and allot of raptor fans) want to pay Bosh a max contract even if he wants to re sign. If thats true if trade does come it will come on draft night.

We suck man...plain and simple. Ain't no way we are turning this ship around in-time to keep Bosh. If we dont get some sort of SG/SF who can contributeimmediately ( Marion isn't coming back), depth at the point ( Ukic is alright but remember when Calderon went down...
),get rid of kapono + joey graham and get a true center.... We wont bemaking noise in the east.

I, like other raptors fan, question the decisions that colangelo has made. We had a deal on the table, Ford for Wallace, last year but we instead trade him + a1st round pick for one O'neal. Then we trade O'neal + another 1st pick for marion. If we would have just gotten Wallace and drafted a PF/C with ourpick last yr we would have been much better. Atleast we got Marion's expiring contract.

We are team that needs to build thru the draft. Its been stated numerous times that noone wants to play in toronto and I feel thats our only way to truly makeit.

Anyways back to the OP's topic. I think we should deal him this summer. Bosh's value is still high and i feel that the Toronto media is gonna be on histail all yeah if he is here all yr. I just don't want this to end up like the VC situation.
You make the trade, if that's what you decide, during the draft. That's where you can get the most bang for your buck. If not then, then in theoffseason.

You do not wait until the trade deadline. Teams know you're looking to move the dude. You're just putting yourself in a bad spot if you wait untilthen. Teams know come summer time if no deal is made, dude could walk for nothing. Just not a good look.
Originally Posted by franchise3

You make the trade, if that's what you decide, during the draft. That's where you can get the most bang for your buck. If not then, then in the offseason.

You do not wait until the trade deadline. Teams know you're looking to move the dude. You're just putting yourself in a bad spot if you wait until then. Teams know come summer time if no deal is made, dude could walk for nothing. Just not a good look. either do it during Draft night or early in theoff-season.
Originally Posted by Inno21

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If they wait til the trade deadline to make a trade, they aren't going to get anything worthwhile in return...

The problem with all this "If the team is good..." crap is that we all know damn well that team isn't going to be very good next year... Even if you believe CB sticks around for a team he thinks has a real shot, the Raps aren't looking like a team that's going to make any noise next season... The only real assets they have for trade are Bosh and Calderon, maybe Bargnani but he's not gonna bring back a difference maker... The 9th pick in this draft ain't gonna be worth much through trade, and it probably doesn't net an immediate difference maker either...

They don't have the cap space to sign any real quality players, and they aren't gonna be a hot destination for guys with their MLE... That team doesn't look like it's gonna be significantly better in 2009-2010 than it was this year, so where does that leave you...?
Oh I think we will be fine next year. Healthy Bosh+Carlos Delfino+Free agent+ 9th pick+ European prospect we are bringing over who's name I'm blanking on+the good Bargnani(who may be the second best center in the east
)+healthy Calderon.

I'm totally in favor of letting the contract expire than getting poo poo platter of players, I feel GM's take on bad contracts just for PR to say they got something. We were in the same situation last time his contract expired, the team stunk we built it up and won 47 games. I think the same can easilly happen again.

The funny think is I don't think Cololangelo(and allot of raptor fans) want to pay Bosh a max contract even if he wants to re sign. If thats true if trade does come it will come on draft night.

We suck man...plain and simple. Ain't no way we are turning this ship around in-time to keep Bosh. If we dont get some sort of SG/SF who can contribute immediately ( Marion isn't coming back), depth at the point ( Ukic is alright but remember when Calderon went down...
),get rid of kapono + joey graham and get a true center.... We wont be making noise in the east.

I, like other raptors fan, question the decisions that colangelo has made. We had a deal on the table, Ford for Wallace, last year but we instead trade him + a 1st round pick for one O'neal. Then we trade O'neal + another 1st pick for marion. If we would have just gotten Wallace and drafted a PF/C with our pick last yr we would have been much better. Atleast we got Marion's expiring contract.

