Chinatown bus to NYC...what’s my driver smoking on?

Nov 8, 2008
Never ever, ever again....I rather pay 20-40 extra bucks and use Greyhound, or just take the L anddrive...sorry it's a bit long, but my experience with them was horrible….(if anything just skip to the bottom)

Going to NYC Saturday night...first off my bus never came...there was like 30 people at the bus stop trying to get on, and like 1 or 2 seats available on eacharriving bus to NYC... I had to dish out an extra 20 bucks to get on this one bus...10pm…so I sit down, and dude next to me is sleeping and squishing me,almost had his head on my shoulder...and I was in the first row/seat, and driver doing at least 90mph (I don't even think the odometer reads that fast),and I'm just sitting there wishing that there were seat belts…

arrival…12:30am (somewhere in Walker st, and Canal…not Chinatown) I asked if this was the last stop and hetold everyone yes, get off…10 mins later, he tells everyone next stop…such and such…(what the hell just happened
, he said LAST STOP get off, anyways my friend was already on their way toget me, so eff it…I stay there and wait)…2.5 hrs…Bmore to NYC…not bad, but a lil scary, I mean I thought I drove fast…

Going back home to Bmore Sunday night….tight…like 400 peoples with bags and stuff in Chinatown running aroundlike chickens wit no heads trying get to VA, MD, DC, Boston, OHIO????....I keep asking the dispatchers where do I have to catch my bus…I was sent 3 differenttimes to 3 different corners on Allen Street and Canal Street…then 5-0 comes and tries to shut shhh down …yo, I need to get home…I am ready to start crying,like maybe I should go to Port Authority and just pay 40 bucks and take greyhound back home???? So I'm running around, in heels, it's raining, my hairis getting wet, (I bought a $4 umbrella that kept flipping over on me), and my bag weighs at least 40lbs smh… I eventually got on a bus, going to DC that wasstopping in Bmore (I tried asking the driver hey, what's the address you're going to in Bmore…"no speki engrish", ok thanks &^$%**…effit!

4:30pm…traffic is so effing crazy…we stop somewhere in NJ…cause the BR on the bus, has no light or lock ondoor and passengers are complaining…so I go and get a chicken sandwich and use the potty…I get back on the bus, some dude comes over to me, asking what thedriver is puffing on???? I don't know, nor do I care…so driver comes back, and reaches for some bottle, that look like a homemadeb0ng….now I'm tight,its going on 4 hours, and you get to "get nice" while I am sitting here dying to get home, and can't sleep on the bus, cause I'm too freakingparanoid, I swear i was ready to reach for the bottle of goose in my bag… Oh yeah BTW my phone had died…and I couldn't get a Wi-Fi signal for nothing…thenmy laptop starts to die
…get back on bus, stuck in traffic another 2hours, bored, tired, irritable, and once again stuck in the first row/seat…get to Bmore by 10:30pm….

Has anyone else ever taken these buses…to anywhere??? Why are they still running…white buses withnothing on them but black tinted windows…why the suspicious look…and what was dude smoking on???
Has anyone else had any bad experience with them???
lol NEVER take the Chinatown bus during holidays.. any other time i'd do it. i drove from boston to philly took 8 hours the first time (usually takes 6)and on the way back it took 12 hours (usually takes 6 again)

that 2.5 hour ride is kind of BS .. I drive super fast and I make from DC to NYC 3.5 hours Bmore is only 30 minutes away .. so basicallly the bus is making itfaster than me? So the bus its beating me by 30 minutes? Naw man and trust me I do drive 85-90 the entire way no stops with speed radar detector ..
s*&^@ wild B, i been on there a few times. Kind of got used to it rides usually not that bad, then again depends on day and location. People can besavages sometimes.
lol, bolt bus FTL

never went on one, but they were super cheap

i usually just take the peter pan
Member when that Chinese guy sawed someones head off and start eating it on the Greyhound?
On the evening of July 30, 2008, Tim McLean, a 22-year-old Canadian man, was stabbed and beheaded while riding a Greyhound Canada bus.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
The incident took place near Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, during a trip from Edmonton to McLean's hometown of Winnipeg.[sup][1][/sup] According to witnesses, McLean was sleeping with his headphones on when the man sitting next to him suddenly produced a large survival knife and began stabbing McLean in the neck and chest. The attacker then decapitated McLean and displayed his severed head to other passengers outside who had fled the bus in horror. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) arrested 40-year-old Vince Weiguang Li[sup][2][/sup] soon afterward.[sup][3][/sup]

