Chief Keef's 8th grade baby mama sued him for child support and got 2,000+ a month from da judge

I don't make NBA money, but I make a good amount a year. I used to pay over 1.5k a month for a 1 year old. Her mother worked full time etc. I assisted with some expenses such as health care etc.

Her mother flat out told me that she was using me for money and was going to keep requesting increases until she got what she felt she should get.

I ended up fighting for custody of my daughter and got full custody after hiring a private eye etc.

She know lives in a 1 bedroom apartment and is constantly broke and for the most part could care less about seeing my daughter. Sadly most of these chicks use the kids as a meal ticket. More of these dudes should seek custody, they can afford nannys etc. At least get 50/50 where I'm pretty sure in most states you don't have to pay custody if you have 50/50.
I ended up fighting for custody of my daughter and got full custody after hiring a private eye etc.

I love to hear stories like this. Props to you sir.

May I ask, what exactly did the private investigator do? And how was it presented to the judge? Video tape? How did you prove that your Ex was using your kid as a meal ticket?...
I don't make NBA money, but I make a good amount a year. I used to pay over 1.5k a month for a 1 year old. Her mother worked full time etc. I assisted with some expenses such as health care etc.

Her mother flat out told me that she was using me for money and was going to keep requesting increases until she got what she felt she should get.

I ended up fighting for custody of my daughter and got full custody after hiring a private eye etc.

She know lives in a 1 bedroom apartment and is constantly broke and for the most part could care less about seeing my daughter. Sadly most of these chicks use the kids as a meal ticket. More of these dudes should seek custody, they can afford nannys etc. At least get 50/50 where I'm pretty sure in most states you don't have to pay custody if you have 50/50.
i know alot of people in the same situation but dont want to fight and throw in the towel and complain all the time. For most broads that is their destiny honestly , to become someones baby momma and live  with what is given than what is earned. But as men we got to make better decisions and think in the long term before running into these girls with no helmet or plan.
I don't make NBA money, but I make a good amount a year. I used to pay over 1.5k a month for a 1 year old. Her mother worked full time etc. I assisted with some expenses such as health care etc.

Her mother flat out told me that she was using me for money and was going to keep requesting increases until she got what she felt she should get.

I ended up fighting for custody of my daughter and got full custody after hiring a private eye etc.

She know lives in a 1 bedroom apartment and is constantly broke and for the most part could care less about seeing my daughter. Sadly most of these chicks use the kids as a meal ticket. More of these dudes should seek custody, they can afford nannys etc. At least get 50/50 where I'm pretty sure in most states you don't have to pay custody if you have 50/50.
success story....

Even more cuz you ride a gsxr.....

My dude said say it ain't sosa 
I don't make NBA money, but I make a good amount a year. I used to pay over 1.5k a month for a 1 year old. Her mother worked full time etc. I assisted with some expenses such as health care etc.

Her mother flat out told me that she was using me for money and was going to keep requesting increases until she got what she felt she should get.

I ended up fighting for custody of my daughter and got full custody after hiring a private eye etc.

She know lives in a 1 bedroom apartment and is constantly broke and for the most part could care less about seeing my daughter. Sadly most of these chicks use the kids as a meal ticket. More of these dudes should seek custody, they can afford nannys etc. At least get 50/50 where I'm pretty sure in most states you don't have to pay custody if you have 50/50.
see thats what im saying these women are trifling(no offense to ur bm) but they are. but we are stupid to know that this type of thing is going on and do nothing about it. My kids mom had the nerve to ask me why didnt i have the kids call her on mothers day. I wanted to say because they were to busy having mothers day with there step mom. but i just played it off like i forgot. She barely calls me to see them havent bought school clothes or even a pair of socks for my kids in i dont know when. She doesnt even know the name of the school they go to. if it wasnt for my current girl(been with for 5 year) they wouldnt have any mother figure DAILY in there lives. but u know what i dont even blame their mom. Its my fault cause i knew what type of women she was when i ws ******g with her.
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see thats what im saying these women are trifling(no offense to ur bm) but they are. but we are stupid to know that this type of thing is going on and do nothing about it. My kids mom had the nerve to ask me why didnt i have the kids call her on mothers day. I wanted to say because they were to busy having mothers day with there step mom. but i just played it off like i forgot. She barely calls me to see them havent bought school clothes or even a pair of socks for my kids in i dont know when. She doesnt even know the name of the school they go to. if it wasnt for my current girl(been with for 5 year) they wouldnt have any mother figure DAILY in there lives. but u know what i dont even blame their mom. Its my fault cause i knew what type of women she was when i ws ******g with her.
real ish at-least you can admit to what she was before yall had children most baby fathers just fall in love the supply of yambs that they look past everything else. Thats kinda funny she had something to say about mothers day 
 You think she's coming out of pocket for daycare? That **** is mostly subsidized in these scenarios homie...between that, stamps, living at Momma's and the section 8 crib in her future, she's going to be just fine and spend about $50 of real money a week on necessities (diapers, wipes, baby clothes, household paper products etc) for a very long time. I'm telling you, the way the system is set up, getting knocked up can be a has become solid career choice.
i mean just think about can a person who cant even remember to take a pill everyday...or cares to do so, be responsible for another human being? Also ppl act like the govt isnt consistant. You can get downsized/laidoff a job. Hell a job aint even promised (see high unemployment rates) You cant get fired from stamps, wic, tanf, sect 8. It is the most consistent and gauranteed source of income there is. We have reached highs/lows our economy and all have been affected by it....with the exception of women living off the govt. Them checks gonna always come, and always be good.
There are two schools of thought on child support, and depending on which you subscribe to will determine your level of rage at a supposedly high child support payment.

