China vs. Brazil Brawl

smh you guys took the troll bait. At least I hope he's not that dumb, and just trollin.
smh you guys took the troll bait. At least I hope he's not that dumb, and just trollin.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

lol 2 poor countries going at it.... 

Did you just say China is poor?

China is the #2 richest country in the world.

If you brought population into play, maybe you'd have an arguement, but China is rich b!+c#!

lol this tool just looking at gdp. 
china is only high in gdp because of their population

avg people make $3000 a year. now that's poor. i know this for the fact not because im chinese thank god. because i study international management. lol

you go to china and you'll feel the definition of 3rd world country. do they even have internet? oh yeah 56k.

don't make beijing 2008 fool you. their lifestyle is very very low.

majority of people in china looking like bums.

oh yeah, brazil > china

k enough talk
this post is ignorant as hell. sure there are poor rural parts of china, like every developing nation, but china is far from third-world.
majority of Chinese now live in or near large city centers (i.e Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Guangzhou) and the middle class is the fastest growing class in China. 

if you've ever been to Hong Kong or Shanghai, you'd know that a ton of people are living a very high standard.

China is a nation of exceptions and people, especially people in Western nations, will NEVER understand unless if you actually spend time there. also let's not forget that MODERN china has only been in existence for the past 30~ years. 
lol...hong kong...built by uk? lmao
lol@ majority people living in modern cities. dont mean they're modern... only about 10% people are wealthy, rest are miserable...

yes modern china has been only about 30 years...but that ain't my fault. 

if you go out there and say china is wealthy, you will get so called flamed by publics lol
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

lol 2 poor countries going at it.... 

Did you just say China is poor?

China is the #2 richest country in the world.

If you brought population into play, maybe you'd have an arguement, but China is rich b!+c#!

lol this tool just looking at gdp. 
china is only high in gdp because of their population

avg people make $3000 a year. now that's poor. i know this for the fact not because im chinese thank god. because i study international management. lol

you go to china and you'll feel the definition of 3rd world country. do they even have internet? oh yeah 56k.

don't make beijing 2008 fool you. their lifestyle is very very low.

majority of people in china looking like bums.

oh yeah, brazil > china

k enough talk
this post is ignorant as hell. sure there are poor rural parts of china, like every developing nation, but china is far from third-world.
majority of Chinese now live in or near large city centers (i.e Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Guangzhou) and the middle class is the fastest growing class in China. 

if you've ever been to Hong Kong or Shanghai, you'd know that a ton of people are living a very high standard.

China is a nation of exceptions and people, especially people in Western nations, will NEVER understand unless if you actually spend time there. also let's not forget that MODERN china has only been in existence for the past 30~ years. 
lol...hong kong...built by uk? lmao
lol@ majority people living in modern cities. dont mean they're modern... only about 10% people are wealthy, rest are miserable...

yes modern china has been only about 30 years...but that ain't my fault. 

if you go out there and say china is wealthy, you will get so called flamed by publics lol
Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

lol 2 poor countries going at it.... 

Did you just say China is poor?

China is the #2 richest country in the world.

If you brought population into play, maybe you'd have an arguement, but China is rich b!+c#!

lol this tool just looking at gdp. 
china is only high in gdp because of their population

avg people make $3000 a year. now that's poor. i know this for the fact not because im chinese thank god. because i study international management. lol

you go to china and you'll feel the definition of 3rd world country. do they even have internet? oh yeah 56k.

don't make beijing 2008 fool you. their lifestyle is very very low.

majority of people in china looking like bums.

oh yeah, brazil > china

k enough talk
this post is ignorant as hell. sure there are poor rural parts of china, like every developing nation, but china is far from third-world.
majority of Chinese now live in or near large city centers (i.e Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Guangzhou) and the middle class is the fastest growing class in China. 

if you've ever been to Hong Kong or Shanghai, you'd know that a ton of people are living a very high standard.

China is a nation of exceptions and people, especially people in Western nations, will NEVER understand unless if you actually spend time there. also let's not forget that MODERN china has only been in existence for the past 30~ years. 
 you do realize that china is going to be the world's next superpower right? 