At 12:01 a.m. on July 30, 2008, Tim McLean departed Edmonton on board Greyhound bus 1170 to Winnipeg, via the Yellowhead Highway through Saskatchewan. He sat at the rear, one row ahead of the washroom. At 6:55 p.m., the bus departed from a stop in Erickson, Manitoba[sup][4][/sup] with a new passenger, Vince Weiguang Li.[sup][2][/sup] Li, described as a tall man in his 40s, with a shaved head and sunglasses, originally sat near the front of the bus, but moved to sit next to McLean following a scheduled rest stop. McLean "barely acknowledged" Li, then fell asleep against the window pane, headphones covering his ears.[sup][5][/sup]

At 8:30 p.m., the RCMP in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba received a report of a stabbing on a Greyhound bus west of the city. They arrived to find the suspect still on board the bus, being prevented from escaping by another passenger, the bus driver, and a truck driver who had provided a crowbar and a hammer as weapons. The other passengers were huddled at the roadside, some of them crying and vomiting. As the suspect had earlier attempted to escape by driving the bus away, the driver had engaged the emergency immobilizer system, rendering the vehicle inoperable. Witnesses had observed the suspect stabbing and cutting McLean's body, and carrying McLean's severed head.[sup][5][/sup]

By 9:00 p.m., police were in a standoff with the suspect and had summoned special negotiators and a heavily-armed tactical unit. The suspect taunted police, alternately pacing the length of the bus and cutting and defiling the corpse. Police officers then observed Li eating parts of the body.[sup][4][/sup] Meanwhile, the stranded passengers were transported from the scene to be interviewed at the Brandon RCMP detachment.[sup][5][/sup] RCMP officers reportedly heard Li say, "I have to stay on the bus forever."[sup][4][/sup]

On July 31, 2008 at 1:30 a.m., the suspect attempted to escape from the bus by breaking through a window. He was quickly apprehended, handcuffed and placed in the back of a police cruiser. Li was carrying a plastic bag when he was arrested, containing a human nose, ear and part of a mouth.[sup][4][/sup] At 10:00 a.m., Greyhound representatives took the other passengers to a local store to replace their clothes, which remained on the bus. They arrived in Winnipeg at 3:30 p.m. that day, to be reunited with family members and friends.[sup][5][/sup]

[h2]Witness accounts[/h2]
Garnet Caton, a 26-year-old seismic driller who sat one row ahead of McLean, described hearing "a blood-curdling scream," saying, "I turned around and the guy sitting right [behind] me was standing up and stabbing another guy with a big Rambo knife.... Right in the throat. Repeatedly."[sup][5][/sup]

Caton added: "I got sick after I saw the head thing. Some people were puking, some people were crying, some people were shocked. [The attacker] just looked at us and dropped the head on the ground, totally calm."[sup][5][/sup] A police officer who was at the scene said the attacker also cut off parts of the victim's body and ate them.[sup][6][/sup]

Another passenger, Stephen Allison, stated that McLean fought his attacker, providing other passengers with the opportunity to get off the bus.[sup][7][/sup]

[h2]The accused[/h2]
[h3][edit] Background[/h3]
Vince Weiguang Li, 40, immigrated to Canada from China in 2001[sup][8][/sup][sup][9][/sup] (although some news papers erroneously reported 2004)[sup][10][/sup] becoming a Canadian citizen in 2007. He worked in Winnipeg at menial jobs at Grant Memorial Church for six months to support his wife, Anna. Pastor Tom Castor, who employed Li, said he seemed happy to have a job and was committed to doing it well, despite a language barrier with other congregation members.

"I think he would occasionally feel frustrated with not being able to communicate or understand," Castor told CTV Winnipeg. "But we have a very patient staff and he seemed to respond well." Castor also said Li did not show any signs of anger issues or any other trouble before he quit in the spring of 2005. He worked at a job as a forklift operator in Winnipeg while his wife, Anna Li, worked as a waitress.