We are team that needs to build thru the draft. Its been stated numerous times that noone wants to play in toronto and I feel thats our only way to truly make it.

Anyways back to the OP's topic. I think we should deal him this summer. Bosh's value is still high and i feel that the Toronto media is gonna be on his tail all yeah if he is here all yr. I just don't want this to end up like the VC situation.
Revisionist history homie.
EVERYBODY, after we got bulliedby the Magic was screaming for toughness and lane intimidation a wing player was secondary. Plus Wallace is just as injury prone as JO also there were someother reasons why that deal didn't happen I just can't remember.
the heat will give you guys blount, quinn, anthony.....
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

but if everyone knows he will be only there for 1 year, you wont get much this summer either. your best shot is at the deadline if some team is trying to make a title or playoff push. Either way i think the best they do is getting back contracts that will come off the books

im looking at the 8 teams that made the playoffs this year and the raps are NOT better then any of them. team wont be better then them
I could see certain situations where somebody might get desperate around the deadline and give up more than half a season of Bosh is really worth(Dallas trading for Kidd), but I think their best chance to get maximum value is coming up quick on draft night...

If they wait until the deadline, they aren't gonna be able to rid themselves of bad contracts, I don't think... They won't be able to dump MarcusBanks and/or Jason Kapono on somebody... I think on draft night, they could get a team like Dallas, who is desperate to make a splash, to take on Banks andKapono, trade back equal money in expiring contracts and the rights to the 22nd pick after the Mavs make the selection...

Let's say it's something like Josh Howard, Erick Dampier, Jerry Stackhouse, and the rights to #22 for Bosh, Kapono, and Banks... The type of dealwhere they're getting out of those two contracts, getting draft rights to another young player, and taking the chance on a guy like Howard seems to melike it's on the high end of anything they'd realistically be able to expect in return... Keeping him through next season and watching him walk awaywould be the flat out worst case scenario for that franchise, IMO...

Anything short of a real, true contender next season and Bosh is gonna tell them to kick rocks... That ain't happening... They may get into the playoffs,but they aren't making any noise once they get there...
Bosh more than likely going to the Knicks 2010. Fool just recently said he worth max money and the Knicks will be stupid and thirsty enough to give it to him.Bosh is not a cornerstone franchise player. He'll never win a ring with that attitude, so congratulations Knicks fans, you will have Bosh,
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

the heat will give you guys blount, quinn, anthony.....

1. No I would rather let the contract expire.

2. Isn't Anthony a free agent?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

but if everyone knows he will be only there for 1 year, you wont get much this summer either. your best shot is at the deadline if some team is trying to make a title or playoff push. Either way i think the best they do is getting back contracts that will come off the books

im looking at the 8 teams that made the playoffs this year and the raps are NOT better then any of them. team wont be better then them
I could see certain situations where somebody might get desperate around the deadline and give up more than half a season of Bosh is really worth (Dallas trading for Kidd), but I think their best chance to get maximum value is coming up quick on draft night...

If they wait until the deadline, they aren't gonna be able to rid themselves of bad contracts, I don't think... They won't be able to dump Marcus Banks and/or Jason Kapono on somebody... I think on draft night, they could get a team like Dallas, who is desperate to make a splash, to take on Banks and Kapono, trade back equal money in expiring contracts and the rights to the 22nd pick after the Mavs make the selection...

Let's say it's something like Josh Howard, Erick Dampier, Jerry Stackhouse, and the rights to #22 for Bosh, Kapono, and Banks... The type of deal where they're getting out of those two contracts, getting draft rights to another young player, and taking the chance on a guy like Howard seems to me like it's on the high end of anything they'd realistically be able to expect in return... Keeping him through next season and watching him walk away would be the flat out worst case scenario for that franchise, IMO...
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

the heat will give you guys blount, quinn, anthony.....

If Toronto takes that I would
. They get no future picks, young playersor anything.
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