Number 1: Child support should exceed what is necessary to cover the necessities of raising a child, i.e. food, shelter, clothing, day care, etc.  Using this reasoning, no child support payment should be any more than any other child support payment, excepting differences for cost of living in different locales.

Number 2: The child is entitled to a microcosm of the parent's lifestyle.  That is to say, that a child of a multi-millionaire should live like the child of a multi-millionaire regardless of whether that particular parent is in the picture.  So, a child shouldn't have to eat low-quality food everyday and go to terrible schools, when, if the parents were in a relationship together, the child would have a better standard-of-living.

I think the correct policy lies somewhere in between those two.  A person raking in 30 million annually shouldn't be able to get by with a 20k payment, but neither should he have to pay anything in excess of a 100k...that is enough money to put mother and child in a good home in a great neighborhood, with private schools, a family vehicle, clothes, etc.  And that's before any kind of additional income that the mother would gain by working herself.
I love to hear stories like this. Props to you sir.

May I ask, what exactly did the private investigator do? And how was it presented to the judge? Video tape? How did you prove that your Ex was using your kid as a meal ticket?...

Thanks man, followed her for a week or so and dug up quite a bit of information, approached the people who she was participating in some of these activates with and they agreed to come to court and testify on my behalf to avoid any legal issues.

i know alot of people in the same situation but dont want to fight and throw in the towel and complain all the time. For most broads that is their destiny honestly , to become someones baby momma and live  with what is given than what is earned. But as men we got to make better decisions and think in the long term before running into these girls with no helmet or plan.

Ain't no doubt about that, my daughter is the greatest gift I've ever gotten though. She has made me a much better person and allowed e to focus instead of doing the things that caused me to run in to her mother in the first place.

success story....

Even more cuz you ride a gsxr.....



see thats what im saying these women are trifling(no offense to ur bm) but they are. but we are stupid to know that this type of thing is going on and do nothing about it. My kids mom had the nerve to ask me why didnt i have the kids call her on mothers day. I wanted to say because they were to busy having mothers day with there step mom. but i just played it off like i forgot. She barely calls me to see them havent bought school clothes or even a pair of socks for my kids in i dont know when. She doesnt even know the name of the school they go to. if it wasnt for my current girl(been with for 5 year) they wouldnt have any mother figure DAILY in there lives. but u know what i dont even blame their mom. Its my fault cause i knew what type of women she was when i ws ******g with her.

My girlfriend and I have been together for 3 years and she's an amazing step mom, she's a great role model for my daughter. When my daughter made mothers day cards at school the other day she made it for my girlfriend. We will be engaged some point in the near future. :smokin
I hate idiots that just impregnante people because they are reckless

American is gonna have to adapt a two child policy someday because of clowns like this
I don't make NBA money, but I make a good amount a year. I used to pay over 1.5k a month for a 1 year old. Her mother worked full time etc. I assisted with some expenses such as health care etc.

Her mother flat out told me that she was using me for money and was going to keep requesting increases until she got what she felt she should get.

I ended up fighting for custody of my daughter and got full custody after hiring a private eye etc.

She know lives in a 1 bedroom apartment and is constantly broke and for the most part could care less about seeing my daughter. Sadly most of these chicks use the kids as a meal ticket. More of these dudes should seek custody, they can afford nannys etc. At least get 50/50 where I'm pretty sure in most states you don't have to pay custody if you have 50/50.

Let me ask you something. When you were dealing with her before you two had the kid, did you know she was no good? Or was she putting on her best behavior?
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Let me ask you something. When you were dealing with her before you two had the kid, did you know she was no good? Or was she putting on her best behavior?

It's funny you ask that, because when this first happened I got asked that a lot. A lot of people due to the nature of my business background etc couldn't understand it.

In reality man she acted like a totally different person, it was so bad that it took me 2 years to fully comprehend what happened. She seemed like the most upstanding person I had met.

After the fact, I started to realize certain things that had happened while we were kicking it that were signs I missed.

End of the day, I slipped and didn't rock a jimmy because of the facade she was putting on. :smh:
It's funny you ask that, because when this first happened I got asked that a lot. A lot of people due to the nature of my business background etc couldn't understand it.

In reality man she acted like a totally different person, it was so bad that it took me 2 years to fully comprehend what happened. She seemed like the most upstanding person I had met.

After the fact, I started to realize certain things that had happened while we were kicking it that were signs I missed.

End of the day, I slipped and didn't rock a jimmy because of the facade she was putting on. :smh:

I had a feeling it was something along these lines. It seems you're essentially taking a leap of faith when you have a child with a woman you're not married to.
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