Li first moved to Edmonton in 2006, abruptly leaving his wife, Anna, alone in Winnipeg until she joined him later.[sup][11][/sup] His jobs included service at a Wal-Mart, at a fast-food restaurant, and newspaper delivery. His delivery boss, Vincent Augert, described Li as reliable, hard-working and not showing any signs of trouble.

Four weeks before the murder, he was fired from Wal-Mart following a "disagreement" with other employees.[sup][11][/sup] Shortly before the incident, Li asked for time off from his delivery job to go to Winnipeg for a job interview.

[h3]The incident[/h3]
At midnight July 28 In Edmonton, Li boarded a Greyhound bus bound for Winnipeg.

On July 29, around 6 p.m., Li got off the bus in Erickson, Manitoba, with at least three pieces of luggage, and stayed the night on a bench next to a grocery store. According to one witness, he was seen at 3 a.m. sitting bolt upright with eyes wide open.[sup][4][/sup]

On the morning of July 30, still at the bench, he sold his new laptop computer to a 15-year-old boy, Darren Beatty, for $60.[sup][12][/sup][sup][13][/sup] The laptop was seized by the RCMP as evidence and the boy was given a new laptop for his honesty. [sup][14][/sup] Shortly before 6 p.m. Li boarded the bus heading to Winnipeg, which was carrying Tim McLean and 35 other passengers.[sup][15][/sup]

Witness Garnet Caton said the attacker seemed oblivious to others when the stabbing occurred, adding he was struck by how calm the man was. "There was no rage or anything. He was like a robot, stabbing the guy," he said. When he appeared in a Portage La Prairie courthouse on charges of second-degree murder, the only words Li reportedly uttered were pleas for someone to kill him.[sup][10][/sup]

The following week, Greyhound Canada announced it was pulling a series of nationwide ads which included the line, "There's a reason you've never heard of bus rage." The incident has led to numerous calls for and petitions demanding increased security on intercity buses.[sup][16][/sup]

After the incident, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sent an advertisement to the Portage Daily Graphic comparing the murder of Tim McLean to the killing of animals for food. The ad was rejected by the paper.[sup][17][/sup] PETA was harshly criticized for attempting to exploit the tragedy in such a manner, but refused to apologize.[sup][18][/sup]

The family of Tim McLean have brought a lawsuit of $150,000 against Greyhound, the Attorney General of Canada and Weiguang-Li.[sup][19][/sup]

Why did you take the Chinatown one? There are cheaper ones out there. Last time I took one from Metro Center and it came out cheaper than the ones running outof Chinatown. It all depends on how early you buy your tickets though. The earlier the cheaper.
You lost when you boarded a Chinatown bus. You are lucky it didn't go up in flames as he was driving. Being cheap FTL.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

You lost when you boarded a Chinatown bus. You are lucky it didn't go up in flames as he was driving. Being cheap FTL.

Lmao…I am normally not a cheap person…infact I usually spendway too much on things…(i'm not even good with coupons
) andmy husband complains I spend too much, so I was trying to just be a little frugal…but yup, bit me in the butt…
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You from Bmore??[/color]


[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]Why didn't you catch the Bolt bus? I saw like 6 on the highway this weekend.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]
I took a bus from Chinatown DC to Chinatown NY. The ride there was bad but they way back was ok.
Definitely the worst form of transportation. Then again, you get what you pay for. You should have just taken a train.
yea i take that bus all the time from bmore to nyc and those chinabusmen are OD as far as driving goes, the stops are wild inconsistent and they will just pick a stop and call it the last one...i was thinking about taking it again this weekend but im just going to capitalizeon ailing gas prices...
...what part of bmore are you in?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I live in the county out near Whitemarsh Mall.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]Where do you live OP?

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]
they're not that bad. i've had my fair share of experiences. nothing too bad though.
You're crazy, Boston to NYC Fung Wah bus is the best. I've taken it so many times and it's pretty safe. They drive pretty slow now compared to howthey drove in the past.
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