You don't have to see the movie. Just get all the facts about Che here on NT, since every poster here apparently knows the truth about him.
Now just wait for the wave of t-shirts to be worn in the thousands with his face on, helping capitalism..
go see it. it's a really good movie. i didn't think it was going to be as good as it ended up being...

i just made a thread on this last night but anyone interested in this movie should also check out the motorcycle diaries. it's also very good
This movie is already out on on command/demand.. Even though its still in theaters, its on an IFC exclusive release for all digital cable subscribers.. Idon't know about satilite. I just saw both movies and its AMAZING.. Del toros performance is great, and def worty of an oscar nomination. I strongly adviseu guys to see this movie. Its mostly in spanish with subtitles, but well worth it! Set some time aside, both movies are over 2 hours each.
Originally Posted by ago225

Originally Posted by bboy1827

I really don't think most people that wear his shirts know what he's about.


You can say what you want about the negative stuff he did, but his yearning to eradicate poverty and help the poor people around the world was sincere. And itwasn't just some cheap politician talk lies, it was something that he was willing to die for. And he did. The fact is that after the Cuban revolution, hecould've chilled in Cuba and lived the good life until his death like a dictator, but he did not do that.
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