Children with disabilities are God’s punishment to women who previously had abortions...UNBELIEVABLE

This. :rofl:
oh no. another one of these threads. lets all tout how better we all are because were democrats and dont believe in god.

Not the fact that we are all accountable for what we say and believe.

lets group all religions together and all political parties together.

look how fun it is to point at people and laugh.

because we know all christians and republicans believe what he says right?

lets all push our personal agendas on people and be hypocrites...
Are we pushing any thing here?

Because last I checked this person who happend to be a republican and who happened to be a christian stepped in it because he said something incredibly stupid.

Mind you...fiscal conservatives manage to make decent arguments from time to time. Social conservatives can go kick rocks off a tall bridge. 
Oh, and I think i'm demonstrably "better" than someone who doesn't have believe in a god as the motivation for doing altruistic things. 
...but thats just my opinion. 
I believe disformities and diseases are punishments for the human race as a whole for not living like we should. It affects us all either mentally are physically. Anybody can be affected by either of the two, as well. I dont think it has nothing to with what a specific person did previously. I think it has to do with how the human race has lived through the years. With our drugs, killing of one another, miss use of our bodies and our earth disformities and diseases are bound to happen. Just as a kid that keeps doing something mom told them not to do, she will eventually punish the child. I our case we have not learned our lesson and its in our nature that we never will.

At the same time, its part life. Without all this, it would still just be adam and eve.

Do you even know how or what causes various birth defects?

You sound like you're about to go make a sacrifice to the sun god instead of learning HOW modern embryology tells us that many of these birth defects occur. 

what if you pray really, really hard for the next one?
Is the point of prayer to ask an all-knowing being to change your fate in your favor? least as far as I understand.

But you also have to remember that hes not a doctor talking about the complications of abortion and potential warnings. 

He's a political using that argument AGAINST abortion, so his M.O. is still off, to me at least as someone who is pro-choice (not pro-abortion as so many anti-abortionists infer 

Its the difference between a doctor warning you of the side-effects of taking a drug that might include headaches and someone just telling you not to take the drug at all because it might cause headaches. 
I take it you're a med-student. Final year checking in here

After doing my OBGYN rotation I can pretty comfortably say that abortion has been demonstrated not to affect future fertility if performed properly.

Remember not all abortions are just "going in there and pulling out a bag of fetus" - abortions are also often "medical" with the woman delivering fetal tissue vaginally rather than performing surgical dilatation and curettage. But neither medical nor surgical have any link with future fertility problems or disability. This is just ludicrous- and I'm a Christian but it's people like the above causing the world to turn against religion as a whole.
I'm not, just applying...but I'm a researcher for the moment. 

But thanks good to know. 
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I believe disformities and diseases are punishments for the human race as a whole for not living like we should. It affects us all either mentally are physically. Anybody can be affected by either of the two, as well. I dont think it has nothing to with what a specific person did previously. I think it has to do with how the human race has lived through the years. With our drugs, killing of one another, miss use of our bodies and our earth disformities and diseases are bound to happen. Just as a kid that keeps doing something mom told them not to do, she will eventually punish the child. I our case we have not learned our lesson and its in our nature that we never will.
At the same time, its part life. Without all this, it would still just be adam and eve.
can I get a mase laughing GIF, amazed black kid GIF, the office door close GIF ...

In that order.

The bible didn't leave out birth defects... there were none...

Dat Bible logic...

:pimp: :pimp:
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I believe disformities and diseases are punishments for the human race as a whole for not living like we should. It affects us all either mentally are physically. Anybody can be affected by either of the two, as well. I dont think it has nothing to with what a specific person did previously. I think it has to do with how the human race has lived through the years. With our drugs, killing of one another, miss use of our bodies and our earth disformities and diseases are bound to happen. Just as a kid that keeps doing something mom told them not to do, she will eventually punish the child. I our case we have not learned our lesson and its in our nature that we never will.
At the same time, its part life. Without all this, it would still just be adam and eve.