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs
Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

lol 2 poor countries going at it.... 

Did you just say China is poor?

China is the #2 richest country in the world.

If you brought population into play, maybe you'd have an arguement, but China is rich b!+c#!

lol this tool just looking at gdp. 
china is only high in gdp because of their population

avg people make $3000 a year. now that's poor. i know this for the fact not because im chinese thank god. because i study international management. lol

you go to china and you'll feel the definition of 3rd world country. do they even have internet? oh yeah 56k.

don't make beijing 2008 fool you. their lifestyle is very very low.

majority of people in china looking like bums.

oh yeah, brazil > china

k enough talk
this post is ignorant as hell. sure there are poor rural parts of china, like every developing nation, but china is far from third-world.
majority of Chinese now live in or near large city centers (i.e Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Guangzhou) and the middle class is the fastest growing class in China. 

if you've ever been to Hong Kong or Shanghai, you'd know that a ton of people are living a very high standard.

China is a nation of exceptions and people, especially people in Western nations, will NEVER understand unless if you actually spend time there. also let's not forget that MODERN china has only been in existence for the past 30~ years. 
 you do realize that china is going to be the world's next superpower right? 

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs
China will be the world's second wealthiest nation by 2015, so calling them "poor" is at the very least foolish.

But in HANNSUM's defense, despite how ignorantly he phrases it, he is right about the vast majority of their population living in poverty. The richest 1% of the population account for over 25% of the country's income. That's a HUMONGOUS gap.
China will be the world's second wealthiest nation by 2015, so calling them "poor" is at the very least foolish.

But in HANNSUM's defense, despite how ignorantly he phrases it, he is right about the vast majority of their population living in poverty. The richest 1% of the population account for over 25% of the country's income. That's a HUMONGOUS gap.
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

lol...hong kong...built by uk? lmao
lol@ majority people living in modern cities. dont mean they're modern... only about 10% people are wealthy, rest are miserable...

yes modern china has been only about 30 years...but that ain't my fault. 

if you go out there and say china is wealthy, you will get so called flamed by publics lol
Does Hong Kong not count as China? So what if they were a British colony? If anything, because of Hong Kong's example in the region of what a free-market economy can achieve, China set out and created SEZ (Special Economic Zones) where they tested out more liberal economic policies that later carried over to what they have today.
Know how I know you're ignorant? You throw out a figure like 10% of people being wealthy like that's some kind of slight.
 10% of people being considered wealthy would be incredible ANYWHERE in the world. It's more like 1% (or less) of China is wealthy. Not being wealthy does not equate to being poor and miserable though. Like I said, the middle class is the fastest growing portion of the Chinese population.

China modernizing for 30 years isn't your fault but you showing your ignorance speaking on a subject you obviously have no handle on is.
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

lol...hong kong...built by uk? lmao
lol@ majority people living in modern cities. dont mean they're modern... only about 10% people are wealthy, rest are miserable...

yes modern china has been only about 30 years...but that ain't my fault. 

if you go out there and say china is wealthy, you will get so called flamed by publics lol
Does Hong Kong not count as China? So what if they were a British colony? If anything, because of Hong Kong's example in the region of what a free-market economy can achieve, China set out and created SEZ (Special Economic Zones) where they tested out more liberal economic policies that later carried over to what they have today.
Know how I know you're ignorant? You throw out a figure like 10% of people being wealthy like that's some kind of slight.
 10% of people being considered wealthy would be incredible ANYWHERE in the world. It's more like 1% (or less) of China is wealthy. Not being wealthy does not equate to being poor and miserable though. Like I said, the middle class is the fastest growing portion of the Chinese population.

China modernizing for 30 years isn't your fault but you showing your ignorance speaking on a subject you obviously have no handle on is.
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs

Stop while you're WAY behind.

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

I'll make an admission. The gap between rich and poor in China is huge. There are still tons of people living in rural villages and are in poverty. That is a fact. This summer, I went to China and taught English in a rural village in Fujian province for a month. I got a first hand look at poverty in China.