I believe disformities and diseases are punishments for the human race as a whole for not living like we should. It affects us all either mentally are physically. Anybody can be affected by either of the two, as well. I dont think it has nothing to with what a specific person did previously. I think it has to do with how the human race has lived through the years. With our drugs, killing of one another, miss use of our bodies and our earth disformities and diseases are bound to happen. Just as a kid that keeps doing something mom told them not to do, she will eventually punish the child. I our case we have not learned our lesson and its in our nature that we never will.
At the same time, its part life. Without all this, it would still just be adam and eve.

I don't know why...

But I find it Fuentes when someone delivers a long winded response without much substance ... then someone quotes it, strikes thru everything they just typed and shuts their post down.

:rofl: :rofl:
I believe disformities and diseases are punishments for the human race as a whole for not living like we should. It affects us all either mentally are physically. Anybody can be affected by either of the two, as well. I dont think it has nothing to with what a specific person did previously. I think it has to do with how the human race has lived through the years. With our drugs, killing of one another, miss use of our bodies and our earth disformities and diseases are bound to happen. Just as a kid that keeps doing something mom told them not to do, she will eventually punish the child. I our case we have not learned our lesson and its in our nature that we never will.
At the same time, its part life. Without all this, it would still just be adam and eve.

Again, I hate to bring it up, but this means your God made us with the intent to punish us because he knew we would be bad. I mean, you do know a lot of diseases are genetic based and not because of any other complication except for the fact that our DNA, our genetic code, was written wrong. So this mean you are saying your God ADDED IN problems with our code in order to punish us, before we even committed a crime. This mean that he knew we would be committing crimes against his name, but if he made us why did he make us sinners, just so he could put anomalies in our genetic code which lead to disease to punish us before we even committed a crime. Effin Minority report mo fo. :x

In general isn't there something a little sadistic about "punishing" all of us even individual who do not deserve it? Especially children? I'll point you to this link for an example. 2 year old girl with cancer. And, you justify that by saying she is being punished for all of the other idiots before her who have sinned? When she hasn't even started her life. :smh:

There is not only something sadistic about that, but sick and masochistic about individuals who think this is an okay thought process and explanation for disease.

I'm sorry but no matter which way you slice it with that view your God is a sadist. The ONLY other explanation is that he/she is an IDIOT and needs to go back to "God school" to study his/her form of mathematics and programming because he is effin terrible at writing code and designing humans and the universe. Effin disease, natural disasters, etc... All written in BY him or because he just effed up on writing the equations which make us, idiot.

oh no. another one of these threads. lets all tout how better we all are because were democrats and dont believe in god.
Not the fact that we are all accountable for what we say and believe.
lets group all religions together and all political parties together.
look how fun it is to point at people and laugh.
because we know all christians and republicans believe what he says right?
lets all push our personal agendas on people and be hypocrites...

Who even said anything about being democratic or anyone being better?

Accountable for all we say and believe? Atheist take full accountability in what they do and say and believe in, they have no other higher power to blame, only themselves and their environment. It's religious people who consistently dump their negative actions on a God or his "plan."

How are we grouping all religions together and political parties when we clearly and specifically only stated republicans and Christians. What other political parties or religions have been grouped with these? Where are you getting this nonsense? If we are grouping all political parties then that includes democrats and republicans so how do you know we are democratic and talking about republicans? Are we "pointing and laughing" at ourselves then?

Hypocrites? lol. Thanks for bringing fuel to the fire then.

The only one who we can point and laugh at is you at this point.
I believe disformities and diseases are punishments for the human race as a whole for not living like we should. It affects us all either mentally are physically. Anybody can be affected by either of the two, as well. I dont think it has nothing to with what a specific person did previously. I think it has to do with how the human race has lived through the years. With our drugs, killing of one another, miss use of our bodies and our earth disformities and diseases are bound to happen. Just as a kid that keeps doing something mom told them not to do, she will eventually punish the child. I our case we have not learned our lesson and its in our nature that we never will.
At the same time, its part life. Without all this, it would still just be adam and eve.
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