But here is where you have to break from everything else you think to be true. China has only modernized for 30 years. It's economy is in it's infancy compared to Western countries. How long has the US had to modernize? China also has a population of 1.3 billion people. That's a fifth of the world's population in one country. What's going on right now in China is unprecedented. So while China is developing, faster than any nation ever, it has to grapple with the disparity between the rich and the poor. Never has a country advanced this quickly so how China tackles that issue in the coming years is going to be very interesting to see.

China will be the top superpower within the next decade. Bet on it.

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs

Stop while you're WAY behind.

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

I'll make an admission. The gap between rich and poor in China is huge. There are still tons of people living in rural villages and are in poverty. That is a fact. This summer, I went to China and taught English in a rural village in Fujian province for a month. I got a first hand look at poverty in China.

But here is where you have to break from everything else you think to be true. China has only modernized for 30 years. It's economy is in it's infancy compared to Western countries. How long has the US had to modernize? China also has a population of 1.3 billion people. That's a fifth of the world's population in one country. What's going on right now in China is unprecedented. So while China is developing, faster than any nation ever, it has to grapple with the disparity between the rich and the poor. Never has a country advanced this quickly so how China tackles that issue in the coming years is going to be very interesting to see.

China will be the top superpower within the next decade. Bet on it.

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

lol this tool just looking at gdp. 
china is only high in gdp because of their population

avg people make $3000 a year. now that's poor. i know this for the fact not because im chinese thank god. because i study international management. lol

you go to china and you'll feel the definition of 3rd world country. do they even have internet? oh yeah 56k.

don't make beijing 2008 fool you. their lifestyle is very very low.

majority of people in china looking like bums.

oh yeah, brazil > china

k enough talk


Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

somebody that knows what he's talking about. props to you, sir.
at these clueless @$+%.
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

lol this tool just looking at gdp. 
china is only high in gdp because of their population

avg people make $3000 a year. now that's poor. i know this for the fact not because im chinese thank god. because i study international management. lol

you go to china and you'll feel the definition of 3rd world country. do they even have internet? oh yeah 56k.

don't make beijing 2008 fool you. their lifestyle is very very low.

majority of people in china looking like bums.

oh yeah, brazil > china

k enough talk


Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

somebody that knows what he's talking about. props to you, sir.
at these clueless @$+%.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs

Stop while you're WAY behind.

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

I'll make an admission. The gap between rich and poor in China is huge. There are still tons of people living in rural villages and are in poverty. That is a fact. This summer, I went to China and taught English in a rural village in Fujian province for a month. I got a first hand look at poverty in China.

But here is where you have to break from everything else you think to be true. China has only modernized for 30 years. It's economy is in it's infancy compared to Western countries. How long has the US had to modernize? China also has a population of 1.3 billion people. That's a fifth of the world's population in one country. What's going on right now in China is unprecedented. So while China is developing, faster than any nation ever, it has to grapple with the disparity between the rich and the poor. Never has a country advanced this quickly so how China tackles that issue in the coming years is going to be very interesting to see.

China will be the top superpower within the next decade. Bet on it.

You know what he just did?

He dropped some knowledge on your %#!.

Inflation's gonna hurt though...
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs

Stop while you're WAY behind.

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

I'll make an admission. The gap between rich and poor in China is huge. There are still tons of people living in rural villages and are in poverty. That is a fact. This summer, I went to China and taught English in a rural village in Fujian province for a month. I got a first hand look at poverty in China.

But here is where you have to break from everything else you think to be true. China has only modernized for 30 years. It's economy is in it's infancy compared to Western countries. How long has the US had to modernize? China also has a population of 1.3 billion people. That's a fifth of the world's population in one country. What's going on right now in China is unprecedented. So while China is developing, faster than any nation ever, it has to grapple with the disparity between the rich and the poor. Never has a country advanced this quickly so how China tackles that issue in the coming years is going to be very interesting to see.

China will be the top superpower within the next decade. Bet on it.

You know what he just did?

He dropped some knowledge on your %#!.

Inflation's gonna hurt though...
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